Piercing children’s ears is a family tradition

pierce children's ears
To the question of whether it is possible to pierce children’s ears, doctors answer diplomatically: “There are no obvious contraindications ...” The expediency of this action in childhood is determined by family traditions. One mother hurries to see her beauty with earrings in her ears, from an early age introducing her child “to the beautiful” (recently it has become fashionable to pierce a child’s ears a year). Another expects an adult child to make a decision on their own. The third, armed with the knowledge of oriental medicine about biologically active (acupuncture) points, is more critical of the appropriateness of a puncture, preferring clips.

Pediatricians, however, recommend not hurrying to pierce the ears of children, but wait until three years. It is believed that a one-year-old child, actively exploring the surrounding world “to the touch”, can with his hands prevent the quick healing of wounds. In addition, in the event of inflammation, some healing drugs can not be used up to 3 years. On the other hand, experts advise to refrain from piercing until the age of 8, when the cartilaginous base of the ear is fully formed. The first earrings should be selected especially. They must scroll, be small and light.

pierce the child’s ears per year
It is recommended that children pierce their ears using the services of beauty salon specialists. Painless microoperation is performed using a special device, a “gun”, “charged” with sterile earrings. After a puncture, the earring is not removed for a month or a half, while it contributes to the correct healing of the hole. In the first days, the puncture sites are periodically disinfected, and starting from the third day, for proper channel formation, the earrings and needles should be turned a little in the ear. In piercing salons, piercing is performed with disposable sterile needles. The following fact is noteworthy: according to folk customs, it is believed that it is desirable to pierce the ears of children for faster healing during the period when the apple trees bloom.

The child’s hair during this period should be fastened with an elastic band at the back so that they do not hang over the ears. For a month should refrain from a long bath. The first earrings should have a lock that does not pinch the earlobe. If a slight redness appeared around the wound, then it is removed with a solution of potassium permanganate. If this does not help, it is better not to waste time contacting a doctor for a more effective anti-inflammatory drug.

Is it possible to pierce the ears of children
If we talk about acupuncture points located on the shell of the ear, then eastern medicine, recognizing the correspondence of the shape of the ear to a human embryo, indicates their existing relationship with various organs. It is believed that the impact of the needle can in some way affect the work of an organ. Selective “correct” exposure to them is recognized in the East as adjuvant therapy and is used in pain relief. But this is already a special area taken into account by piercing specialists. With minimal piercing (piercing) of the ears, this effect is safe. It is customary to pierce children's ears on the lobe, where there are fewer active points. According to reviews, correctly performed manipulation can even stabilize vision. The existing contraindications are of a special nature: it is not recommended to pierce the ear immediately after suffering eczema or a blood disease.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E19459/

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