Nan Lactose-free: composition, reviews

Artificial feeding requires careful selection of the milk mixture. If a child has any special needs, often pediatricians prescribe nutrition of the NAS brand - a lactose-free, hypoallergenic or sour-milk product.

Artificial Feeding

nan lactose-free

For the growth and harmonious development of the child, good nutrition is necessary. Mother's milk contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals for a growing body. But sometimes there are circumstances in which breastfeeding is impossible.

Manufacturers of baby food offer a wide selection of milk formulas for artificial feeding. They are maximally adapted and saturate the children's body with everything necessary. The lactose-free mixture of NAS is in great demand.

Trademark NAN

The company offers a wide range of products for children from birth. Each of them is designed for a certain age and features of the child's body. In addition to the usual mixture, the assortment contains:

  • NAS is lactose-free. It is suitable for feeding children with lactase deficiency.
  • Pre NAN. Designed for babies born with low weight. The mixture is very well absorbed, replenishes the body of the newborn with the necessary substances and helps to gain weight.
  • NAS hypoallergenic contains essential acids. Such a product is recommended for children with pronounced allergic reactions.
  • Fermented milk NAN is ideal for babies with gastrointestinal disorders or dysbiosis. Entering such a diet allows you to normalize the digestion of crumbs.
    nan lactose free reviews

NAN 1 and 2 are easily absorbed by children and replenish their body with the necessary substances. NAN 3 and 4 are intended for feeding children after a year. The needs at this age are increasing, so the diet is enriched with bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. Smart lipids strengthen the immune system and promote healthy tooth set-up.

What is a lactose-free mixture?

Often a situation arises when the digestive system of the crumbs can not cope with dairy products, and then NAS is prescribed lactose-free.


  • soy protein isolate;
  • whole milk protein;
  • vegetable oils;
  • linoleic acid;
  • carbohydrates;
  • vitamins - A, D, E, K, C, PP, group B;
  • minerals - calcium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, copper, zinc and others.

The energy value of 100 g of powder is 503 kcal, and 100 g of the finished mixture is 67 g.

Recommended for the following conditions:

  • primary and secondary lactase deficiency ;
  • recovery period after severe diarrhea or acute gastroenteritis;
  • regular colic and regurgitation.
    nan lactose free composition

Such mixtures do not contain maltose, but soy in some children causes allergic reactions. Therefore, enter any milk mixture with extreme caution.

It must be remembered: despite the fact that the NAS has lactose free reviews, it is not worth introducing it yourself without the recommendation of a doctor.

Difference from adapted mixture

Manufacturers of adapted mixtures seek to bring them as close as possible to breast milk. They are made from processed cow or goat milk. But in lactose-free mixtures, it is replaced with soy. This is the only difference, the content of vitamins and trace elements in such products is the same.

Mom can choose the adapted mixture, based on her abilities and preferences of the crumbs. It is worth watching the baby’s reaction after feeding and weight gain. But a mixture with a low content of lactose or lactose free is worth buying, based on the recommendations of a pediatrician. Such food is considered preventive or therapeutic. The doctor will give recommendations on the correct injection of the mixture and monitoring the condition of the child.

Lactase deficiency

lactose-free mixture of nan

A small amount or complete absence of enzymes that break down lactose leads to lactase deficiency. It manifests itself with such symptoms:

  • bloating and flatulence;
  • abdominal pain;
  • diarrhea;
  • poor weight gain.

In the first few months of life, even healthy babies do not just cope with milk sugar, which affects the work of the gastrointestinal tract. But after three months, normal lactose activity is achieved, and digestive problems recede. But in some children, lactase deficiency develops, and then it is recommended to switch to a non-lactose NAS - it does not contain milk sugar.

How to administer lactose-free nutrition

To properly enter lactose-free NAS in the diet, patience is required. In no case do not transfer the baby to such food sharply. You will need to replace one regular feeding daily with a lactose-free mixture. Otherwise, the child may appear constipated.

In addition, observe whether allergic reactions occur as the baby sleeps. If after 3-5 days the stool is normalized, the baby sleeps well and does not show anxiety during wakefulness, we can say that NAS is suitable for the child without lactose, the composition meets the needs of the crumbs. In this case, it can be used as the main food.

NAS lactose-free: reviews

This product is well tolerated by children. According to pediatricians, he is able to eliminate allergic manifestations and solve digestive problems.

When choosing a NAS-lactose-free mixture, read the reviews carefully: like any product, it has its pros and cons.

nan lactose free mixture reviews

Positive reviews

  • Well tolerated. Many parents after entering this particular mixture noticed that the child had normal stools, improved sleep and weight gain.
  • For some children, NAN has been the only lactose that they respond well to.
  • Ease of preparation. Pour enough mixture into a bottle of warm water and shake - the food is ready. This is especially convenient at night.

Negative reviews

  • Poor tolerance. Each tiny person is individual, and sometimes choosing the right food requires a lot of time and patience.
  • Allergic reaction. Soy is not suitable for every child. If allergic manifestations appear, you should consult a pediatrician.
  • Bitter taste. Often, kids refuse to drink the mixture because of the unusual taste. When it is introduced into the diet, it is necessary to offer the child a bottle with a lactose-free mixture while he is hungry, and to feed him with the usual food.
  • High price. The product belongs to the middle price category. But for some parents it is a little expensive.

When introducing a new mixture, be especially attentive to the child, observe his reaction, this will help determine how much the product suits him.


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