Astrameria - flowers for your home and garden

A flower with a motley color, somewhat resembling an orchid, has long been loved by florists and lovers of indoor plants. Its name is astrameria. Flowers belong to the Alstroemeria family and come from the subtropical and tropical regions of South America. This perennial plant was loved and deified by the Incas. He was brought to Europe in the eighteenth century.

The plant is quite tall, it can reach eighty centimeters in height. Leaves of bright green color have a lanceolate shape. Coloring of flowers varies depending on the variety.

The attractiveness of the astrameria flower, the photo shows very vividly. Hybrid varieties are often chosen for breeding. Of the most popular varieties, mention may be made of Pelegrina, Margaret, Parigo Charm. Their flowers can be in the form of a funnel, dark red, yellow, blue, white, orange shades with strokes. Height also varies from forty centimeters to one meter. For the tallest species, you need to put props. Flowering time - June-August.

astrameria flowers

The plant can be grown in greenhouses or at home. The flower loves spacious rooms, cool and light, but blooms well in partial shade. Astraemeria is a tropical plant; therefore, flowers prefer a temperature regime of sixteen to twenty degrees and high humidity. They canโ€™t stand the heat. During regular and moderate watering, water should not be allowed to get on the flowers, as well as stagnation in the roots. In winter, the plant needs less moisture.

astrameria flowers Price

Suitable for cultivation in the garden of astrameria, flowers before planting in open ground are pre-grown from seeds in April or May. For the suburban area, the variety โ€œfunny mothsโ€ is suitable. Perennials are dug up in October and stored in the cellar.

Propagating a plant can be very easy. To do this, divide its root - tuber. For planting a flower requires a special soil composition. It must be slightly acidic, it must include sheet soil, peat, humus and sand.

flower astrameria photo

A flower in bouquets is very good, as it retains freshness for a rather long time and is odorless. It is presented as a gift to women and included in the bride's bouquet. When breeding at home, astrameria shows its capricious character. Flowers can die if they are not provided with the necessary conditions. This can happen if in winter they will lack light and moisture in the air. In addition, the plant needs a dormant period, otherwise it may be depleted and stop flowering. As a top dressing, it is recommended to use fertilizers for decorative flowering or bulbous plants. Daylight hours for a flower should be 13-14 hours. At home, it can be placed on the south window. In the greenhouse, it is advisable to arrange illumination with fluorescent lamps. If you are fascinated by astrameria, flowers, the price of which is quite affordable, can be purchased in specialized stores. Choose for yourself what you like - a ready-made bouquet of these tender beauties or an elegant flower grown in a small pot.


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