Quotes about the weapons of great people

Weapons - objects and means invented by man and used by him to kill other people or animals. Weapons have existed throughout the history of mankind, and for millennia, people have improved it, making it all the more dangerous. In addition, in our time it is accessible to the masses, and this is the cause of the sad outcomes of many conflict situations. But this is also a means of protection - the weapons used in time saved many lives.

The question of the benefits or dangers of such devices and objects is one of the oldest in philosophy, and many of the wise men of the world throughout history have pondered this. You can find the results of their thoughts in the quotes about weapons below.

Modern weapon

Antique sages

The first weapons were used by the ancient humanoid monkeys. According to one theory of human origin, it is believed that the monkey was able to evolve precisely because it took up arms.

One way or another, the history of the first means of defense and murder dates back to very ancient times. Therefore, when civilization arose in the world, states and cities appeared, culture developed and people already learned to think about the meaning of life, the concept of “philosophy” appeared, even then the issue of annihilating each other by people began to worry the greatest of them. It was in that era that the first statements were made that have come down to our times in the form of quotes about weapons. Ancient philosophers argued about whether it is necessary, what benefit and harm to humanity, and what can replace it. Below are quotes about the weapons of the great people of antiquity:

Mark Tullius Cicero:

May weapons give way to toga, military laurels - to civil merit.

Among weapons, laws are silent.

Titus Livy:

Necessity is the last and most powerful weapon.


Nature gave a man a weapon in his hands - an intellectual moral force, but he can use this weapon in the opposite direction, so a person without moral foundations turns out to be a creature and the most unholy and wild, base in his sexual and taste instincts.

Pythagoras of Samos:

Flattery is like a weapon painted in a picture: it gives pleasure, but no benefit.


Success in the war does not depend on weapons, but on money, in which weapons only benefit.

Lao Tzu:

Even the best weapons do not bode well.

Publius Terence Afr:

It is prudent to try everything before resorting to weapons.

The wise should deal with words, not weapons.

Ancient weapon

Quotes about the weapons of foreign figures

Weapons are ubiquitous. Countries have always competed in an arms race, and the strongest state has always been considered the most prepared for military action. Throughout the history of mankind, wars brought only destruction, but by the 20th century, clashes became more and more violent, because new, much more terrible weapons of mass destruction began to appear in the world. This began to disturb the population, and with it the great figures of the whole world. The words that became one of the most famous quotes about weapons were said by Albert Einstein after the end of World War II:

I don’t know what weapons the Third World War will be in, but the Fourth will use sticks and stones.

We present you quotes from other people:

Guy de Maupassant:

Why not judge governments for every declaration of war? If the peoples understood this ... if they did not allow themselves to be killed for no reason, if they used weapons to turn them against those who had given them to beat them, the war would have died that day.

Michel de Montaigne:

Knowledge is a double-edged weapon that only burdens and can injure its owner if the hand that holds it is weak and does not know how to use it ...

Henry Fielding:

Slander is a more terrible weapon than a sword, since the wounds it inflicts are always incurable.

Henryk Ibsen:

The one who hits the enemy with his own weapon wins.

Michel de Montaigne:

The noise of weapons drowns out the voice of laws.

Niccolo Machiavelli:

Weapons should be resorted to last, when other means are insufficient.

Martin Luther King:

A nation that continues to spend more money on military defense year after year than on social programs to support the population is approaching spiritual death.

George Washington:

I am absolutely sure that no one should hesitate to resort to weapons for a minute to protect the priceless gift of freedom, on which all good and evil in life depend, but weapons, I dare add, is the last resort.

Miguel de Cervantes:

I firmly believe that the one who invented firearms is now paying in hell for his satanic invention, because thanks to him the hand of a vile coward can take the life of a valiant caballero.

Russian figures

Russia has undergone many wars, its people have experienced different types of weapons. Despite this, the great people of Russia consider it the main weapon - the great and powerful Russian language. So, for example, Maxim Gorky and Vasily Klyuchevsky expressed themselves about him:

Maksim Gorky

Language is a weapon of a writer, like a gun a soldier. The better the weapon, the stronger the warrior.

Vasily O. Klyuchevsky:

The word is the great weapon of life.

Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky considered the mind as the main weapon of man:

The mind is the spiritual weapon of man.

The following are statements about the weapons of some Russian writers and poets of our time:

Stanislav E. Lets:

Before, people were closer to each other. It was necessary - the weapon was only melee.

Andrey O. Belyanin:

Diplomacy without weapons is like music without tools.

Ilya V. Kormiltsev:

The book ... is an ideal weapon, because it does not set out to destroy anyone. But she changes the one who reads it.

Quotes about women and weapons

Woman with guns

The fair sex and weapons in our view are like two opposites. However, there were times when women also picked up dangerous devices and went to the defense of their homeland and their home. But for the most part, it is still believed that a woman’s weapon is not a force or any material tool, but a mind and a way of thinking. However, Frederick the Great and Mikhail Lermontov agreed and considered the woman’s main weapon tears:

Frederick the Great:

A woman’s tears can be everything - a symbol of grief, a consequence of resentment, a reaction to insulting or peeling a bow, but most often they are weapons!

Mikhail Lermontov, "Princess Ligovskaya":

What women do not cry about: tears of their weapons are offensive and defensive. Annoyance, joy, powerless hatred, powerless love have one expression in them.

Below are other quotes about women and their weapons:

Cyril Connolly:

In the war of the sexes, carelessness is the weapon of a man, revenge is the weapon of a woman

Milan Kundera, "The Unbearable Lightness of Being":

What kind of weapon does she have? Only her loyalty.

Sophia Loren:

The fantasy of a man is a woman’s best weapon.

Alexander Dumas in his work "Three Musketeers" mentioned women and what he considers them to be the main weapon:

We will fight with female weapons: my strength is in my weakness.

We can say that the concept of "weapons" is multifaceted. It is understood not only as a device that can cause physical pain, but also opportunities that adversely affect other people.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E17895/

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