Decorative and deciduous houseplants: names, features of cultivation

Do you think it is possible to create comfort in a house without houseplants? It is possible, but, alas, it is quite difficult. But as soon as a pot with a green friend appears, the room is immediately filled with comfort and warmth. That is why many housewives are very fond of deciduous houseplants. They are able to decorate the house throughout the year. As a rule, decorative-deciduous houseplants do not differ in magnificent blossoming, but they are shade-tolerant and unpretentious in leaving. In our article we will talk about how to care for home flowers, and for this we have chosen ten of the most wonderful "green friends" of each mistress.

Alocasia - the beauty of the tropicana

Alocasia is an evergreen plant with large and beautiful leaves, on which there are pronounced white veins. Popularly, this exotic flower is called the "elephant ear." Alocasia blooms very rarely. But even when this happens, experienced gardeners prefer to cut the flowers of the plant, as this prevents the leaves from growing actively. Alocasia, the care of which does not require special rules, is poisonous. All parts of the plant can be irritating to the skin and mucous membranes.

alocasia care

Shine. Alocasia loves bright diffused light and does not tolerate direct sunlight. For this plant, both a deficiency and an excess of light can become fatal. The surest decision will be the west or east side of the house.

Temperature. Alocasia, the care of which is even a novice grower, is a thermophilic plant. The main thing is that she does not suffer from temperature changes. In summer, you need to provide the flower with a temperature of about 20-25 degrees, and in winter 18 degrees.

Humidity. Since the beautiful alocasia comes from tropical forests, high humidity is very important for her. It is possible to provide a plant with necessary humidity by spraying in hot weather.

Watering. The earth in the pot with alocasia should not dry out. In the summer, abundant watering is necessary, but in winter you need to water the plant carefully so that the roots do not rot.

Common asparagus

Another popular plant that can be found on any continent is asparagus. The species of this flower have increased decorativeness, the leaves resemble small twigs, similar to needles.

asparagus species

Shine. Asparagus loves light, but itโ€™s best not to place it in direct sunlight. In the warm season, you can take it to fresh air.

Temperature. For asparagus, temperature differences do not matter, but for more comfortable conditions it is better to grow it at 20-22 degrees in the warm season, and at 14-15 degrees in the winter. Of course, drafts for a plant are fatal.

Humidity. This indicator also does not play a special role for asparagus, but if you notice that the plant has begun to turn yellow and dry, it means that the air in the room is still dry. Therefore, occasionally a flower needs to be sprayed.

Watering. In the summer, watering is plentiful. The earth should not dry out; it may dry out a little. In winter, you need to water the plant occasionally.

Aspidistra - Iron Lady

Aspidistra is an evergreen plant that does not have a stem. This flower is also called a "friendly family." Because each leaf of the aspidistra has its own vertical shoot. This plant rarely blooms, and only one day, and is not particularly remarkable. But the leaves of the aspidistra look much more spectacular.

aspidistra leaf

Shine. Aspidistra is one of the few plants that can be content with a little light. The pot can be placed on the north or east window.

Temperature. This iron lady is ready to withstand almost any temperature. True, at a temperature below 10 degrees the aspidistra will begin to feel uncomfortable. And so the best option would be room temperature.

Humidity. Aspidistra does not need special moisturizing conditions, so you can spray the plant a couple of times a week.

Watering. For aspidistra excess moisture is more harmful than its lack. Therefore, in the summer, you need to water the plant once a week, and in winter - 2 times a month will be enough.

Euonymus: planting and care

Most often, this evergreen shrub is grown outdoors. For cultivation at home use a Japanese euonymus. Planting and caring for this plant also does not require much effort, so it is popular for the improvement of apartments, offices and conservatories.

euonymus landing and care

Shine. The plant is shade-loving, it must be protected from direct sunlight.

Temperature. The euonymus does not tolerate too hot rooms, so 25 degrees is considered the optimal temperature. In winter, the plant is able to survive even at very low temperatures, but it is best to provide the flower with conditions at 6-8 degrees Celsius.

Humidity. For euonymus, humidity does not matter, so you can spray the plant once a week.

Watering. In the summer, the plant should be watered abundantly, but not allowing stagnation of moisture in the pan. The rest of the year, watering should be moderate, do not allow the soil to completely dry out.

Sensitive biofitum

Biofitum is a perennial plant similar to a palm tree. The flower has a single stem on which the top of a bunch of leaves is formed. Biofitum is a plant with an amazing property, its leaves are able to add up from adverse external influences.


Shine. Lighting for biofituma does not play a special role. You can place it in the shade and under bright light. But if you want the biofitum to bloom, it needs a constant bright light.

Temperature. The temperature regime for growing biofitum should be as follows: in summer - 25 degrees, in winter - 18 degrees.

Humidity. The plant is able to tolerate different indicators, but prefers humidity of more than 50%. Spray the plant regularly. Biofitum ideally grows in greenhouse conditions.

Watering. You need to water the plant evenly throughout the year. It does not tolerate dry soil, but also does not like when a swamp is bred.

Brainia snow

Brainia is an evergreen shrub with stunning foliage. Seeing this plant, you might think that it is strewn with bright colors that are powdery with snow. That is why it is called "snowy". The leaves of this flower are bright green with pale pink spots. Brainia, the care of which should be carried out only with gloves, is poisonous.

brainia care

Shine. This beautiful flower needs bright diffused light, and direct sunlight can burn its leaves.

Temperature. In the summer - 23-25 โ€‹โ€‹degrees, in the winter - 16 degrees of heat.

Humidity. Brainia is a tropical flower, therefore, and air humidity should be appropriate, that is, 60% or more. Spray the plant regularly.

Watering. The key to plant health is constantly wet mail, so you need to water the brainia every other day. In winter, watering should be slightly reduced. Do not plant a swamp in a pot.

Dracaena - indoor palm

Dracaena is the most popular plant among all decorative and deciduous. It does not require special care, but it can turn any room into a comfortable room. By the way, the word "dracaena" means "female dragon." In the process of growth, the trunk of the plant becomes stiff, and the leaves grow at the very top, which is why the flower is also called a palm.

Shine. Any dracaena loves diffused light to one degree or another, depending on the species. For example, plants with variegated leaves still require more light.

Temperature. In summer, it is better to keep the flower at a temperature of no more than 25 degrees Celsius, but in winter this figure is better to lower to 15 degrees.

Humidity. Although dracaena is resistant to dry indoor air, it is still better to spray it regularly. In this case, drops of moisture should not remain on the leaves, otherwise they will rot.

Watering. In the warm season, dracaena needs to be watered 2 times a week, and in winter one will be enough.

Zamioculcas - dollar tree

Zamioculcas has become popular recently, but has already taken its worthy niche in the world of indoor plants. This flower is unpretentious, which is why it is grown not only in homes, but also in office premises.

decorative foliage indoor plants

Shine. Zamioculcas is able to grow in the shade and in bright light.

Temperature. Zamioculcas is a thermophilic plant, so you should not allow temperatures below 16 degrees. It tolerates heat well, but the most optimal temperature is from 18 to 25 degrees. Indifferent to drafts.

Humidity. It is not necessary to spray Zamioculcas, but in order to remove dust from the leaves, you can shower once a week.

Watering. Zamiokulkas needs abundant and regular watering, but the soil must necessarily dry out. Do not be offended if they forget to water it.

Maranta - a prayer plant

The arrowroot plant came to us from tropical America. This flower is distinguished by the decorativeness of its leaves and their spectacular coloring. It is believed that the arrowroot is not a plant for beginners, but this can be argued. Each beginner grower can comply with all conditions for maintenance.

arrowroot plant

Shine. Lighting in caring for this flower is a fundamental factor. With a lack of light, the leaves of the plant are able to curl.

Temperature. Since the arrowroot is a resident of the tropics, she loves warmth. In the summer, she needs a temperature of 20-25 degrees. In winter - 18 degrees. Maranta does not tolerate drafts.

Humidity. Maranta loves high humidity, and you can not always do with conventional spraying. Better to put the pot in a tray with wet moss.

Watering. Watering the plant is necessary depending on the condition of the soil. The earth should be a little dry. It is also impossible to transfuse a plant.

Golden scindapsus

Scindapsus is a winding vine that can decorate any corner. The leaves resemble a heart in shape. Scindapsus, care of which does not require special skills, is able to clean the room of bad energy. By the way, there is a belief that this flower expels husbands from home. But all these are prejudices.

scindapsus care

Shine. The plant is considered shade-tolerant, but bright diffused light is still necessary for its active growth. Protect the flower from direct sunlight.

Temperature. In summer, the flower will feel great at room temperature, but in winter it is better to provide cooler conditions (18 degrees). When choosing the location of the pot, keep in mind that Scindapsus is afraid of sudden changes in temperature and drafts.

Humidity. The plant loves high humidity. Therefore, scindapsus should be regularly sprayed with warm water.

Watering. The main thing is that the soil is regularly moistened. But do not overdo it, otherwise the roots will rot.


If you still do not have a single flower pot on the windowsill, then, most likely, your room can not be called lively and cozy. Run to the flower shop soon. After all, all the decorative and deciduous indoor plants are able to instill vitality in any room. And it doesnโ€™t matter if you are new to this business, everyone is able to handle it. In return, you will get not only comfort, but also fresh air, because it is known that decorative-deciduous indoor plants absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen.


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