How to sterilize baby bottles in the microwave: a description of the method, what you need to know, tips

Newly made parents have a lot of questions. One of them concerns the sterilization of children's dishes for a baby. Young mother and father are concerned about which methods of processing containers exist and which of them are the safest and most effective.

One of the most popular ways to sterilize dishes for babies involves using a microwave. This method not only does not require any effort, but also significantly saves the strength of a young mother who has a huge amount of worries in her first year of life.

Is it possible to sterilize baby bottles in the microwave? Is such a method effective? Millions of parents from around the world are in a hurry to get answers to these questions.

Why sterilize dishes for babies

whether the bottles are sterilized in the microwave

Before considering the methods of sterilization, it is necessary to answer the question: β€œIs it necessary to expose the dishes for babies to any processing?” Russian experts strongly recommend sterilizing containers intended for feeding the baby, as well as baby nipples before each use. The thing is that the nutrient medium that forms after milk and a similar artificial mixture is a great place for the reproduction of harmful bacteria and foreign microorganisms. In addition, young parents need to understand that a breast-fed baby and a baby fed with the mixture need different protection, since mother’s natural product contains all the necessary substances that contribute to the natural strengthening of the immune system of a young child.

But foreign experts adhere to other views. In their opinion, babies should be adapted to interact with the external environment, so sterilization of feeding bottles is absolutely not necessary.

Sterilization methods

Is it possible to sterilize baby bottles in the microwave

Currently, there are many ways to sterilize children's dishes. Most of them are time-tested, many are relevant and modern, which is why they completely solve the issue of disinfection of items intended for babies, including a nipple for bottles.

It is worth listing the most popular ways of processing children's dishes:

  • boiling;

  • steam processing;

  • microwave sterilization;

  • the use of multicookers, etc.

how many microwave sterilized bottles

Each mother has the right to choose the method that suits her.


The most simple and effective way to handle children's dishes. Deserved recognition of several generations of women. The main advantage of this method of sterilization is the absence of the need to use additional devices and appliances. It is enough to boil the dishes for a short period of time, and you can feed the baby.

Steam treatment

Another effective and popular processing method tested by our mothers and grandmothers is the steam processing of containers. More delicate, however, the reliability of its use is slightly lower than that of the previous sterilization method.

Steam treatment can be carried out in several ways:

  • using a colander over a boiling pot;

  • using a special sterilizer.

It is worth noting that currently the last way to process children's dishes is gaining popularity. Its demand is due to the ease of use of such devices. Parents just click on the button. In addition, in children's goods stores you can choose a sterilizer for every taste and budget.

Is it possible to sterilize baby bottles in the microwave

you can sterilize baby bottles in the microwave

Of course, almost every parent is concerned about the processing of children's dishes. When asked whether a bottle is sterilized in the microwave, most experts answer in the affirmative. This is a fairly popular method for processing children's dishes. Its demand is due to the simplicity of the procedure, as well as the lack of the need to use a large number of additional devices and tools. You need to have only a glass container in which baby nipples and bubbles will completely fit.

How much to microwave in a bottle

how to sterilize baby bottles in the microwave

Sterilizing the bottles in the microwave takes very little time, in most cases about 6-8 minutes. It is necessary to take into account the features and characteristics of the electronic device with which the procedure for processing children's dishes is carried out.

Features of the procedure. Description

can be microwaved bottles

Newly made mothers and fathers who have opted for the method of sterilizing children's items with the microwave, you must follow certain conditions and rules during the procedure to achieve maximum efficiency. With the incorrect organization of the process, it is possible not only not to achieve the desired result, but also cause significant harm to the appearance of the dishes and the nipple.

First you need to unwind the bottle on the parts (container, lid, nipple). Then you need to place them in a bowl of cold water and put in the microwave.

You can sterilize baby bottles in the microwave in special bags with special marks to which it is possible to pour water. Disassembled bottle is loaded into packages with poured water, and then put in the microwave. The capacity of sterilization bags directly depends on the brand of the manufacturer. For example, the Medela package can simultaneously accommodate 3 standard-sized baby bottles.

A huge advantage of sterilization bags is their reusability. The procedure for processing children's dishes in them can be up to 20 times inclusive. In addition, the time of the procedure in the microwave when using special packages is reduced and is approximately 3-5 minutes.

You can sterilize bottles in the microwave with a device placed directly in the microwave. Such a device is called a steam sterilizer. It is a container in which water is poured. The device is quite simple and easy to use. The device is placed in a chamber and set to maximum power on the microwave. The whole procedure takes no more than 10 minutes.

Steam Sterilizer Treatment

Is it possible to microwave sterilize

The main advantage of a steam sterilizer over an electronic counterpart is its relatively low price. You can purchase a special device for microwave ovens on average for 1700-2000 rubles. The cost of electronic devices is much higher, can reach 10,000 rubles. At the same time, 4 large bottles and up to 6 standard bottles can be processed in a steam sterilizer.

The disadvantage of devices designed for microwave ovens is the inability to process metal appliances. It is strictly forbidden to place such objects in a container in order to avoid damage.

Instead of a conclusion

Currently, there are many ways to sterilize dishes. Many parents are interested in whether it is possible to sterilize baby bottles in the microwave. The answer of the vast majority of experts is affirmative. Recently, the most popular is the sterilization of children's dishes in the microwave. The demand for this method is due to the simplicity of the procedure, as well as the lack of the need to use additional instruments and tools.

To carry out microwave sterilization, it is enough to have glass dishes in which baby nipples and bottles will be completely placed. In addition, in specialty stores you can purchase special bags for sterilizing baby bottles and nipples. Their main advantage is tightness and the possibility of reusable use. One package can be used up to 20 times.

In stores, you can buy steam sterilizers, which simultaneously holds up to six standard-sized baby bottles. The device is convenient and easy to operate, and its cost does not exceed 2000-3000 rubles. Newly made moms and dads can only choose the method that suits them.


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