How to choose trees for a summer residence

What trees to plant in the country? It is clear that the beauty of the summer cottage depends not only on brightly flowering flower beds and manicured beds. A healthy role is also played by healthy, properly planted trees. First you need to deal with plants already growing on the site. If among them there are old or sick, then it is better to uproot them, because after some time they will die anyway.

trees for a summer residence
What's next? And then you should decide what kind of trees you want to grow. For the garden, both fruit and coniferous or deciduous are suitable. Here several factors can play a role at once: these are your preferences, the functionality of the site, and the size of the free space.

Of course, the site has a certain meaning for you. Someone acquires a cottage only for relaxation (no beds and other works), while someone, on the contrary, is a lover of boasting a self-grown crop. This is one side of the issue. And the second side is the size of the plot and the dimensions of the buildings on it. It happens that the plot is small, and the house is built solid, and it remains only to grow decorative trees in the country (photo below).

trees in the country photo
If it is important for you that the trees grow faster, then choose elderberry, hazel, bird cherry or mock up. Fans of decoration need to pay attention to stunted conifers. But nevertheless, more fruit trees are associated with the summer cottage. For a summer residence this is a more reasonable and profitable solution. You can enjoy the beauty of the blooming garden, and enjoy your own fruits.

To buy any trees, it is best to go to local nurseries, as varieties adapted to the local climate are grown there. There you can find out some points. For example, how resistant is the tree to frost, diseases and pests that are common in your area.

what trees to plant in the country
If these are fruit plants, then productivity and, undoubtedly, taste qualities of fruits are important. The rest of the trees for the cottage should not be huge. Otherwise, you can turn your site into forest thickets and provoke quarrels with neighbors due to the shading of their sites. So ask how big your chosen plant will grow.

But if you really really want to grow a big tree, then there is one landscape technique that allows you to do this even in a small area. The composition should consist of one large tree surrounded by small plants. For this case, Siberian fir may be perfect . Firstly, it reaches a height of 30 meters, and secondly, its crown is pyramidal.

trees in the country
As low-growing plants, dwarf slow-growing spruce can be used. Combine coniferous and deciduous trees with caution. You can not place dwarf conifers under tall deciduous. Falling foliage in autumn has a detrimental effect on conifers .

If you still choose fruit trees for a summer residence, then buy different varieties. This will contribute to good pollination. Seedlings cannot be placed too close to each other, it all depends on the size of an already grown tree. But if the plants are ordinary, then they are planted at a distance of three meters. By the fence, they should also be no closer than three meters, an exception may be an agreement with neighbors. But near the fence you can get a great flowerbed or bed for greenery. As you can see, there are many options, you just need to prioritize and take action!


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