Seek and find. The meaning of phraseology, its origin and use in speech

Did it happen that instead of ordinary words you suddenly wanted to express yourself in a more sublime, pathos; to utter a beautiful phrase, surprising the interlocutors with the expressiveness of their speech? Or, on the contrary, are you striving to make communication easier, to translate the dialogue into a playful, ironic tone? If the answer is yes, then you are probably familiar with such a concept as phraseological units, or stable phrases. They are designed to make our speech more vivid, emotional, unusual. There are stable expressions of various origins, and their stylistic coloring often depends on this.

Phraseologisms of biblical, literary origin are, as a rule, bookish, which means that such expressions make our speech more sublime and inspired, authoritative and significant. And in other situations, the use of "high" phraseological units is so paradoxical that it becomes ironic, playful.

The meaning of the biblical quote, “seek and find,” has also become steady. All about the meaning of the phrase, its origin, read in this article.

seek and find the meaning of phraseology

Seek and find. The meaning of phraseology

The essence of this phrase is quite simple to understand. The most difficult, perhaps, is the interpretation of the word "come to an end." It is outdated, has not been used in speech for a long time, so many modern people remain incomprehensible. You come to terms - this is the form of the verb "find," that is, "find," "receive." Thus, one can interpret phraseologism into modern Russian: search and find.

If you want to find something, then look for it, and not just wait until it comes into your own hands. The expression says precisely that if you make the necessary efforts, do everything necessary, then any person will achieve his goal.

Seek and find

Expression History

In order to accurately understand the meaning of phraseology “seek and find,” you must know its etymology, that is, its origin. It has already been mentioned that this is a quote from the Bible. Now more about this.

Such a phrase can be found in the Gospel of Matthew (chap. 7, vv. 7-8) and the gospel of Luke (ch. 11, v. 9). So Jesus instructs his disciples. Along with “seek and find,” there are advices, “ask, and it will be given to you”; "knock, and they will open it to you." That is, Jesus says that to everyone who makes any efforts to achieve their goal, in the end, the desired comes.

seek and find a quote from the bible meaning

When to use in speech

Despite the fact that the phraseologism “seek and find” has one meaning, it can be used in completely different communicative situations.

This phraseological unit, although it has a book, sublime stylistic coloring, can be used in an ironic tone. If you want to cheerfully joke someone, encourage his undertakings, praise perseverance, then you can safely use this expression.

In the case of small talk, the phrase “seek and find” will also be appropriate, then it will already sound not ironic, but serious and authoritative.


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