Do-it-yourself hip roof - drawings and installation procedure

The hip roof often underlies the architectural designs of houses that have a European style. The design of such a roof is not so reliable, but very aesthetic. If you take as its basic even the simplest version, you can diversify the system with different elements that will act as decorations and become signs of an exquisite style.

The simplest hip roof is a four-slope structure, two of which are triangle-shaped. They are called hips. They are located at the ends of the building and connect the ridge with a cornice. The frontal planes have a trapezoid shape and have a large area. The ramp extends from the ridge to the eaves.

To date, half-hip roofs, which belong to the Dutch style , are also lining up. The cornices of the end ramps are located above the front ones. Installation is carried out in cases where it is supposed to place a living room in the attic space.

Design Basics

hip roof truss system

Even if you decide to deal with a device of a more complex type of the described type of roof, the basic elements and components will remain traditional. Their installation is carried out according to the same technology. The design provides for the following parts:

  • corner rafters;
  • short rafters;
  • skate;
  • intermediate rafter legs;
  • rack supporting the horse;
  • puffs;
  • wind beam;
  • short rafter legs;
  • Mauerlat;
  • sprengel;
  • slopes;
  • ribs;
  • runs.

Corner rafters are located at a smaller angle than the intermediate elements. For lateral and intermediate rafters, boards with a cross section of 50 x 150 mm must be used. On the corner rafters, short rafter legs are fixed. The skate will have the same size in cross section as the rafter legs. The rack will support the skate. It is located at the junction of the rafters and the ridge beam.

To increase the overhang of the roof, the beam is mounted to the rafter legs. This provides protection against precipitation. A rafter is fixed to the rafter. It is located obliquely and is located on the side of the roof that is windy. Sometimes installation is carried out on trapezoidal slopes.

The short rafter leg is applied in a hip structure and is fixed to the corner rafter. Mauerlat is a block that is located around the perimeter of the walls. Another part of the system is the sprengel. It provides rigidity and relieves stress from the walls. It is placed diagonally and fixed on the Mauerlat. At different angles to the rafter leg, struts are installed. It all depends on whether the attic will be involved in creating the room.

Diagonal or side rafters, as well as a rib, can be installed on the front side or on both sides. Runs is the distance between the fastening of the rafters to the beam. This step will depend on the weight of the roofing material and the snow load in your area.

Determination of the angle of inclination

The hip roof angle should be determined taking into account several factors. The greater this value, the more costs you will incur for construction work. The slope is calculated as the ratio of the size of the ridge to half the width of the structure. This value must be multiplied by 100.

When creating a hip roof project, after determining the angle of its inclination, you must select the roofing material. If the angle is more than 20 gr., Then tile and slate are perfect. With a smaller slope, water will fall into the joints and snow will become clogged, which will shorten the life of the structure.

Bituminous roll materials are used on flat roofs or if the angle of inclination exceeds 30 g. If you are installing a hip roof with your own hands, and its angle of inclination is 10 grams, then you can use the following materials for shelter:

  • shingles;
  • roofing panels;
  • metal profile;
  • piece materials from wood;
  • slate.

Load impact

The hip roof scheme is made taking into account the loads on the rafter system. It will be subject to temporary and permanent stress. The main calculated parameter of the snow load is 180 kg / m 2 . This is true for central Russia. A snow bag stuck at the top can increase this figure to 450 kg / m 2 .

hip roof drawing

If the slope is more than 60 gr., Then the snow load is not taken into account. The wind load for central Russia is standard and amounts to 35 kg / m 2 . If the slope is less than 30 ˚, then wind correction is not taken into account. The total mass is calculated taking into account the amount of materials used and the area of ​​the hip roof. Before starting work, it is necessary to calculate the strength of the rafters and find out what is the possible deformation under different conditions.


When building a house with a hip roof, you should take into account some factors, among them it should be highlighted:

  • type of rafter system;
  • reliability of load-bearing walls;
  • slope angle;
  • rafter section size.

As for the rafter system, it can be mounted or layered. To calculate the proportions of structures, you can use formulas that will achieve the strength and reliability of the roof. For example, the height from the ceiling to the ceiling can be calculated by multiplying the step between the rafters from the end hip side by the distance between the rafters along the length of the building. This value must be divided by 2.

In order to know how much roofing material you need to purchase, you need to determine the area of ​​the roof. To do this, the roof is divided into separate components, each of which will be indicated by a geometric figure. For example, the area of ​​a triangle is calculated by multiplying the length of its base by height. The work should be divided by 2.

Calculation of the hip roof also provides for the determination of the area of ​​the trapezoid. For this, the length of the bases must be added and multiplied by the height of the figure, and then divide into two. The areas are added and multiplied by 2. This will allow you to get the total roof area. Next, you should find out what is the area of ​​one sheet of covering material. To do this, its width is multiplied by the length. Further, the total roof area must be divided by the area of ​​one sheet, which will allow you to get the number of paintings that should be purchased.

The hip roof, the calculations and drawings of which are presented in the article, is arranged after the purchase of covering material. Its quantity should be purchased with a margin of 10-15%.

Roof Installation Procedure

If a hip roof is chosen as the roof structure, then it is necessary to start work with drawing up a diagram of the rafter system. Next, calculations are made of parameters that depend on the distance between the walls of the house and the presence of capital partitions.

Materials are purchased according to calculations. At the same stage, the tools are prepared. Now you can prepare for tying the walls for mounting the rafter system. Under the installation of the rafter system, marking is performed. Installing the system in accordance with the project is one of the important stages. At the final stage, a roof is arranged.

Material selection

Before proceeding with the construction of the hip roof, it is necessary to select materials. You will need well-dried wood and metal fasteners, as well as anchor bolts, self-tapping screws and roofing nails. As for the metal elements, then they are fasteners and corners, which provide higher reliability of the structure. One of them is a sliding mount. It is located at the bottom of the rafters and is fixed to the Mauerlat. After installing it, you can eliminate the risk of system deformation during shrinkage of load-bearing walls.

hip roof house project

Staples act as one of the fasteners. Using them, you can connect parts, for example, floor beams, rafters or Mauerlat. For the manufacture of wooden elements should be used: timber 100 x 150 mm and 50 x 150 mm. Boards 25 x 150 mm and timber with a cross section of 50 x 150 mm. He will make skate and rafters.

Experts quite often recommend working with boards or beams of the same cross section. This will achieve strength and reliability. Boards 25 x 150 mm will go to the crate. It will also be necessary to purchase roofing material, a vapor barrier film and insulation. The vapor barrier will be located under the crate, it is laid on the rafters.

A soft coating can act as a roofing material for the described type of roof, because it will be easier to fix it on structures of complex configuration. Under such a roof, plywood flooring is performed. It is also necessary to purchase an antiseptic composition with which you will process the wood before installation. You will also need a steel 4-mm wire, with which you can fix some elements in the bearing wall.

Tool preparation

A one-story house with a hip roof will look very attractive. If you decide to resort to the installation of just such a roof, then you should take care of the presence of the following tools:

  • a hammer;
  • mallet;
  • screwdriver;
  • marker;
  • wooden ruler;
  • level;
  • electric jigsaw;
  • chisels;
  • roulettes;
  • rulers;
  • planer.

If you do not have a hammer in stock, it is recommended to purchase one that has a nail clipper. The mallet should have a wooden or rubber mallet. It is sometimes needed for adjusting and leveling wooden elements. A wooden ruler should have a length within 1.7 m. With it, you can bring individual nodes to the same level.

For work, you definitely need a planer. Better if you have on hand will be ordinary and electric. It will be more convenient to work with an ordinary tool at a height, while large planes are easier to process using an electric model.

Installation work

hip roof house projects

You can order a project of a house with a hip roof from professionals or make it yourself. Installation of the roof system must begin with the installation and fixation of the Mauerlat. It is located around the perimeter of the bearing walls. Its installation is carried out on waterproofing. Then markup is performed, during which the previously obtained calculations should be used.

Next, you can start laying the floor beams. They are mounted on the walls next to the Mauerlat or on a beam below the surface of the wall. Installation is fixed by puffs, which helps to reduce the load on the bearing walls. As soon as the floor beams are laid, they should be covered with flooring from the boards. Fastening to the beams is not necessary. This flooring will be needed for safe and comfortable work.

With a hip roof, a one-story house will look even more attractive. If you decide to resort to such a roofing device technology, then at the next stage you can start installing the racks. They are fixed on floor beams or puffs. The racks are mounted on top with a ridge beam. The rafter central legs are fixed to it. Now you can mark and fasten the intermediate rafters from the front slopes.

Next are the diagonal rafters that connect the corners of the building and the ridge. If necessary, additional racks are installed under them. The rafter of the hip roof should include short rafters. They are fixed on the diagonal. Their installation is carried out with a shutter speed of the same distance as in the case of intermediate elements. In addition, you can install struts and trusses, as well as a wind beam, each of which will strengthen or support the system.

hip roof

If the rafters of the hip roof end on a Mauerlat, after installation they should be extended with filly, which will form a canopy over the wall. Before proceeding to the next step, you need to mark the window openings and holes through which you will vent and chimney pipes. At these points, a frame is formed by slats that are packed around the perimeter.

A roofing cake is installed on the hip roof truss system, which provides for vapor barrier. The film is fixed, and on top of it the battens of the crate are screwed on. Between them is thermal insulation, which protects the materials themselves like a plastic film from the wind. Then the counter-lattice is fixed. The next step will depend on what coating material you have chosen. If you decide to purchase a metal tile, then it can be screwed to the racks of the counter-lattice. When choosing a soft roof, OSB sheets or plywood are laid under it.

More about installing supports for diagonal rafters

one-story house with a hip roof

The design of the hip roof truss system may include supports for diagonal elements. If it is a rack, then it is located diagonally on the ceiling. Between it and the ceiling should be a piece of waterproofing. This is true if the stand abuts against a reinforced concrete slab. At an angle, which can vary from 45 to 53 ˚, the strut is attached. It is called a strut rafter and is necessary to maintain the element in the loaded area.

The lower heel should rest against the bench. The hip roof truss system can be arranged using a truss. This is a T-shaped short beam made of timber. It is oriented upward. This element is used when arranging large spans that require the presence of reinforcing supports in an amount of two or more.

The sprengel is mounted so that its base is oriented perpendicular to the nasal rafters. The node is located in the lower part of the large span. Instead of a sprengel, you can use a short stance. The scheme of the hip roof truss system can be mounted using additional support from a bar or a double board. These nodes are located at the most loaded points.

Amplification methods

hip roof calculations drawings

Depending on the size of the building, different roof reinforcement technologies can be used. The most popular methods are those that involve nailing racks to the ceiling or roof corners. If the diagonal rafters are too long, then instead of one bar, you can use double beams to achieve the result.

The hip roof system can be strengthened if the structure is supplemented with a shelf that will support the rafters in the center. You can also use the sprengel, which is thrown between the two shoulders of the Mauerlat. Positioning this node far from the corner, for greater reliability, you should install a truss truss.

Recommendations for choosing the material for the rafter system

hip roof truss

When the hip roof drawings are completed, material should be selected. The four-slope structure is usually made of coniferous wood, namely pine or larch. The type of wood must be carefully considered - lumber should not contain defects that would be able to adversely affect durability and strength.

When it is decided to build a hip roof with your own hands, the drawings will become the best assistants in this matter. However, they will not guarantee a positive outcome. It is also important to choose the right material. For a rafter system, it is optimal to use a rectangular beam, the cross section of which is 50 x 100 or 50 x 20 mm. If necessary, double boards are installed. Their humidity should not exceed 22%. Otherwise, the material will dry out on its own, and after it is deformed during operation.

The best option for your home may be a hip roof. The rafter system can be reinforced with steel elements holding the main components. They will keep the relative position unchanged. Supports for the most loaded ridge runs can also be made of metal. If you use a combined design, you can achieve increased strength.

Recommendations for installing a rafter system

hip roof truss system

Installation is always carried out from the bottom up. The first beams are laid supporting beams, which are Mauerlat. They are subsequently installed rafters. This will allow the formation of the lower frame, which should extend beyond the walls by 50 cm. The agreed limits should not be exceeded, otherwise the project will look inharmonious.

Correct installation should be checked using the building level. If the building has wooden walls, then support beams will not be needed, because the upper crown of the log house will perform the function of the Mauerlat.

From each corner of the building, frame rafters, which are called diagonals, should go out. , , , . . . .

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These nodes need a device puffs, which will be supported. In some cases, they are fixed on the longitudinal and transverse beams. Once the rafter guides are installed, you can begin the construction of the main frame. Inclined rafters are fixed to the support beams and the ridge run. The distance between them should be 50 cm, but no more. If the gaps are increased, then the rafter system will not withstand the loads from the snow.

At the final stage, you will need to lay sheets of roofing material, it can be a metal tile, metal profile or another option. On flat roofs, the joints should be treated with a frost-resistant moisture-proof sealant. The size of the overlap when installing the canvases of these materials will depend on the angle of inclination of the roof. The steeper the roof, the less overlap should be. This recommendation also applies to slate.


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