Turnkey warming of the loggia: what is included in the service, stages of work, appearance with a photo

Warming of the loggia allows, albeit not by much, but still to increase the usable area of ​​a city apartment or house. Technologically, insulation of a balcony is a relatively simple matter. Various standards for the insulation of such structures, however, must be observed exactly.

Of course, you can do this procedure yourself. But still, the owners of country houses and apartments often commission turnkey loggia insulation to specialists. In this case, the work will certainly cost more. However, the owners of the apartment at the same time have the opportunity to save time and energy.

Installation of expanded polystyrene on the balcony

Of course, in most cases, companies specializing in loggia insulation do their job well and responsibly these days. But the owner of a real estate who has ordered such a procedure should know about some of its features, of course. This will allow you to monitor the activities of hired craftsmen.

Warming of turnkey balconies and loggias: stages of work

Of course, first of all, the isolation of the balcony from the cold involves its glazing using sealed double-glazed windows. Also, such a procedure when ordering turnkey includes in most cases the following types of work:

  • waterproofing of the enclosing structures of the loggia, including the parapet, floor and ceiling;

  • installation of the insulation layer itself;

  • installation of a vapor barrier;

  • fine cladding.

When warming the loggia on a turn-key basis, the craftsmen can also additionally lay wiring and change old floors.

Preparatory work

The owners who ordered the insulation of the loggia, of course, should first of all remove furniture, trash, garbage and dirt from it, if any. Specialists, before proceeding with the warming of the loggia, perform the following work:

  • dismantle old floors and parapet lining;

  • check the strength of the metal fence and, if necessary, strengthen it;

  • close up holes and gaps in the concrete parapet, if any.

Metal parapets of loggias in most cases are strengthened using narrow foam blocks of the D600-D700 brand. Gaps, cracks and holes in concrete fencing close up with cement mortar.

Turnkey glazing and insulation of loggias: wiring installation

The insulated loggia, in fact, is a small living room. Therefore, it necessarily provides lighting. It is forbidden to take out central heating batteries to the insulated loggia by standards. Therefore, owners of apartments are usually heated with balconies using electric radiators.

Therefore, it is necessary to conduct wiring to the loggia before warming. Specialists lay cables on balconies in the usual way - in gates. In this case, special corrugated tubes are used. Such technology allows subsequently changing the cable, if necessary, without any problems. Also on the loggia pre-punched jacks for the switch and socket.

Installation of double-glazed windows

At the next stage, when warming a turnkey loggia, this procedure is usually performed. Double-glazed windows for balconies, if you want to isolate them from the cold, choose two-chamber. Work is carried out on the installation of such structures by the master according to the following technology:

  • measure windows;

  • dismantle old cold double-glazed windows, if any;

  • change, strengthen or establish a new peak;

  • install the window structure in the prepared opening of the loggia;

  • securely fix the profile;

  • establish a drain from the outside of the window;

  • mount double-glazed windows and shutters;

  • set the windowsill.

When installing double-glazed windows, they use the building level without fail.

Installation of double-glazed windows on the loggia

Advice and recommendations of waterproofing specialists

Warming and finishing the turnkey loggia will be completely useless procedures if you skip this step. The metal parapet or concrete reinforced with blocks at the next stage, experts advise to coat with two layers of bitumen mastic.

If the balcony is not waterproofed, the insulating material in the future will certainly begin to get wet. And this, in turn, will cause him to cease to fulfill his isolating function.

Insulation Installation

Usually polystyrene foam or mineral wool is used to isolate loggias and balconies from the cold. Pre-mounted on the balcony frame of the timber, placing elements in accordance with the dimensions of the selected material.

Next, insulation plates are installed in the crate. In most cases, mineral wool is mounted simply by surprise. This material is elastic and usually does not need additional fastening. Expanded polystyrene is attached to the parapet and the walls of the loggia using plastic dowels, fungi.

At the next stage, installation of a vapor barrier is started. In this case, such modern material as penofol is usually used. The sheets of this insulator are sewn onto the crate in a horizontal position without overlapping. Joints after installation of the material are glued with foil masking tape. Next, on the balcony, a counter-grill is assembled for finishing material.

Loggia insulation

Floor and ceiling insulation

These two operations are usually performed using the same technology as the insulation of the parapet and walls. The ceiling is also coated with mastic, stuffed with a crate and mounted mineral wool or polystyrene foam.

At the next stage, they begin to isolate the floor of the loggia. The base plate is thoroughly cleaned of dirt and debris. Then it is waterproofed and mounted lags. Between the last install a heater. Then a vapor insulator is laid and a counter grate is stuffed. At the final stage, sheathe the floors with a board or thick plywood.

To warm the slab of the base of the loggia, you can use both expanded polystyrene and mineral wool. Very often expanded clay is also poured between the logs on the balconies.

Replacing the floor on the balcony

Installation of finishing material

It is this procedure that specialists usually complete turnkey warming of the loggia. Photos of the finished isolated balcony can be seen below. Most often, plastic panels or lining are used to sheathe insulated loggias. These materials are distinguished by aesthetic appearance and are not afraid of ultraviolet radiation.

Install the panels and lining on the counter grill above the steam insulator. For fastening plastic slats, self-tapping screws are usually used, screwing them into the grooves. Lining on the counter-lattice in most cases is fixed using special countersunk elements - kleimers. Sometimes such boards are simply stuffed onto a beam using nails.

Insulated Loggia

After the walls and ceiling of the balcony are finished, the craftsmen usually begin to install the finished material on the floor. For this purpose, you can use, for example, linoleum, carpet, laminate or any other modern material.

What is included in the service yet

As soon as the final finishing of the loggia is completed, the craftsmen usually begin its final arrangement. First of all, a socket and a switch are installed on the insulated balcony. Specialists most often complete the turnkey warming of the loggia with the installation of a lamp.

Finishing touch

Further work on the design and arrangement of the balcony is, of course, done by the owners of the apartment. Loggia heaters can be installed any. It can be oil models, infrared, etc. Ordinary such devices on the loggias are placed closer to the wall of the house. Such windows do not place radiators near the windows. Otherwise, the windows on the insulated balcony will subsequently fog up. In winter, because of this, ice will begin to form on them.

You can decorate the insulated loggia, like ordinary rooms, in potted flowers, paintings, posters. Furniture on an insulated glazed balcony, as in ordinary rooms, it is allowed to install absolutely any.

Registration of the warmed loggia

Instead of a conclusion

When carrying out the procedure for isolating the balcony from the cold, all the necessary technologies must be observed by experts. Only in this case, you can get a quality turnkey loggia insulation. Reviews about the company specializing in the production of such works, before placing an order, read, of course, first you should be sure. You can trust such a reconstruction of the balcony only to masters from a company with a good reputation.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E17887/

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