The Bride, A.P. Chekhov: a summary. "Bride" - a story about choosing a life path

In 1903, Chekhov's short story The Bride was written. The summary below will show how an ordinary provincial girl changes her attitude to reality and makes a very serious decision in her life.

Chekhov Bride Summary

Chapter 1

Nadia, who had been dreaming of marriage for seven years, was already twenty-three. Finally, she became the bride of the young and beautiful son of his father Andrei. She liked the bridegroom, but the closer the wedding day was, the less joy the bride felt, as Chekhov notes.

The summary of the evening, with the description of which the story begins, is as follows. The main character lived with her mother and grandmother, who owned the house. About ten days they were already visited by their distant relative from Moscow, Sasha. He came every year, and every time he convinced Nadia that her life was meaningless. So now he drew attention to the fact that the servant is sleeping on the floor with rags, and nobody in the house cares.

The following describes a dinner with guests, including Andrei Andreyevich and his father. Empty talk at the table. The game of the groom, who was called an artist in the city, on the violin. Once he studied at the philological, but now he did not do anything useful, only occasionally played at charity concerts. The guests left after twelve, and Nadia rose to her room. So ended this evening Chekhov.

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov Bride Summary

The Bride: Summary of Chapter 2

The girl woke up when the dawn came. She had been unable to sleep for several nights. I was thinking about the upcoming wedding and about my fiance. She liked him, but for some reason the fear of the future grew stronger. While walking in the garden, she met her mother and tried to talk to her about her worries. But Nina Ivanovna, who was in the mother-in-law’s house in the position of a graft, did not understand her daughter. “The girl wanted to hide from everyone,” writes Anton Chekhov. The bride - the summary of the story about her you are reading - went to her home, again in solitude, thinking about the future.

After lunch, Nadia and Sasha were left alone, and he again started a familiar conversation. The fact that the girl certainly needs to learn. That she will destroy herself in this city. What to live like now is immoral. And it seemed to Nadya that she had already heard all this somewhere.

Chekhov bride summary

At night, the girl woke up again. She suddenly realized how unhappy her mother was, who had never loved her husband, and now was completely dependent on her grandmother. I also remembered the strange Sasha. The idea that she really needed to learn no longer seemed so unnatural.

Chapter 3

The house was getting ready for the wedding. Hastened with a dowry, in which there were six pieces of fur coats. Once, Nadia went with Andrei Andreyevich to look at their house. This day is described further by Chekhov. Summary - the bride felt awkward all the time - this episode is as follows.

Andrei Andreyevich drove the girl through the rooms, and now she already hated all this. She especially did not like the picture of the naked lady whom the groom praised. And he kept saying, noting how unpleasant he was to see people in the service. But at the same time he admitted that idleness does not paint, and therefore dreamed that after the wedding they would acquire a piece of land in the village and work on it.

Nadia returned home displeased. In addition, she was unpleasant at the thought that the guests would come again in the evening. And she will have to smile, listen to absurd speeches and play the violin. Thus concludes the description of this day, Anton Pavlovich Chekhov.

The Bride: A Summary of 4-5 Chapters

At night it began to rain with the wind, and Nina Ivanovna, alarmed by the knocks on the street, entered her daughter's room. Nadia suddenly sobbed and began to say that she wanted to leave. That she does not like Andrei Andreyevich. That she doesn’t want her life to become as petty and humiliating as her mother and grandmother.

And in the morning the girl announced the decision to Sasha, Chekhov continues . Brief summary (the bride, in her view now already ex, was very serious) of their conversation comes down to the fact that Sasha promised to pack Nadia's things in his suitcase. He will buy a ticket to St. Petersburg. The girl was left to go to see him off, and after the third call to get into the carriage.

Chekhov's Bride Brief Summary

Everything turned out as planned. It was raining outside, and only Nadia went to the station. Already in the wagon she realized that she would definitely leave. And when I got on the train, my whole life passed as if turned into a lump. Ahead, something huge and wide was unfolding.

Chapter 6

May has come. Nadia - now she was studying in St. Petersburg - passed the exams and went home. On the way I drove to Moscow to Sasha. The girl thanked him for helping her change her life. However, I could not help but admit that now, several months after the last meeting, Sasha seemed old-fashioned to her.

At home they were waiting for the girl. Both mother and grandmother have long forgiven her. They felt that nothing was left of the past. They were afraid to go out into the street, they practically did not accept guests. A month passed in solitude. Nadia, who was walking more in the garden, seemed to have everything in the city aged, outdated and waiting for something new. And she believed that these changes were not far off, Chekhov writes.

Summary - “The Bride” tells about a person’s life choice - ends with a message about Sasha’s death. Upon learning the sad news, Nadia suddenly realized how alone she was in her hometown. The girl went around the house for the last time to say goodbye to everything that kept traces of the past. Ahead, she was waiting for a new, mysterious life, which attracted and attracted to herself. Nadia packed her things, and the next day left the city. Now, as it seemed to her, forever.

anton chekhov bride summary


In a work written in difficult times for Russia, the author touches on the very worrying problem of a new world view. According to contemporaries, the story blew something optimistic and fresh. Although we must not forget that the heroine came to a new life, causing suffering to her relatives: her mother was very old in the months of her absence, her grandmother lay for a long time. Raises questions and the ending of the story. What happened next with Nadia, who believed that she would not return to this city? Anton Pavlovich Chekhov makes the reader ponder over this.

The summary (“The Bride” is no exception) of any work conveys the main points of the plot, without focusing on the details. Meanwhile, this is an important part of all the writings of the writer. Therefore, in order to try to comprehend the plan of the writer, one must still read the full text of the story.


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