The floor in the garage. Which is better to choose: concrete or wood? Construction technology

You can use a variety of materials to create the floor in the garage. To date, there are a huge number of them. Accordingly, the choice can be made, guided by their own preferences. But you need to know (if you are going to lay the floor in the garage), which is better. This review will focus on this.

Qualities to be matched by gender

garage floor which is better

The surface in such a room is often subjected to stress. Her contacts with chemical, aggressive substances are possible. For this reason, the coating should be characterized by strength, reliability and durability. You should familiarize yourself with some flooring options that you can use when creating a floor in a garage. What's better? We will talk about this further.

Budget option for a garage

A budget option is a concrete screed. She is able to act not only from the position of the foundation for subsequent finishing, but also as an independent floor. They make it using concrete grade B20-25. The thickness of the screed can vary in the range from 50 to 150 mm. In the event that the surface of such a coating is not even, then it can be milled and sanded.

How is the floor screed in the garage made? In order to make it strong enough, it is necessary to take into account the surface to be poured, its dimensions. If the coverage area will reach 45-50 square meters. meters, then the screed should be divided into several parts using expansion joints. They must be filled using elastic compounds. There should be no water in the garage. For this reason, the screed should be sloped in the direction in which the drain grates are located. A seam should be made around the edges. It will need to be filled with polyurethane or polystyrene foam.

How long does it take to process?

garage floor screed

Speaking about the floor in the garage (which is better from the materials suitable for its creation), it should be noted and concrete finish. To increase the dirt-repellent properties of the screed, it will need to be processed using colorless impregnation. This will help the roller or brush. With this treatment, concrete will no longer attract dust and become contaminated.

How long does it take to process the floor? Impregnation of the surface is allowed only once. In some situations, additional processing may be required. The floor covering will be completely ready for use after applying the composition in a few days. Accordingly, processing will take only a day. A few more days must be left to the floor in order for the impregnation to dry. Reapply the composition only after 3 years.

Concrete floor can be painted

What concrete floor paint in the garage can be used? In order to paint the surface, you can use acrylic or epoxy dye. When choosing a tool, pay attention to such a parameter as resistance to mechanical loads. You should also carefully consider the possibility of using paint on concrete surfaces.

Please note that painting carries not only a protective function. It also helps to shape the floor. Coverage in the garage can be an excellent place for a variety of experiments. For screeds, a range of shades may be standard. Creative ideas can be realized by mixing different colors. The finished surface is matte, glossy or semi-matt.

paint for concrete floor in the garage

How to paint a concrete screed? If it is old, then previously it will need to be made even. To do this, use a primer. With it, you can increase the adhesion of the screed and concrete. After this, apply a self-leveling layer. Before painting, the surface must be vacuumed. It will be necessary to paint not only the floor, but also about 20 cm of the wall. The paint should be applied in several layers, providing about 2 days for each of them to dry.

Dry cement mixes

How to cover the floor in the garage? You can get the perfect coating using dry cement mixes. By mixing such a composition with water, you get a liquid self-leveling mass. It can spread, forming a perfectly flat surface. Thickness will reach 80 mm. However, if you want to get a slight slope, then such mixtures can not provide this.

Before applying the mixture, the floor will need to be cleaned of dirt and primed. After that, using a trowel, it is necessary to apply a self-leveling mass. At the present stage, special products are sold in the construction markets that can be used to obtain the top coat. It will not require further processing.

floor in a warm garage

To get a high-quality surface and make a screed, you need to spend about 3-4 days. After pouring the self-leveling mass, it will be necessary to wait another day. During this time, the surface will completely dry. It will be possible to put the car in the garage only after 3 days.

Wide selection of bulk floors

How to cover the floor in the garage? It is possible to realize the idea of ​​a bulk surface. To create a polymer coating, it is worth using acrylic, vinyl and other resins. They have a wide palette of colors, are characterized by high strength and durability. Therefore, it is difficult for them to harm with aggressive chemicals. It is possible to process the self-leveling floor in the garage with varnish that has an anti-slip effect or a coloring agent. Can be decorated with sand or other decorative elements.

bulk floor in the garage

There are a variety of polymer coatings. Some of them are able to spread, independently forming a flat surface. You can also lay such a bulk floor in the garage, which you need to distribute using a trowel or brush. Application is carried out within 3-6 days. It will take about 2 days to dry. The rate of solidification will largely depend on air temperature. A significant role can be played by the quality of the product used.

Advantages of Rubber Surface

You can always make a rubber floor in the garage. The advantages of this coating are obvious. It is durable, durable and wear-resistant. It is characterized by water tightness, soundproofing. It is completely safe, as it has an anti-slip effect and is resistant to icing. The rubber floor in the garage will be characterized by multifunctionality. Coverage can be used to design indoor or outdoor areas. Everything else, it is quite easy to lay it yourself. Does not differ in complexity and care for such a floor.

rubber floor in the garage

It is necessary to lay the rubber on an already prepared and processed surface using special adhesives. In the butt joints, it is necessary to fix the material using adhesive tape. Due to this, it will be possible to prevent delamination, as well as waterproof the seams. A floor in a warm garage made of rubber will be the best option.

Advantages and disadvantages of wood coating

Plank surface. At the present stage, such a floor is not very popular. But you can still meet him. This is a budget and simple option that does not require special skills, any large costs and effort when laying. What other benefits does this surface have? With the help of boards you can make the floor in a warm garage. This material is not expensive, easy to repair and replace.

There are also disadvantages. Even if well-crafted boards were used, they will quickly deteriorate compared to all the above options. Such coverage is not safe. If you lay boards in a garage that is not warm, they will freeze. Spilled oil or gasoline can cause a fire. Due to the fact that the coating absorbs liquid, the smell will constantly be in the garage. Partially, this problem can be solved by processing with a lacquer.

Board flooring can be made as a topcoat. Fasten the material with nails, dowels or glue. Previously, it will be necessary to lay lags, and only then - boards.

how to cover the floor in the garage


In this review, options that can be used to make the floor in the garage were considered. What's better? You should make this choice based on the information that was provided above. Also do not forget about your own preferences. They should be in the first place. We hope that this article will help you make the right decision.


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