Certification of employees for compliance with the position: goals, procedure, results

Employers perceive the certification of employees as a formality. Normative documents intended for commercial organizations were not issued. Certification is required only for employees of organizations designated in the laws of areas of activity, the process of testing the knowledge and skills of public sector employees (teachers, doctors) is legally fixed. Meanwhile, the conclusions of certification may be the basis for termination of the contract with the employee. We will write further about how to properly conduct the certification process.

Certification of teachers.

Purpose, certification rules

To analyze the work, identify weaknesses and strengths in the knowledge and skills of employees, solve problems and improve the overall performance of the company as a whole - this is the main task of certification of employees.

We will figure out who and when should undergo certification, how the procedure itself should be conducted:

  • When publishing a document on the process, it is necessary to indicate which employees are required to pass a test of knowledge and skills.
  • It is worth notifying employees about certification within thirty days.
  • Workers are introduced to reviews for the week.
  • Be sure to form a commission conducting certification.
  • Certification consists of three stages: preparatory, main, final.
  • Certification of compliance with the position is required by law, in others it is carried out by order of the head.

Who is certified without fail?

The following groups of employees are subject to mandatory certification:

  • Civil servants of government institutions.
  • Employees of municipalities.
  • Railway workers.
  • Employees of organizations in the electric power industry.
  • Those responsible for the safety of navigation.
  • Aviation staff.
  • Workers at hazardous facilities.
  • Heads of unitary organizations.
  • Working with ionizing radiation.
  • Working in organizations related to the storage and elimination of chemical weapons.
  • Educational staff.
  • Medical staff.

In more detail, the legislation enshrines the rules and regulations for the certification of teachers and doctors responsible for education and human health, respectively.

Types of certification

There are several types of certification:

  • Another is mandatory. Frequency: once every two years for managers, once every three years for employees.
  • With the promotion of the post.
  • At the end of the trial period.
  • When transferred to another unit.

Inspection of employees takes place on an ongoing basis, and the list of posts that need to be certified is submitted by the head.

Certification Methods

There are many methods of certification of employees, but only a few are applied:

  • Classification method. The selection of employees is carried out according to criteria that are approved in advance.
  • Ranking method. It consists in evaluating employees according to their merit or ability.
  • Rating scale.
  • Open certification. Used to evaluate employee characteristics.

The results of certification for the right to hold a position

The result of certification of an employee for compliance with the position may be as follows:

  • Certified candidate corresponds to the position.
  • The employee will correspond to the position with the mandatory implementation of the recommendations of the commission.
  • The employee does not match the current position.

Be sure the certification commission should summarize and submit a report on its work to management.

Certification of employees of state institutions

Municipal employee.

The knowledge of military personnel, law enforcement officers and state civil servants is tested on the basis of administrative documents on the organization of certification of officers and warrant officers of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, on the procedure for certification of customs officers of the Russian Federation, on certification of state civil servants of the Russian Federation and other regulations that take into account the particular or other type of government work.

Certification of employees is carried out on an ongoing basis, once every three years. Certification out of turn is sometimes possible.

By order of the person in charge of the city self-government body, the periods of knowledge and skills testing are determined, lists of employees subject to certification are drawn up, as well as a certification schedule.

Verification is carried out at a meeting of the commission in the presence of a certified employee.

On the basis of documents and materials of the attestation, answers to the questions asked, the members of the commission evaluate the level of training of the attestation of the employee regarding his compliance with the position, potential abilities, including promotion.

Certification of aviation personnel

Today, the federal aviation rules are in force, approved by order of the Ministry of Transport dated September 12, 2008 No. 147. The rules determine the requirements for aviation personnel. The following requirements are established for the candidate for certification:

  • age;
  • a list of minimum knowledge by area;
  • minimum practical training.

The rules do not contain requirements for candidates to obtain certificates of secondary vocational or higher education, with the exception of specialists in air transport services.

In many airlines, there is a policy for hiring crew members with requirements for the presence of secondary vocational or higher education in their specialty. These conditions are fair, since general education is not enough to meet the requirements for specialists of this level.

Rules for certification of teachers

In the fall of 2013, in the field of pedagogy, the certification of employees was actually suspended. But in the summer of next year, an administrative document came into force on the organization of the certification process for employees of educational institutions.

The process of knowledge testing provides for the following types of certification of teachers:

  • To consolidate the ability of teachers to occupy their posts on the basis of testing their professional knowledge and skills.
  • Certification of educators at their discretion to confirm the qualification category.

Employees of pedagogical institutions not ranked as professors are not certified.

Continuing education of teachers.

The modern version of the procedure (after making changes) to certify pedagogical staff for compliance with a position implies a teacher being checked by a commission of educational institutions. Certification is based on an assessment of the teaching activities of employees in accordance with the order on their certification.

Exceptions are employees:

  • Having confirmed qualification categories.
  • Having a short work experience at the current work in the organization conducting certification of employees (less than two years).
  • Being pregnant, on maternity leave.
  • Absent from work for more than four months due to temporary disability.

According to the Regulation on the certification of employees of educational institutions, verification to confirm the ability to hold positions is carried out independently by commissions.

Certification commission may be created from the employees of the institution in which the pedagogical staff member subject to certification, and representatives of the collegial bodies provided for by the constituent document of the institution.

To conduct certification of the activities of teachers for each of them, the employer submits to the certification committee a submission containing the following data about him:

  • Personal data.
  • The name of the current job status.
  • Date of registration of the employment contract.
  • The degree of education and qualification in a pedagogical specialty.
  • Information about obtaining additional teacher education in the field of educational work.
  • Date of order for certification of an employee.
  • The results of previous certifications.
  • Confirmed by factual information, the assessment of the labor qualities of the employee, his professional achievements in the implementation of the functional duties assigned to him by the concluded labor contract.

After considering the submission, the employee of the educational institution, at his discretion, may submit additional information to the formed commission that emphasizes his pedagogical activity for the time period from the date of the previous certification of the organization’s employees or from the date of the start of work.

The employer must familiarize the employee of the educational institution with the following documents with a personal signature:

  • Orders for certification of teachers, containing lists of employees of the organization subject to certification.
  • Attestation schedules posted at least one calendar month before the day of the relevant attestation.
  • Representation.

The act is signed by the employer and at least two other responsible individuals in case of refusal to familiarize themselves with the presentation when passing certification by teaching staff.

Teacher knowledge testing

Testing of professional knowledge is carried out at a meeting of the commission with the participation of a certified employee.

If the certified employee does not come on the day of certification of the organization’s employees to the meeting of the commission for objective reasons, its verification is postponed to another day. The schedule is changing. The responsible employer introduces the employee of the educational institution under signature at least one month before the new appointed certification date for the teacher. In case of failure to appear without an objective reason, the formed commission shall conduct an audit in the absence of an employee of the institution.

Based on the results of certification of education workers, a specially formed commission of educational institutions voices the following motivated decision: the certified employee meets or does not correspond to the existing position.

Mandatory certification of teachers.

A reasoned decision is voiced by the formed commission when the certified employee does not appear by open vote by a numerical majority of the members of the specially organized commission. During certification, an educational worker who is a member of the formed commission does not participate in deciding on his own issue.

In cases where the majority of the members of the formed commission who came to the meeting made a positive decision about the employee’s ability to occupy an existing position, the pedagogical worker is recognized as relevant to the current position.

The results of testing the knowledge and skills of an employee of an educational institution who immediately appeared at a meeting of a specially organized commission are reported to him verbally after collecting the results of the general voting of the commission.

The certification procedure for employees to confirm the ability to hold teachers' posts does not require the issuance of a special certification sheet for it.

The results of testing knowledge and skills are recorded in the document. It is signed by the chairman and his deputy, secretary and the remaining members who were present at the meeting of the specially formed commission. The current employer keeps a protocol document with representations, information about the teachers characterizing their pedagogical labor activity. The executive secretary of a specially formed commission of the educational institution, not later than two working days from the date of the knowledge and skills test, generates an extract from the protocol containing the following information of the employee:

  • personal data of the certified employee;
  • the name of his post;
  • the date of the meeting of the specially formed commission of the organization;
  • certification objectives for employees;
  • voting results of commission members;
  • a motivated decision made by the institution’s commission on the conformity of the position to the appraised employee.

The employer shows the employee of the pedagogical sphere an extract from the protocol with his own signature no later than three working days after writing it. The extract is stored in the personal card of the employee of the educational institution.

The certification procedure for pedagogical workers does not require the preservation of the results of certified employees to confirm the ability to occupy certain positions when transferring to work in another organization. The new employer has the right to certify such newly arrived workers according to the general rules at his place of work, subject to the conditions provided for by the certification process for employees.

Specially formed commissions recommend to the employer the possible appointment of personalities to the corresponding positions of workers in the pedagogical field based on the results of certification of employees. At the same time, these people may not have special professional training or the required work experience in the field of education, but possess the required practical experience and knowledge for the high-quality fulfillment in full of the duties assigned to them according to the proposed contract.

The employer, having the desire to take on the position of an employee of the pedagogical sphere of the applicant who does not have the required specialized education, but who, in his opinion, has sufficient practical work experience and theoretical knowledge and will be able to perform work in the position, has the right and opportunity to obtain the necessary recommendations to contact a specially formed commission, whose powers include the assistance function for making decisions on such labor issues. At the same time, the role of the formed commission will consist in a motivated assessment of the capabilities of the existing applicant to perform labor duties, taking into account the existing experience in educational institutions.

Employment in these cases is due to the alleged fulfillment of the duties assigned to the employee. The employer in such situations, in order to verify the labor capabilities of the future employee, may include a clause on the availability of a trial period at the conclusion of the employment contract under the conditions provided for by labor legislation.

A graduate of an educational institution who has received an education but is applying for a post not in a completed specialty, only with the establishment of a probationary period, may be accepted for the position of an employee in the educational sphere.

Negative results of testing knowledge and skills about the mismatch of the pedagogical employee of the position can serve as a motive for terminating the contract with him in accordance with paragraph three of part one of Article 81 of the Code of the Russian Federation. Termination of the contract on this basis is not conclusive. It is possible if it is not possible to transfer the employee with his written consent to the job available to the employer. It can be offered either a vacant post or a job corresponding to the qualification of an employee of an educational institution, or a vacant lower position or a lower paid job that an employee can perform in the framework of his state of health in accordance with Article 81 of the Code of the Russian Federation. Please note that the translation requires the written consent of the employee to the translation.

In addition, it is not allowed to terminate the contract on the basis of the employee’s inconsistency with the existing position, that is, in accordance with part three of Article 81 of the Code of the Russian Federation, with employees from among the individuals prescribed in article 261 of the Code of the Russian Federation. For example, you cannot terminate the employment contract with an employee who has a child with a disability in the minor age, with the wording of the inconsistency of the position, as well as in a number of other cases stipulated by the labor legislation of our country.

As for employees whose qualifications do not meet the standards of professional training, provided for by the characteristics of education or relevant to the subject being taught, or activities in an educational institution, this cannot be a reason for terminating a contract with them due to their inconsistency with their position or the activities assigned to them from due to insufficient qualifications. Termination of the employment contract is possible upon confirmation of the non-compliance of the position with the results of their certification.


Certification of medical personnel.

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Certification of employees of medical institutions.

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Mandatory certification of medical personnel.

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In total, fifty tasks will be given. You can limit the time limit or not limit the time limit in order to be able to think, peep the answer to a difficult question. At the end of the test, your final score and all the questions that you gave the right or wrong answer will be shown.

To pass the certification, you must submit the required package of documents with an appendix to it of the opinion of your manager or other medical manager about your professional work, indicating the awards and marks of distinction certified by the seal of the institution where the medical worker works.

To obtain the second category, the physician must have experience of more than three years, and the highest - at least seven.

The certification committee studies all the documents brought and writes its expert opinion. Testing in progress. The members of the commission talk with the candidate for the category and make their decision on assigning or not assigning a category. If the commission refuses to assign a category to a physician, he can appeal up to a year.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E17902/

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