Apple tree "Florina": a brief description of the plant, growing conditions

The Florina apple tree is one of the most beloved apple varieties of many gardeners. Such popularity is caused by regular fruiting, good productivity, resistance to diseases and the special aroma of the fruit.

Apple tree "Florina": description

florina apple tree photo
This plant is suitable for growing both in warm and in temperate climates. If you need a variety that keeps the fruits fresh for up to six months, this is the Florina apple tree. Description of the features of the apple tree:

  • average height (not less than 1.8 m);
  • fruit color - yellow with a bright red blush;
  • large and medium-sized apples, asymmetric;
  • average yield;
  • good drought tolerance;
  • winter hardiness is average.

The above apple variety introduced in France ripens late.

The main advantage of the Florin apple tree is that it has immunity to various diseases, including powdery mildew and scab. Therefore, this variety is very popular among many gardeners. Good immunity can significantly reduce the cost of production, since you do not need to spend money on special means against pests.

What is special about Florina apples?

apple tree florina
Due to their excellent characteristics, these apples stand out among other varieties. What attracts the Florina variety? The apple tree, whose photo adorns the encyclopedia of gardening, has very fragrant and charmingly sweet fruits.

The weight of apples is not less than 150 gr., They have a flesh of a greenish-cream hue, a sour-sweet taste. The peel of these fruits is soft, not hard. Some breeders claim that the taste and aroma of Florin apples resembles a melon.

Apple tree "Florina": plant care

apple tree florina description
This apple variety does not require special care, but still it will have to be paid a little attention. Young seedlings are planted in pits 60 * 100 cm in size, watered abundantly.

To make the tree resistant to wind, a peg is hammered near it and a seedling is tied to it. Apple tree "Florina" does not tolerate acidic soils.

In spring, you need to weed the soil near the tree and feed it a little. In summer and autumn, it is necessary to carry out loosening of the earth and remove fallen leaves. This is done in order to ensure the flow of oxygen to the tree system.

Top dressing: the Florina apple tree prefers nitrogen fertilizers (ammonium nitrate or ammonium sulfate). It must be remembered that it is strictly forbidden to feed a plant in autumn, since nitrogen reduces frost resistance.

In dry and excessively hot summers, it is important to water the plant abundantly. In some cases, additional watering is also indicated.

It should be noted that the branches of the tree must be supported on time, since they weigh quite a lot during fruiting.

Preparing the plant for winter

The productivity of the Florin apple tree directly depends on how it wintered.

Gardeners argue that you need to carefully prepare the plant for winter, adhering to a few simple recommendations:

  1. The root system of the plant is important to cover with fallen leaves. This will protect the tree from severe frosts.
  2. To tie the trunk of the apple tree with prickly spruce branches or to whitewash it with lime. This will protect the tree from rodents.

Whitewashing is important before frosts. It is worth noting that in the spring lime still loses its properties, so you can use special processing solutions of chemicals against rodents. You can use them throughout the winter and spring periods without restrictions. The above measures will help preserve the beauty and health of the tree and give it the opportunity to winter well and without complications.

With proper care, the Florina apple tree will reward you with good harvests of juicy fragrant fruits for many years.


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