How to extend your stay in the Russian Federation: features, requirements, methods and law

The permissible period of stay of foreign citizens in Russia without a resident status or a patent is 90 days for six months.

How Law 90/180 Works

Duration of stay in Russia for all migrants is the same and does not depend on citizenship or the region in which the foreigner will live. The length of stay is counted from the date you crossed the border and ends on the day you leave the country. If you entered the country on November 1 at 23:50, then the first day will be November 1, and not the second. If you left the country on November 2 at 00:05, then the last day of your stay is November 2, not 1.

For 180 days, a migrant can stay in Russia for a total of no more than 90 days. That is, 90 days can go by in a row. When the total accumulates 90 days in six months, you must leave the country for the same period if you have not filed a patent or received a PRT.

Duration of stay

New 90 days begin in the next half year, and not at the next entrance to the Russian Federation.

Rules for visiting the Russian Federation for foreign citizens

What you need to do when arriving in Russia:

  • Present a valid internal or international passport at the checkpoint, depending on the requirements for citizens of your country.
  • Fill out the migration card with personal data. The purpose of the visit should be in line with your intentions.
  • Within 7 days, and in Moscow and Kazan within 1 day, to register with the migration department of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, having received a voucher. Migration registration is actually a registration of the length of stay and is needed for its further extension.
  • Reside at the address indicated during registration with the migration registration.
  • After 90 days, leave the country if you have not received a patent, RVP, residence permit or citizenship.

Who checks the duration of the finding

Until recently, it was allowed to “extend” or “renew” a migration card by leaving or entering the country. This was enough to just be in Russia without the opportunity to find a job or rely on the help of the state. Today it is unacceptable.

Duration of stay in Russia

The periods of stay of foreigners in Russia are checked by the employees of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

If you manage to “deceive the system” and extend the migration card so far, do not flatter yourself, most likely, the check just has not touched you and your departures-entrances. If you try to get any status in the country, your data will be checked, and you may, out of turn, become the “happy” owner of the entry ban.

Checkpoint employees are not required to remind aliens of acceptable lengths of stay.

When the maximum length of stay is reached, passport control officers will not detain the migrant if he does not have an official entry ban.

Verification of compliance with the terms of stay is carried out by a group of employees of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Each of them performs its work at a certain stage. A ban on entry may be issued several years after the first visit to a migrant of the Russian Federation. The duration of the ban depends on how long you violate the terms of stay in the country. It can be removed in court under certain circumstances, but it will take some time.

Is it possible to extend the migration card

Having a valid completed migration card at the entrance to the Russian Federation is the obligation of every foreign citizen.

Duration of stay of foreign citizens

A migration card is needed to enter personal data into the system or database of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, to track the duration of a migrant’s stay in the country, to apply for a temporary residence permit, a residence permit, to obtain a patent and to obtain a number of services in the country, including issuing a bank card.

It is impossible to extend the period of stay by extending the migration card. When leaving and entering Russia, a foreigner does not extend the period of stay, but violates the law. The length of stay of Russian citizens abroad is as limited as the length of stay of foreigners in the Russian Federation. A migrant is given 90 days to determine his status and draw up the necessary papers. This period is quite enough.

If you do not plan to receive a PRT, patent or other documents, you cannot stay longer than 90 days in the Russian Federation, the migration card is not renewed, and you are breaking the law.

To extend your stay, you need to extend the migration registration. To do this, you must have a certain status, estimated place of residence and official income.

Ways to extend the allowable period

The period of stay in the country is extended by re -registration with the migration registration. It can be issued for a maximum of 90 days. The term is extended to you only if you have a registered RVP, residence permit, patent, or when you have already submitted documents to the RVP, but there is no solution yet. In this case, you should have a certificate of the transferred documents or a special mark on the migration card.

Extend your stay

In addition, obtaining a patent or obtaining a resident status is possible only if there are no violations of location previously. If they were, and the employees of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will be aware of them when considering your application, in the best case they will not give you status, in the worst you will become the owner of the entry ban.

If you plan to stay in the country for more than 90 days, start paperwork as early as possible. Be sure to become a migration account, since without it further operations are impossible.

Why prolong the stay for holders of RVP and residence permit

After obtaining a temporary residence permit or residence permit, migrants must issue temporary registration for a period of 3 and 5 years within 7 days. To do this, you will need documents for the ownership of the property or a lease agreement, the applicant’s and owner’s passports, the latter’s consent to the provision of temporary registration, a home book, several completed forms and a receipt for paying the fee.

However, not all tenants agree to provide temporary registration to immigrants, so as not to risk being left without their property. Foreigners with temporary registration do not have any right to a property if it was not bought by him or not married to the person who acquired it.

The bottom line is that not all migrants have the opportunity to receive temporary registration for 3 or 5 years, so they are forced to re-register with the migration register every 3 months. This is permissible. And this is necessary, even though they, being temporarily or permanently resident, and not staying, should be registered with the migrants and extend the permissible period of stay.

How to become a migration account

Within 7 days (for some cities this term is reduced to 1 day), it is necessary to appear at the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with the receiving party. You should have the following documents with you:

  • valid passport;
  • migration card;
  • A completed application form.

Maximum stay

A citizen or a permanent resident foreign citizen with whom you live must bring his passport and documents for an apartment or proof of his registration in this apartment.

The questionnaire must include the necessary information about you and your host, and your signatures must be present in the right places.

The employee of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will compare the data from your documents, put stamps, put his signature in several places and give you the tear-off part of the questionnaire. This will be your document on migration registration.

Is it possible to extend the registration without a migration card

The presence of a migration card is fundamentally important in the first place for registration with a migration register. The card remains your first and main document, in addition to your passport, until you receive a status or patent.

It is not possible to register with a migration card without a migration card.

If you have lost a card, you need to visit the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to get a duplicate of it. Contact as soon as possible in order to avoid a fine.

Do I need a status or a patent to extend the registration to residents of Donbass

Unlike Russian citizens, the period of stay of foreign citizens should be extended only if there is a status or patent. This also applies to residents of Donbass.

Registration stay

Due to the absence of any law requiring the extension of the permissible length of stay without a status or patent, each department of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs resolves this issue at its discretion. Accordingly, some meet and extend migration registration without the necessary papers, and some vice versa.

Before counting on the favor of the government, specify the possibility of prolongation in the management of your city until the end of the allowable period.

How to get RVP, residence permit or patent

Please note that obtaining a patent or one of the statuses takes a long time and some funds.

A patent can be obtained only with a migration card, which indicates the purpose of the visit - work. In the event of a mismatch between the purpose and the documents drawn up, you will not only be denied status, but also fined. Submission of patent documents must be no later than 1 month after entry.

Duration of stay of Russian citizens

To obtain RVP, you will need a pre-issued quota or the presence of one of the grounds: marriage with a citizen of the Russian Federation, a minor child-citizen of the Russian Federation, birth in the country or others. Applications for the quota are considered in accordance with the schedule of the meeting of the commission, and it does not happen every month, the number of quotas for the region is limited, they can be issued on a competitive basis.

To apply for RVP and residence permit, it is necessary to pass an examination for knowledge of the Russian language (it is paid), go around the doctors (it is also paid), make a notarized translation of the passport (similarly), provide a copy of the migration card, a tear-off certificate of migration registration, take a few photos, for RVP also needs 2 envelopes and, on demand, a paper folder. In order for your application for RVP or residence permit to be considered, you need to pay a state fee in the amount of 1600 and 3500 rubles.


It is possible to extend the period of stay in Russia only by re-registering with the migration register if you have a registration certificate, a residence permit, a patent or when applying for registration certificate.


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