LED ball lamp: reviews and photos

On the modern market there are many lighting devices. It is not so easy to choose a safe and effective option among them. Let’s try to understand this problem. The LED ball lamp is an LED of the appropriate configuration. The most popular modifications are considered versions of E27 and E14. These fixtures are intended for home use, designed for a standard voltage of 220 volts. Let us consider in more detail the features, characteristics, as well as the selection criteria for these products. In addition, we will study the parameters of the most popular models in the domestic market.

led bulb lamp

LED ball lamp E27

Similar light elements are designed for standard home lampholders used in ceiling, wall or recessed luminaires. The material for the case is made of plastic, metal or ceramic. The flask of such a product is glass or of matte plastic. The letter "E" in the name indicates the type of cap (screw version of Edison), and the number 27 is the diameter of its thread in millimeters.

The LED bulb lamp E14 in its parameters is no different from E27, except for the size of the thread of the base, which is 14 mm. The element is designed for cartridges used in many home fixtures. It should be noted that the models under consideration belong to low-power light elements with a brightness not exceeding 700 Lm.

lamp led ball


Any LED ball lamp has several basic operating parameters, namely:

  • Light flow. This characteristic is measured in Lumens, the indicator is indicated by the manufacturer on the package. For example, a lamp with an energy consumption of 10 W, produces a brightness of the order of 700 Lm. The usual incandescent analogue requires 60 watts to create an identical luminous flux.
  • The color temperature. The glow has three main parameters: neutral, cold or hot color (4000/5000 or 3000 K, respectively).
  • Pulsating coefficient. For high-quality modifications, this indicator should not exceed 5%. The value must be indicated on the package. You can independently check the LED ball lamp for flickering using the camera of your smartphone. Just point it at the part, the pulsation will immediately become noticeable.
  • The angle of the light. The higher this parameter, the greater the area of ​​the room that comes under lighting. For modifications of E27, the indicator is from 120 to 270 degrees.
  • Dimmability (adjustment). This function allows you to increase or decrease the brightness of the glow. This is convenient because it allows you to use the same part in rooms of different sizes.
  • Service period. High-quality light elements of the type in question can produce up to 30 thousand hours. Warranty from the manufacturer is usually at least 36 months.


LED Led ball lamp has several advantages over conventional analogues:

  • Lower consumption of electric energy (4-5 times).
  • Long service life (up to 5 years). The incandescent lamp is designed for a maximum of 6-7 months.
  • Security. The product does not contain mercury and harmful substances, unlike luminescent versions.
  • Strength. Strong plastic or aluminum is not so easy to break.
  • Maintainability.
  • Wide range of thermal emission.
    bulb lamp led e27


LED ball lamp has several disadvantages. This is especially true of cheap Chinese models. Among the disadvantages:

  • Quite a high cost - from 100 rubles per unit.
  • Initially overestimated technical indicators in models of Chinese and domestic production.
  • Direct light in the pupil of the human eye can lead to changes in the retina.
  • The presence on the market of low-quality fakes sold under well-known brands.
  • Temperatures above 60 degrees Celsius will damage the light elements in question. To avoid this, use cooling radiators.

LED ball lamp ASD LED Standard

Next, consider a few popular manufacturers. Let's start with the ASD LED Standard. It corresponds to the power of a conventional incandescent bulb with a rating of 35 watts. Electricity consumption is 3.5 watts, the glow parameter is 3 thousand Kelvin. One element is enough for high-quality lighting of a space of 0.7 sq.m. The product is perfect for use in wall and table bedside nightlights.

LED lamp E14 ball

Other popular models

The LED bulb lamp G45 5W e14 produces a luminous flux of about 260 Lm. Energy consumption is only 3 watts, which is comparable to a 30-watt incandescent lamp. The manufacturer gives a 36 month warranty (brand - Camelion).

Ecola Globe LED Premium. This model consumes 70 watts, but gives a brightness higher than a conventional element at 60 watts. The working element is placed in the original golden flask, which gives a peculiar glow during operation. Also this option is equipped with a finned aluminum radiator to prevent overheating of the part.

"Era A60". The domestic-made LED element belongs to the category of filament LEDs. When working, several filamentary parts are used that simulate the glow of a standard incandescent lamp. At the same time, the lamp consumption is only 9 W, the ripple coefficient is 0.7%, the minimum service life is 10 years.

Estares GL4.5-E27. This ball lamp replaces an analogue with a 35 W incandescent filament. The light element is optimally suited for bedside lamps, ceiling chandeliers and floor lamps. With a 3-year warranty, the average part life is 10 years or more. The ripple coefficient corresponds to GOST, is only 0.2% with a permissible rate of 2%.

LED bulb lamp g45 5w e14


User feedback on the ASD LED LED ball lamp is mostly positive. Owners note low energy consumption with high quality lighting. Despite the relatively high price, the elements justify themselves many times because they have a long working life. In addition, consumers note the safety of the lamps, which allows them to be used in children's rooms and other residential premises. A wide range of color choices makes it possible to choose the necessary option, depending on the conditions of use.

Criterias of choice

When choosing a spherical LED lamp, it is necessary to focus on the fame of the manufacturer, the recommendations of experts and acquaintances. In addition, it is worth paying attention to power. Below are the comparative characteristics of the most popular modifications (in brackets are the indicators of an incandescent lamp):

  • 2-3 VT (20) - 250 Lm.
  • 5 W (40) - 400 Lm.
  • 9-10 W (60) - 700 Lm.
  • 12-15 W (100) - 1200 Lm.
  • 20 W (150) - 1800 Lm.
    LED lamp asd led ball


As the reviews of experts and users show, the LED ball lamp allows you to save up to 90 percent of energy, compared with analogues with a filament.


  • An ordinary lamp with a power of 60 watts (when working 3 hours a day) consumes 60 kW after 1000 hours of operation.
  • At a price per kilowatt of 2.87 rubles, for a year one light bulb “eats” more than 170 rubles.
  • The LED lamp eats up to 10 times less electricity.
  • As a result, the savings will be more than 150 rubles per element.
  • Given the difference in cost, it can be determined that after 8 months of use, the LED ball starts to work purely for savings. At the same time, an incandescent bulb rarely fulfills such a period in general.

When choosing the products in question, it is necessary to take into account some nuances. First, pay attention to the matching threads of the cap and lamp socket. Secondly, consider the brightness indicator, especially if part of the lamp does not fit into the ceiling. If the room is small, the bright light will simply dazzle and annoy.

LED lamp asd led ball standard

In conclusion

Many users know that conventional incandescent bulbs quickly burn out, consume a decent amount of energy and require frequent replacement. An excellent alternative to such elements will be LED lamp-balls. They are distinguished by safety, a long working resource and low energy costs. Despite the high cost (from 70 to 150 rubles per unit), the benefit of using such light elements is obvious. An additional advantage is the wide range of colors and the compatibility of the caliber of the socles with most lampholders.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E17899/

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