Quotes about green eyes: aphorisms, catchphrases, beautiful sayings

Holders of green eyes are incredibly lucky, because green eyes are a rarity. Such people stand out from the crowd, they are immediately noticeable. When you meet a green-eyed person, you just can’t take his eyes off him. Since ancient times, people believe that eye color in some way can even affect the fate of a person and has a sacred meaning. They talked a lot about the beauty of green eyes, wrote poetry, sang in songs, wrote in novels, even burned at the stake ... So, the topic of today's publication is quotes about green eyes.

quotes about the girl’s green eyes

Green-eyed Witch Character Traits

You should know that green-eyed people live a full life, they are active and cheerful. They love simple but sophisticated things. You will never see a green-eyed girl crying and suffering from love, they hide all their emotions from prying eyes. In addition, the charming green-eyed beast loves to play with fire and is sure to arrange a test for her chosen one. After all, she is a complete mystery and no one will ever know what she really thinks. So, in the world there are so many beautiful sayings and quotes about green eyes, for example, one of them.

I can be so different: rude, intellectual, company soul, quick-tempered and unbalanced, but I saved the tenderness and romance for a miracle with green eyes!

The authorship belongs to a mysterious young blogger who calls himself "The Eyes of a Blond."

quotes about green eyes and a beautiful figure

Did you know that ...

On our planet, only 2% of people are born with green eyes. Interestingly, weather conditions and the mood of the owner affect the color of green eyes. Here they fade and become gray-green, then suddenly they can acquire a bright emerald hue. In addition, even if parents have a different eye color, it is possible that their offspring will be green-eyed, because there are at least 16 genes that affect the color of a person’s eyes. These facts once again emphasize the unusual green-eyed people, and modern literature describes them as especially extraordinary and mysterious.

So, we present to your attention a quote about green eyes and a beautiful figure from the book of Natalia Timoshenko "Disappearing in the Dark."

She was wearing a long dress, perfectly emphasizing the beautiful figure and shading the same green eyes, sparkling with anger

In the story, the colorful character of the main character is described so vividly, really realistically, and, of course, she had those very beautiful green eyes.

quotes about green eyes from books

A rare thing

For green-eyed people, light brown or yellow pigment is distributed in the outer layer of the iris, and as a result of scattering it is blue or blue, which is located closer to the pupil and the same mysterious and delicate green eye color is obtained. In addition, green eyes are more common in women than in men. In the Middle Ages, it was believed that the combination of green eyes and red hair was a sign of a witch who was burned alive. In the Middle Ages, if a man passed a green-eyed and red-haired woman and felt attracted to her, he had the right to convey to her and accuse of witchcraft. Ah, stupid! How many beautiful women were deprived of the most precious thing - life! In this case, we can say that beauty destroys the world!

Svyatoslav Vakarchuk, soloist of the Ukrainian group “Ocean of Elsa”, in a song called “Green Eyes”, sings about the power of beauty of beloved beautiful eyes.

Your green eyes look at me in such a way that all the light around is tender green, your green eyes play with me like that, how can I not love them?

quotes about gray-green eyes

Famous and famous

You just can not help but recall the famous actresses who are the owners of beautiful green eyes. This is Charlize Theron, which was remembered by the audience on the film "American Robbery." How beautiful her eyes are! How much magic and attractiveness they have! This can only be seen in the eyes of the green-eyed beauty.

What beautiful green eyes of the rebel Lindsay Lohan are so enchanting and bewitching. The luxurious Tyra Banks and the color of her bewitching eyes can change depending on her mood. And the girl in the glass is the incredible Dita von Teese, and, of course, the feminine and sweet Scarlett Johansson. These elegant girls are capable of breaking the heart of any man with one glance of their green eyes.

From light green to dark green

Note that light green eyes are born on the territory of such countries as Iceland, the Netherlands, Ireland, Scotland, Estonia and Scandinavia, and representatives with dark green eyes can be found in Europe, America and even Pakistan.

For example, a quote about green eyes from a song by Ismoilov Hassan and Husen.

Your green eyes give you a smile and peace. Your green eyes are full of warmth and kindness

Twin brothers living in Tajikistan sing the beauty of the green eyes of the eastern beauties.

quotes about green eyes of a girl in prose

Astrologers consider

Note that from an astrological point of view, green-eyed people are the most affectionate, because the green color is the result of the interaction of such planets as Venus and Neptune. Astrologers also believe that people with such eyes are mysterious, smart and unpredictable, have a creative streak and possess leadership qualities. They are in search of inner harmony, and do not follow public opinion. Astrologers especially note people with gray-green eyes. So, we will present to your attention the astrological verdict of Irina Muravyova or a quote about gray-green eyes.

Your ideas are the most daring and daring, and your energy will be enough ten times to bring them to life

They love to be jealous, admired, sought, and idolized. They know very well how to ignite the flame of love in their chosen one, and they have no equal. Next to them, you easily lose your head even from a single kiss. Remember how Nadezhda Kadysheva sings?

You call me a witch for my green eyes. You say this to me not in vain, I took your heart from you

One of the most popular quotes about green eyes from the book “Flowers of Evil” by Charles Baudelaire is full of love, pain and admiration.

In total stronger than your poisoning eyes, green eyes, in which the light of my soul went out

My kitty

Cats have a green iris, so owners of green eyes are often credited with the qualities of these graceful animals: curiosity, cunning, elegance and a keen mind. This is an opportunity to once again emphasize the beauty and mystery of green eyes: "My green-eyed cat!" How many wonderful words have been said to the green-eyed beauties! Many owners of green eyes emphasize make-up similarities with the slanting green eyes of a cat. In these cases, it is worth saying only two words, and the imagination of any man draws an incredible beauty - “Cat's Eye”. Why not a quote about green eyes? These playful thin arrows emphasize the charm of eye color. The eyes are incredibly attractive, even full of drama, depth and charm. So, the quote for the girl in prose about green eyes, emphasizing their beauty, sounds just that.

Your green eyes are the color of summer, somewhere nearby, your green eyes are the color of summer, you remember this

The authorship belongs to the brothers, Stas and Andrei, the performers of the "Streets" group. Sometimes, seeing the beautiful, we use aphorisms in our speech, without noticing it ourselves.

Much is devoted to the woman’s eyes, their beauty: "Eyes are the mirror of the soul."

Women's eyes are always the ocean: then Pacific, then Arctic

These wonderful words were said by Mikhail Mamchich. But I would like to recall one truth known to everyone that says that the coin has two sides. So let's turn it over! We often hear an expression that has become winged.

The monster with green eyes!

This describes the feeling of jealousy. The author of this phrase is Shakespeare. This expression belongs to the famous work "Othello, the Venetian Moor." After all, the owners of green eyes have the dark side of their nature. Yes, they are beautiful, they are mysterious, but also insidious, vindictive and cunning.

green eyes quotes


And in conclusion, summing up the above, we note that our final quote about the green eyes of the girl speaks for itself.

"Green eyes ... Why not a business card?"

For many centuries, looking into green eyes, people simply voiced the emotions and sensations that they received while admiring the mysterious, cute, most tender green eyes. After all, green-eyed girls can be confident in their beauty, and if a woman is confident in herself, then her chance of success in life increases many times, she is calmer, happier, being with her is already a great success in life.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E19434/

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