Igor Chuzhin: biography and creativity

The modern literary world is very diverse. What topics are not written today! One of the most popular is popanstvo. Authors send their heroes to parallel worlds, the past, alternative realities, to other planets, even to previously written novels and popular films!

One of these writers is Igor Chuzhin. He has an impressive list of already written books in this genre that have found their fans. Also, there are several works not of “priestish” themes, but adventure ones. But more about everything in the article.

igor stranger

Igor Chuzhin: biography of the author

Little is known about the author himself. All the information available is that he was born on March twenty-second, 1954. Place of residence - the city of Korolev in Russia. Such information is posted on his page on Samizdat. No further information.

Photo by Igor Chuzhin is also missing. Despite the numerous books published, it is impossible to find out what the person who wrote them looks like. Moreover, for more than three years the author has not had new works. For what reason - it is unknown.

Series of books “The Wanderer”

The most popular series among the writer Chuzhin Igor Anatolyevich is considered the “Wanderer”. Consists of six works.

  • "Wanderer". Book one. For the first time, readers saw her on the Internet in 2009, when the author began to upload the work on his Samizdat page. On paper, the work appeared in 2010.
  • "Wanderer. Fiery Roads of Geon." It was released in 2010.
  • "The Wanderer. The Battle of Tanol." Printed in 2010.
  • "Wanderer. And the heavens opened." Released in 2011.
  • "Wanderer. Long road home." Printed in 2011.
  • "Wanderer. Return." Print year 2012.
    igor stranger biography

The main character of the book is Igor Stolyarov. After a fatal lightning strike, he enters another world, receives the name Ingvar and the status of a slave. And not simple, but sacrificial, designed to fight the best warriors of the goddess Sida.

Of course, Ingvar has magic, which in a peculiar way manifested itself on Earth. A technician always junked next to him, and strange malfunctions occurred. An additional bonus was the ability to possess knives, thanks to earthly enthusiasm.

The fellow's path is rather thorny. Over the course of six books, he has been plagued by both ups and downs, love and betrayal, female perfidy, loss of loved ones and friends ... But earthlings do not give up! No matter what, Ingvar goes further and does everything in his power.

After the disaster that destroyed the island of Tanol, the protagonist tries to save those who survived. At the cost of incredible efforts he succeeds. But soon new challenges await him. Ingvar finds the portal, activates it and ... returns home!

However, on Earth no one is waiting for him and will not recognize him. The main character ends up in a psychiatric clinic, as he has no documents and no one believes him. After some time, Ingvar found a way to return to another world, but two companions also move with him. The protagonist begins new adventures that end safely.

Igor foreigner photo of the author

Series of books “Emigrant from the Earth”

Another interesting series of Igor Chuzhin is considered to be “Emigrant from the Earth”. It includes two books. The series is less popular than The Wanderer, but no less exciting.

  • “Emigrant from the Earth”.
  • "Come back home".

The events of the book take place in space. The main character is abducted from the Earth by a slave trader (yes, in the far and inaccessible space for the earthlings, the slave trade is flourishing). By a ridiculous coincidence, Victor Golitsyn became Alex Curtis, received the post of pilot and got rid of slavery.

Thus began a new life of the protagonist. He lost both legs, but instead received high-quality prostheses and was able to work. Having gone through many troubles and unpleasant situations, the main character was able to find his love, have children.

writer foreigner Igor Anatolevich

A series of “Leave so as not to return”

The third series of books by Igor Chuzhin. It included two works, one of which was published in paper form in 2012:

  • “Leave so as not to return” (published in 2012).
  • “Novgorod is the capital of Russia.”

The plot tells the story of a fellow trader who was transported in time to the past. He came in 1462 during the time of Ivan III. The beginning is quite original - the main character flew through the portal into the past on his parachute, fleeing the fire in a bunker arranged by bandits. Well, actually, from themselves, because the witnesses, as you know, do not live long.

Thus began the new life of our contemporary in the past, which became for him a present, and the harsh everyday life of survival in a hostile world. He was “lucky" to come across gangsters, but he was able to get away from them, having acquired the necessary items for survival and provisions.

After some time, the main character went to the village. Thanks to knowledge from the future, I was able to find work, becoming a wheeled master, and luck helped to increase my status and begin to train the squad of the noblewoman of Pelagia.

So, slowly merging into the life of local society, using his knowledge, skills and memory of the man of the future, Alexander Tomilin was able to rise to unprecedented heights and occupy the princely throne in Novgorod.

igor alien all books

Other works of the author

As such, Igor Anatolyevich Chuzhin no longer has such works, but on his personal page of Samizdat one can find additions to already written books. For example, a brief guide about characters to the series “Wanderer”. It lists all the heroes that met in six books. Geographic features, the current monetary system, existing races, gods worshiped in this world, and much more are also indicated. A very useful reference.

Igor Chuzhin: reviews about the author

This author has many fans of his work, but there are those who do not like the works at all. Very many complain about errors in the text (punctuation and spelling). But Igor Anatolyevich Chuzhin himself in one of the comments says that he knows Russian quite poorly, uses special programs for the correct writing of texts. But after writing a few books, mistakes become less and less.

The plot of books is not rejected by most readers, although some note its classicity. Easy writing style, dynamism, interesting twists and turns - all this attracts its audience. Of course, the Wanderer series is more popular, but other works by Igor Chuzhin also deserve attention.

Stranger Igor Anatolievich


All the books of Igor Chuzhin at the moment can be found on the Internet in free access. The “Wanderer” series can be purchased in paper form or, if you prefer, in electronic form. Also in 2012, the book “Leave so as not to return” was published. By the way, this is the last work of the author, published on paper. Other works can be found only in electronic form. We can hope that in the future the reader will be able to get acquainted with new fascinating works of the author after a long break in creativity.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E19469/

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