How to choose clothes on body type?

Some girls, having bought clothes, notice that they do not look at them like they do on a mannequin. Or she doesn’t look as good as she would like. The point is not in the wrong cut or color, but in the fact that these girls could not choose a style for their type of figure. Do not rely on sales consultants, because their task is to sell as many products as possible, and not to select it individually for each client. Therefore, if you know the type of your figure, you will know how to choose the right clothes that emphasize your merits. This will be discussed in this article.

Types of Shapes

How to choose clothes, guided by a figure? To do this, you need to look at the proportional ratio of the upper and lower parts and the severity of the waist. The following types of female figures are distinguished:

  • "pear";
  • "Apple";
  • "rectangle";
  • "inverted triangle";
  • "rhombus";
  • "hourglass".

Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages, which can be adjusted with the right outfit. Below we will describe how to choose clothes by type of figure.

clothes for pear figure

What suits the pear-shaped type

Visually, such a figure is similar to a "triangle". A distinctive feature of this type is the voluminous lower part, hips and legs. The upper one looks fragile, and not only because of the volume of the chest, but also the lines of the shoulders and arms are small and elegant.

How to choose clothes for a pear figure? The emphasis should be on the upper body, namely on the line of the shoulders. The blouse with frills, ruffles, assemblies will be a good solution - they will add the missing volume of the upper part. It is also worth paying attention to the sleeves-flashlights and models with foam rubber shoulders - they will make the shoulder line more noticeable. Fit styles with a boat neckline and sleeveless tops.

Not fit girls with this type of figure too tight top. But if a cardigan or blazer is put on top of them, then this will be a suitable option for a pear.

As the bottom, you can choose pencil skirts made of thick fabric, knitted tight skirts, wide trousers up to the floor or shortened trousers of the “cigarette” style. It is best to choose clothes for the bottom of dark shades - they will visually reduce the volume of the hips and legs. A dress with a lowered waistline, a narrow skirt and a voluminous top will look good on the owners of such a figure.

figure clothes apple

Recommendations for owners of an apple-like figure

Girls with such a figure are distinguished by a rather wide waist, voluminous top and narrow hips. Often they have slender legs. Owners of this type of figure need to carefully monitor the diet, because most of them are overweight. But as soon as they lose a few pounds, the outlines become more feminine and softer. How to choose clothes for girls with an apple shape?

If there is excess weight, then, first of all, outfits need to be selected in order to disguise it. Since the waist line of girls with this type of figure is not pronounced, clothes are selected taking into account this feature. Therefore, it is better to give preference to dark colors and vertical stripes - this will visually stretch the silhouette.

Will look good:

  • fitted jacket;
  • shirt with a belt;
  • baby-style or peplum dress;
  • high waisted trousers;
  • a skirt of a trapezoidal cut and other styles that can emphasize the waistline.

Girls with this silhouette need to stretch it and make the figure proportional, while maintaining volume in the upper and lower body.

figure clothes rectangle

What will suit a "rectangular" silhouette

This is a sports figure that has similar outlines with a male. Shoulders and hips of the same size, in addition, its owners are distinguished by their harmony. The main task of girls with a rectangular type is to add femininity to your silhouette. How to choose clothes for girls with such a sports figure?

Volumetric blouses sewn from chiffon or other light fabrics will suit you - they will add volume to the waistline and make your shoulders more rounded and feminine. Of course, it is worth giving preference to dresses and skirts, only you need to choose them with a suitable cut. A “rectangular” figure will suit: a sheath dress with a belt, puffy skirts and a-line skirts. Long dresses on the floor will look especially feminine.

If you are a fan of trousers, then choose their straight cut or "chinos". Be sure to use accessories, such as a belt, to emphasize the waist and add more femininity to the figure.

figure clothing inverted triangle

Recommendations for Inverted Triangle Owners

This silhouette also refers to the sports type. It features a wide massive upper part and a small narrow bottom. A particularly problematic part of the body in girls with such a figure is the buttocks, which practically do not stand out. But correctly selected clothes will help to make the silhouette proportional.

Choosing the top is better than dark soft colors, so as not to accentuate attention on it and not to add even more volume. It is better to choose dresses and skirts with a lush hem, clothes A-silhouette or straight cut. Too tight-fitting models, blouses and sweaters with ruffles, frills and sleeves-lanterns or completely sleeveless will not work. A skirt with a peplum will look good - it visually add volume to the hips and make their shapes more feminine.

clothes for figure rhombus

Features of the figure "rhombus"

The owners of this figure have the most pronounced part of the body - the hips. The line of the body sharply goes to the shoulders and hips, which creates a certain imbalance in the figure. How to choose clothes for girls with such features of complexion?

Girls need to choose outfits that do not focus on the lower body. Therefore, tight-fitting models are not recommended. The main thing is to make the upper part more visible. This can be achieved through an unusual top or the use of bright accessories.

hourglass figure clothes

What to wear for girls with an hourglass

Owners of this type were lucky: their silhouette can be called perfect. The upper and lower body have approximately the same proportions, the waist line is pronounced. The hourglass figure looks very feminine. How to choose clothes for a woman who has an almost perfect build?

Almost any combination of clothes and almost all styles suit them. The main thing is that the outfit looks organically and stylishly. You need to emphasize the dignity of your figure, so it is better to give preference to feminine and flowing silhouettes.

Recommendations for the selection of men's clothing

Of course, the stronger sex also wants to look stylish and emphasize their dignity. How to choose clothes for a man? There are three types of shapes that they need to focus on:

  1. "Triangle" - men with a similar structure have wide shoulders and a chest and a narrow torso and waist. Therefore, they need to choose clothes in which the emphasis is not placed on the top. These can be jackets without lapels and with large lapels. You also need to focus on the waist. A wide belt, voluminous pockets and tapered cut trousers will cope with this task.
  2. “Square” - in such men the figure is quite proportional, but there may be extra pounds in the abdomen. Therefore, they suit direct-cut things of dark colors. Oversized jumpers and jackets should be avoided because this will add waist volume. Also, to visually stretch the figure, select vertical stripes. The top should be organically combined with the bottom, creating a solid image.
  3. "Rectangle" - the proportions of the torso, shoulders and hips are approximately equal. Men with this type of figure need to choose things in order to visually make their upper body bigger. Clothing with wide collars and lapels is suitable for them, it is worth using scarves and ties. It is not recommended to wear bright T-shirts and sweaters. And trousers should be chosen narrowed.

Of course, men's clothing is not so diverse as women's, but they also need to be able to choose a wardrobe in accordance with the features of the figure.

clothes for men

General recommendations

There are basic tips that will allow you to choose an outfit that emphasizes your figure:

  1. Striped clothing will add volume to your hips. Therefore, it is suitable only for owners of figures such as a "rectangle" or "inverted triangle."
  2. Baggy clothes will suit girls with an apple shape or those who are overweight. With such voluminous things you need to be careful, because they can visually add weight.
  3. The jacket should be chosen by those with magnificent forms, because it focuses on the chest.
  4. If you have a beautiful shoulder line, choose cropped sleeves with a variety of finishes.
  5. If you want to make a waist already, choose models with a wide belt, and a narrow cut will make the figure more slim.
  6. Coats are better to choose fitted - they will add to the female figure of grace.
  7. Pants with a low rise will make legs slimmer. But they should not be chosen by girls with voluminous hips.

It is important to know how to choose the size of clothes. Because even if you pick up things that will emphasize your merits, but their size is not suitable, they will not look very beautiful. Tips on how to choose clothes by type of figure will help you create a beautiful and stylish look.


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