De-icing systems: overview and application features

Many owners of private real estate and industrial premises have already managed to appreciate the benefits of electric wires when creating autonomous heating. Such systems are used everywhere. There are special cables that can be mounted not only inside, but also outside the room. These are anti-icing systems.

Such wires differ in a number of characteristics from ordinary cable underfloor heating. They accelerate the melting of snow on various surfaces. Thanks to their use, you can avoid the appearance of ice on the driveways to the house, on the steps, roof and gutters. There are also systems that will prevent freezing of water and sewer communications.

The need for a system

Electric equipment for removing ice from various surfaces has been used by mankind for a long time. One of the first appeared anti-icing system of the aircraft. Today, similar technologies are used in everyday life.

De-icing systems

Many owners of private houses use special wires that contribute to the rapid melting of snow that accumulates on the paths of the site, on the roof and gutters. Ice can be a great danger to human health and property. Accumulated snow can slide down the slopes of the roof at any time on the heads of people passing by.

In order not to slip on the steps, to prevent icicles from falling, to be able to leave the site even in bad weather or after a strong snow storm, anti-icing systems are used.

System features

In Moscow, Ufa, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, as well as in NN, many municipal and private facilities are equipped with anti-icing systems . This is due to the urgent need to improve the safety of citizens in the winter. In this case, a special electric wire is used. It is similar to those systems that are used indoors. However, its power should be much higher.

For comparison: the average floor heating power in an apartment can be 150 W / m². The recommended nominal electricity consumption of the anti-icing system for our country is 300-350 W / m². And this is far from the only difference.

Installation of an anti-icing system

An outdoor wire is exposed to various environmental influences. Its braid must withstand significant temperature changes. There are two basic principles of cable heating of various objects.

Resistance wire

The anti - icing system of the roof and gutters can be created using a resistive cable. This conductor consists of a nichrome core. Around it passes several different protective shells, a grounding conductor. Throughout the length of the wire heats up the same way.

Roof anti-icing system

In order to avoid overheating of the cable, it is forbidden to lay the turns of the system close to each other, to cross the wire. The presented type of systems has proven its effectiveness in heating soil in greenhouses, driveways to the house, steps, fields, paved areas, etc.

For roof icing systems, it does not fit well. The fact is that in different parts of the roof the temperature of the base can be uneven. For example, when the sun comes out, it will only heat one side of the roof. In this case, in one part, the resistive wire will overheat. This can lead to its failure.

Features of installing a resistive wire

The installation of a resistive wire has several features. It is very important to read the manufacturer's instructions about the products presented. In this case, you can perform all the actions correctly.

Anti-icing system in HH

Installation of a resistive wire involves the installation of a temperature controller for de-icing systems. This appliance will control the heating temperature. This will save electricity. If the temperature in the street is up to -5 ° C, the thermostat will periodically turn off the wire. At the same time, the necessary temperature will be maintained for melting the ice.

The temperature controller has a remote sensor that measures the temperature directly near the heating wire. When it determines that it is getting too cold, the system will turn on again. This reduces energy costs.

Resistive Wire Disadvantages

The anti-icing system of the roof is most often mounted from wires of another variety. The resistive cable in this case has several disadvantages. The fact is that the length of drains, roof slopes is always unequal. If there are a lot of wires, it can not be cut. If the integrity of the core is violated, the system will not work.

Constant overheating of the wire, which is unavoidable during installation in drains, will lead to the fact that the system quickly fails. After several seasons, it will need to be replaced.

It should also be noted that installation of the system becomes more expensive due to the purchase of additional equipment. Installing a temperature controller in such a system is extremely important. During operation, a significant amount of energy will be saved. The cost of such systems is comparable to self-regulating wires. A wire coil with a length of 10 m costs (depending on the manufacturer) from 5 to 8 thousand rubles. The price of a temperature regulator can be from 1.5 to 5 thousand rubles.

Self-regulating wire

The gutter de-icing system is predominantly mounted using a self-regulating wire. This wire consists of two cores, through which an electric current is supplied. Between these veins is a matrix of semiconductor material. Around the system is covered with several layers of protection.

Drain anti-icing system

The principle of operation of such a system is simple. When electricity passes through the system, the matrix material resists it. In this case, the wire begins to heat up to a certain temperature. The matrix material responds to ambient temperature. When it is cold outside, the polymer resistance between the cores becomes minimal.

In this case, the wire quickly heats the core. As soon as the window gets warmer, resistance to electric current increases in the matrix. The wire heats up less. The design of such a wire consists of special sections. Therefore, the self-regulating cable can be cut. In different areas, its temperature may be unequal over the entire length.

Features of mounting a self-regulating wire

Installation of an anti-icing system using a self-regulating wire has a number of features. This cable is not afraid of temperature changes in different sections of the route. It is connected using the plug directly to the outlet. The supply point must be earthed.

Roof and gutter de-icing system

When installing the system does not need a temperature controller. The system itself will adapt to existing conditions. It is an energy efficient equipment. Due to the design features, the wire can be heated differently along the entire length. When the sun begins to shine on the roof in one area, here the heating will decrease. In this case, the portion of the wire that remains in the shade will heat up more intensively.

This is the most efficient heating. The cost of this wire will be slightly higher than that of resistive varieties. Systems of different manufacturers are on sale. On average, 10 m of self-regulating wire can be purchased at a price of 5 to 10 thousand rubles. Its cost quickly pays for itself during operation.

Advantages and disadvantages of self-regulating systems

Heating the roof and gutters with anti-icing systems from self-regulating wires has several advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of the presented systems include their zoning. The wire can be cut in increments of a few centimeters. This ensures a high-quality, accurate installation.

Roof and gutter heating de-icing systems

The power consumption and durability of the presented system is higher than that of the resistive wire. In this case, you do not need to add an expensive thermostat to the circuit. This is a robust system that is not afraid of temperature changes, overheating.

The disadvantages of a self-regulating wire include its high cost. Many owners of private real estate prefer to equip heated paths, steps from a cheaper resistive cable. For these purposes, a large footage of the system will be required. Self-regulating wire is ideal for gutters.

Zone cable

De-icing systems can be made in the form of mats. A resistive wire is laid out on a special grid of polymer material. At the same time, the laying step is already accurately calculated. Installers only need to roll out such a mat, and then fill it with an appropriate coating.

This type of system belongs to the category of resistive wires. The grid on which the cable is laid out can be cut. Most often, the width of the roll is 50 cm. Mats of 80 and 100 cm wide are also on sale. It is more convenient to use designs of 50 cm wide. Having cut the grid, you can equip the coating with a width of 1 m. The wire is not cut at the same time.

Mat is most often used for mounting heating of driveways to the house, sites in front of the terrace. Also, with their help, you can equip the heating of the steps, the upper platform of the porch. The cost of such a system is high. Therefore, they often use a conventional wire, supplied in the form of a bay.

Installation of heating system on the ground

De-icing systems are most often mounted on the ground. In this case, it is necessary to adhere to the instructions of the wire manufacturer.

First you need to prepare the site on which the system will be mounted. It can be compacted soil or a cement site of a staircase. If it is necessary to make the tracks warm, a layer of gravel is poured onto the ground (about 10-15 cm). It is well tamped. Next, you need to lay a layer of thermal insulation. A special metal mounting tape is laid out on it. It can be supplied in the kit or purchased separately from the cable.

Using this tape, the cable is fixed. It is laid with a snake in a certain step (specified by the manufacturer). Usually it is 10-15 cm. The system is filled up with a small layer of sand. Then everything is poured with concrete or paving slabs.

To arrange the heating of the porch, a wire is laid out on the prepared concrete base, and then it is poured with another layer of cement mortar.

Mounting the wire to the drain

Gutter de-icing systems are mounted slightly differently. The self-regulating wire is open, it is not poured into concrete. This is made possible by the ability of the wire not to overheat.

Depending on the configuration of the drain, the roof is laid out wire. It can be laid out with a snake or even strip. In this case, special clamps are used. They hold the system securely to the surface.

Having considered the features of anti-icing systems, you can choose the best option for your facility.


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