How to make a do-it-yourself jigger for fish

What is a fish tanker? This is a separate space where fry and young fish are moved. This is done in order to protect him from death. Most phenotypes consume immature fry as food. If they are not isolated, all offspring will perish.

Varieties of Riders

Traditionally, fish farmers begin to use before spawning. A pair is planted for this period and returned to the general aquarium after spawning. The fry remain in the jail until they grow up. Beginning aquarists like to use glass jars and other containers as separate aquariums for young animals. This is not always convenient. Moreover, if there are several phenotypes in the aquarium, the number of cans can reach a huge amount. This is not always convenient, especially when it comes to small-sized premises. It is much more convenient and cheaper to make a fish tank in a common aquarium. Here are the three most popular varieties of such creches:

  • Reticulate.
  • Transparent.
  • Combined.

Each of these models has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. Let's consider them in detail.

Mesh nursery

Mesh models are budget types. For their manufacture, a rigid frame, a polymer mesh, organic glass or similar materials are used. The design is attached using hooks or specialized holders to the wall of the main aquarium. Despite the low cost, the fish tank screen has two serious disadvantages:

  • food debris and fish waste products accumulate in the cells;
  • sometimes adults get into a day nursery and inflict damage to fry.

This type of jig is recommended only when there are no other options.

Mesh fish tank

Transparent day nursery

Transparent models are more versatile and easier to keep clean. They are made using plastic, polymeric materials, organic glass. Such a fish tank can be attached to the wall of the main aquarium or put to the bottom. When installing, it is important to consider that the water level in the tank should be below the level of its sides.

Transparent nursery for fry

Combined Models

Combined fish tanker combines a budget price and easy maintenance. Installation requirements are the same as for transparent models.

Combination jig for fry

Jigger for live-bearing fish

Breeding live-bearing fish is a special art. Aquarists go to many tricks to protect offspring from their parents. Traditionally, shortly before birth, the female is sent to a separate aquarium. After the offspring was born, it returns to its usual habitat. But there are some problems with traditional types of fry aquariums. Minimal circulation of water or its stagnation often leads to the death of fish. For live-bearing breeds, experienced aquarists recommend flowing nurseries. They provide comfortable conditions for the life and development of young animals.

vigor for viviparous phenotypes

DIY jigger

Making a fish tanker with your own hands is not difficult. You do not need to look for specialized tools or materials for this. Quite enough improvised means. Consider the manufacture of a combined model from improvised materials. For manufacturing you will need:

  • a plastic container (suitable for Korean carrots, seaweed, etc.);
  • nylon tights;
  • suction cups;
  • knife (preferably clerical with a thin blade).

The container can be taken in any shape, but it is most convenient to work with a square one. Using a heated knife, cut holes in the container and lid. Please note that it is better to leave a side about 1 cm below. This is done so that the waste does not fall into the main aquarium and the nursery is easy to clean. Then we pull the stocking on the body. Please note that stockings come in different densities and cell diameters. It is better to give preference to hosiery with small cells. Having put a capron on the case, we remove all unnecessary and fix the structure with the cover. Suction cups or hooks of the required length are used to fix the wall of the aquarium.

A little more complicated in the manufacture of flow-through precipitator. It is glued from organic glass. To prevent fry from getting stuck in the slots, insulating gaskets are installed. The nursery is connected to the main aquarium using a tube with a curved end. From below on a tube put on a cover made of kapron with large cells. It will not allow fry to get into the main aquarium and will solve the problem with water circulation. The bottom of the depositor is covered with fine-grained sand.

Rules for keeping young animals

Proper fry care

Since the presence of lush vegetation in the manger is not necessary, then caring for them is greatly simplified. A compressor is installed in the tank. For these purposes, a sponge filter that connects to the main compressor is suitable. A heating element is used to maintain the desired water temperature. Water temperature is selected individually, depending on the phenotype.

Do not forget about lighting. For this, fluorescent lamps are installed that do not change the temperature of the water. The optimal daylight hours are 10-12 hours. Gradually, this time is reduced to 8 hours. Water in the manger changes once every 7-10 days. Filters are cleaned twice a week.

Properly designed nurseries are a fundamental factor in obtaining healthy offspring. When constructing a seedbed yourself, consider features such as phenotype, size, quality, and number of eggs. The size of the depositor will depend on this. Remember that the wrong size in 90% of cases leads to the death of young animals.


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