Tree sapling requires care

Horticulture is troublesome, requiring not only considerable effort, but also a lot of knowledge. You can’t create a beautiful garden by planting trees on a plot. Yes, and this must still be able to perform correctly. Where to buy seedlings of trees, how to plant them, when it is better to do it - the gardener has to solve these and other issues regularly.

Tree seedling
Landing time

A seedling of a tree or shrub should be planted in spring or autumn - during dormancy. In spring, this is done before the buds open, and in the fall, after the growth is stopped. Planting seedlings in each of these seasons has its advantages.

Spring method provides good survival of plants. At this time, there is a large supply of moisture in the soil, which allows seedlings to settle in a new place. The plant manages to get stronger before the onset of summer heat. This procedure is best done immediately after thawing the soil.

Autumn planting helps to improve the conditions for the formation of new roots. The presence of a large amount of moisture helps plants to take root. However, a seedling of an autumn tree is more difficult to keep from rodents and freezing of roots.

Right choice

There are several rules that are recommended to observe when purchasing seedlings:

  • make purchases only in nurseries or specialty stores;
  • Do not take plants with mechanical damage or underdeveloped;
  • the roots should not be dry and brittle.

A healthy seedling of a two-year-old tree should have at least three branches up to 30 centimeters long, a developed bud and a thickness of the stem at least 2 cm. The branches on the trunk should be evenly spaced, 40-60 centimeters in length.

Getting ready in advance

Autumn Tree Sapling

The landing pit must be dug in advance. For spring work, it is necessary to prepare a deepening in the soil in the fall, and before the autumn planting - a few weeks before planting.

A tree seedling requires a pit with a depth of about 80 centimeters and 1 meter in diameter. Shrubs need a smaller recess - 60 centimeters in diameter and half a meter deep. Large pits are necessary so that young and not yet strong roots of the plant grow in soft soil, and not break through a dense layer of earth.

After choosing a place for planting, you must first remove the top layer of soil and lay it on the edge of the pit. The bottom layer is folded separately. Then, a previously prepared fertilizer is poured into the pit, consisting of double superphosphate, potassium sulfate and chloride, wood ash, fluff lime and 1-2 buckets of compost or well-rotted manure.

Where to buy tree seedlings
All this mixes well with half the topsoil. A third of the resulting mixture is taken out of the pit to be used later. If the soil is heavy on the plot, add a few buckets of sand to the extracted earth. With sandy soil, clay should be poured into the bottom of the pit.


We make a knoll in the pit and set a tree seedling on it so that its root neck is several centimeters above the level of the edge of the recess. It is necessary to monitor the even distribution of roots in the planting pit. You need to fill the ground so that there are no voids. Then we compact the soil around the seedling, but we do this very carefully so as not to damage the roots.

After planting, we make a hole around the tree, into which we pour one or two buckets of water. Watering will provide good contact of the roots with the soil.


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