Statuses with meaning about the family: original sayings

Relatives - the greatest wealth that a person possesses. That is why a large number of all kinds of statements and aphorisms is devoted to the cell of society. To replenish your arsenal of beautiful sayings, you can use the statuses with a meaning about the family proposed in the article.

statuses with a meaning about family

Beautiful statuses about the family

Family statuses with meaning are all the more attractive as they are more capacious and originally composed.

  • "What is the most expensive gift your parents gave you? - Life."
  • "If at least one person is waiting for you at home, you are no longer alone."
  • "There is no room for egoism in the family."
  • "I do not believe it when they say that the Guardian Angel cannot be seen. I see mine every day. This is my mother."
  • "No need to raise children. Educate yourself. Anyway, they will be like you."
  • "The future spouse should be treated like parents: do not look after a quarrel for a new one."
  • "Native people are the roots of man."
  • "Unity of goals is the guarantee of unity of spouses."
  • "The only place you can always find forgiveness is family."
  • "A good person before creating a family promises another happiness. A bad person is waiting for him."
  • "In a happy family, they understand that a misfortune shared with another is half the trouble, and joy shared with another is two joys."
  • "Awareness of this important thing comes with time - you need to value the health and parents. As long as they are."

family statuses with meaning

Family statuses with meaning: short

  • "To solve a difficult situation in a marriage, you should first ask yourself the question:" What is more important - to be right or happy? "
  • "Even if calmness, sleep, time disappeared with the advent of the child in the family, there is that which will remain forever - happiness."
  • “A beautiful wedding is easy to surprise. It’s harder to surprise a long and happy marriage.”
  • "The lucky one is the one whose personal life has become family."
  • "A family is possible, if only both actors. If one - this is a theater."
  • "Hands of parents - the embodiment of tenderness and care."
  • "For the first time in the circle of relatives, you know what" we "are.
  • "Happiness in the family is a gift from the Almighty. The most valuable gift."
  • "There is no constant calm in the family. The main thing is to remember where your shore is."
  • "Relatives may not always be right. But they always remain relatives."

Funny statuses about family

The phrase does not have to be serious. Sometimes statuses with a sense of a family with humor carry an equally important message.

  • "When native people are nearby, I don’t even need social networks."
  • "In a happy marriage, the neuroticism of the spouses coincides."
  • "To be happy, spouses need to forget during the day that they are lovers, and at night - that they are spouses."
  • "In a happy family, everything is stable. First, sex every day, after the wedding - every year."
  • "Parents are always expecting children. First - their birth, then - from a nightclub."
  • "In happy families, everything is kept in touch. Here we have dad talking with a car, mom with flowers, sister with dolls, I with a phone and a computer."
  • "Why would a family argue over who is in charge? Let everyone secretly consider himself the head."

statuses about the family with the meaning of short

Statuses with a sense of family can be used to express your feelings to loved ones. It can be not only a record in social networks. It will be very nice to get another person a note with such a phrase, left in the morning on a coffee table, a letter with this text to work. The main thing is improvisation and a desire to surprise. And statuses with a sense of family are just a tool in the hands of a loving person.


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