How to call a girl a Scottish fold cat: breed features, interesting nicknames, reviews

You have a great taste if you decide to have a Scottish fold cat. Girls of this breed are affectionate, gentle and reverent creations - this is a real gift for every lover of furry animals. So, a cat has appeared in your family. Now she needs to pick up a beautiful and original name. From the article you will learn how to call a cat a Scottish fold girl.

General name suggestions

It is important to choose the right name for the cat. Your pet's name should reflect all the basic features of a pet. When choosing a name for a cat, be guided by the following features:

  • behavior;
  • character;
  • appearance;
  • habits.

Sometimes it’s so hard to find the right nickname. Next, we will talk about how to choose a name for a cat girl of a Scottish fold breed.

fold kitten

Distinctive features of the breed

Scottish fold cats have the following features:

  • Aristocracy and a majestic appearance.
  • Calm and flexible character.
  • Playful mood.
  • Attachment to the owners.
  • A thoughtful look.
bright cat

Rules for choosing a name for a Scottish fold cat

What to name a Scottish fold cat? You can name the girl at your discretion, but it will be useful to take into account the following recommendations for choosing a nickname:

  • Scottish cat should be called a short name. The nickname should be easy to remember. No need to get carried away by names like Gabriella Antoine, the cat simply will not accept this nickname.
  • A cat will perfectly perceive a name consisting of only two syllables (for example, Jujuy).
  • The animal responds favorably to the nickname, which ends in a vowel.
  • The cat will be attracted by a name that has hissing sounds.
  • Do not call her a name that only suits a kitten. For example, Masya is no longer suitable for an adult pet. It is better to choose a nickname that will reflect the character traits of a cat or its manner of behavior, this name will always be relevant.

It is worth remembering that the girls of this breed are very affectionate and graceful. Therefore, the name should be gentle and airy, like the cat herself.

cat is playing

Cat name and coat color

Names that reflect the color of the cat's fur are very popular. Pets of this breed can be of the following colors:

  • Black. For cats of black color, the names Darki, Glitter, Blackie and the like are perfect.
  • Whiskas A pet of whiskas color can be called Luna or Lucille - these nicknames are unique and unusual.
  • White. For cats with light hair, the names White, Blondi, Santa, Waites and so on are perfect.
  • Gray. What to name a cat Scottish Fold? The girl of gray color can be given the name Melis, Grelli, Gray, Gretta, Kara.
  • Orange. For redhead cats, the names Reddy, Reda, Sunny, Sonya, Sannela and others are ideal.
  • If your kitty has an unusual and rare color, then you should choose a name that would emphasize its peculiarity.
gray kitten

A custom approach to choosing a name

Choosing a name for a Scottish fold cat is a reverent and individual process that requires a flight of imagination.

You can call your kitty the name of your favorite actress or just the person you love.

It will be original if the name reflects the name of the cat breed:

  • English version: Sket, Scotty, Skollin, Scottlin.
  • Scottish version: Lundy, Schottie, Scotland, Schotley, Scholly and so on.

It seems that there is nothing original in these names, but few people come to name the pet with the given nicknames. Choose one of the above names, and you can be sure that your pet will be named in an original and unusual way.

It will also be no less original if you name your kitty in honor of the designers Gucci, Chanel, Lanven or Versace.

gray cat

Do not rush to choose a name

Do not rush and give the cat a name on the first day of her life in your house. Take a closer look at the kitten and identify the main features of its character.

The first week the kitty gets used to your house, to the new environment, so the fluffy baby does not pay attention to how her owners call her. To get started, she just needs to get used to your voice.

It is also not recommended to delay nicknames, or the cat will want to respond only to "kitty kitty" and "uti-way." A girl might think that her name really is.

scottish kitten

Decide on a name for your new darling for seven days. Otherwise, it will be difficult for you to accustom the cat to the chosen name.

What if the name is not selected?

Scottish cats adore children. Pets feel inner purity and light. You can safely entrust the choice of nicknames to your child. Usually, children choose a name that cat likes.

Also, you can allow the cat itself to choose a name. Make a list of clicks and start listing them with it. If the cat somehow reacted in a special way to a certain name, then feel free to give it to her.

Simple and tasteful

Many owners like to call their pets mysterious, intricate and twisted names. Such a choice is a personal matter for everyone. However, the cat will like a simple and easy option.

Remember that you will look a little strange when you have to repeat the nickname of your pet several times. Think about the cat herself - it will be difficult for her to perceive a long and confusing name. Your favorite simply will not appreciate your efforts and will not respond to the mysterious, in your opinion, and exquisite name.

True, simplicity must also be original. You should not name a new family member as follows:

  • Names that are often used for domestic cats: Baska, Kuzya, Murka and so on.
  • Diminutive names: Busichka, Kitty, Murochka, Bunny, Musichka.
  • Common human names: Dasha, Masha, Olya, Sasha, Natasha.

If you bought a cat with a passport

Often, cats of this breed are sold with a veterinary passport, which contains the name of the pet. It is usually long and complex. Try to shorten the nickname. For example, cut Margaret to Margot or Marie.

The veterinary passport also contains the names of all the cats of previous generations of your pet. You have the right to name a cat in honor of her grandmother or simply abbreviate the names of several ancestors.

For example, your cat’s grandmother’s name was Johnson-Elizabeth Charlotte. You can replace this elegant name with Charla, Elsa, Charlie, Elizabeth, Lizi, Eliza, Jonesy, Gina and so on. It turns out simply and with taste!


Before choosing a name for your pet, it is worthwhile to familiarize yourself with the description of such a wonderful breed as a Scottish fold cat. This is the moment, according to reviews of the owners of cats, is considered the main when choosing a name.

To fully understand the characteristics of the breed, owners of fold cats recommend watching a video that fully reflects the main character traits of Scottish fold cats. Perhaps the video will help you develop your imagination and easily choose a name for your new friend.

Do not be afraid of experiments. Try unusual combinations of syllables and letters, and perhaps you can make an original and unique nickname for your favorite.


We hope this article helped you choose the name of a Scottish fold cat.

Remember the main rules:

  • the name for the cat should sound melodic;
  • nickname should be easy to pronounce;
  • the name for the pet should not be long;
  • the cat must respond in its name.

Now you know how to name a cat a Scottish fold girl, given all the features of her character and appearance. Take the choice of name responsibly - with this nickname you will call your darling her whole life. Let the name bring joy to you and your pet.


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