Mainland Greece: Thessaloniki and the delights of this city

Northern Greece (Thessaloniki and the nearby peninsula of Halkidiki) is still a poorly developed area by our travelers. Usually, tourist groups from Russia immediately rush to the islands of the Greek archipelago, and the mainland of this amazing country is no less interesting. And its main decoration is the ancient city of Thessaloniki (in Thessaloniki Greek). It is located on the shores of the beautiful Gulf of Termei (Thermoikos). A rich ancient history, many museums and interesting sights, a developed tourist infrastructure - among all the cities with which we associate holidays in Greece, Thessaloniki occupy a key place.

Thessaloniki became the city in 315 BC Previously, there also lived people in the village of Termi, the date of foundation of which no one knows. The king of Macedonia by the name of Kassander ordered the construction of powerful walls around the new city and gave him a name, honoring his beloved wife (by the way, the sister of the famous commander Alexander of Macedon) - Thessaloniki. Later, the city consistently came under the influence of the Roman and Byzantine empires, and now it is called the city of 3 civilizations: Hellenistic, Roman and Byzantine, since Thessaloniki has always been a crossroads of trade routes.

Everything is in Greece, and even more in Thessaloniki. The impeccable service and comfort that the hotels of Greece are so famous for , have surpassed Thessaloniki with a large selection: there are both chic five-star and very budget hotels and hostels. In general, being the second largest city ​​in Greece and the capital of the province of Macedonia, Thessaloniki has long been an effective competitor to Athens. No wonder this city in 1997 was named the cultural capital of Europe. Here, to some extent, the intellectual and cultural life of the country is concentrated. Thessaloniki hosts many festivals, including international ones. Every autumn there is a film festival and the Dimitria festival, consisting of a series of concerts, shows, exhibitions and performances.

The city is literally full of historical and cultural attractions. Archaeologists have shown contemporaries only a fraction of the rich culture of the ancient Thessaloniki, but excavations continue. The symbol of the city is the so-called White Tower, located on the waterfront. It offers amazing views of the bay and the city. There is a monument to Alexander the Great, whom the whole world knows, not only Greece. Thessaloniki is named after his own sister. As in ancient times, the city crosses the main street of Ignatius. Near it, the Triumphal Arch of Emperor Galerius was established. Ancient Agora, a gathering place for citizens, without which ancient Greece is unthinkable, has also been preserved. Thessaloniki is also the resting place of the ashes of King Philip.

Antique monuments are not the only attractions of Thessaloniki. The evidence that the Byzantine Empire, the core of which was modern Greece, Thessaloniki occupied not the last place, are its medieval monuments: the Temple of the city's patron saint, St. Demetrius, the Church of All Apostles and the Church of St. Sophia. The fortress walls of the Upper City, erected in the 5th century by Emperor Justinian, were also perfectly preserved.

There are many museums in Thessaloniki, among which the following deserve special attention: archaeological, natural history, Byzantine art, modern art, State Art Gallery and others. Thessaloniki is also an attractive shopping center: in the Castro area there are many specialized stores - “factory fur coats”, and Bezesteni Street is just an exhibition of jewelry shops selling copper products. Thessaloniki Mediani Market is known throughout Greece.


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