How to care for roses in spring

In moderate climatic conditions, garden roses are not afraid of freezing, but to a greater extent, aging under shelters in the winter. From this we can conclude that it is important not only to timely and correctly cover the bush, but also to remove the shelter itself at the right time. People who consider themselves true gardeners should definitely know how to care for roses in the spring so that in the summer they delight your eyes with their beauty.

how to care for roses in spring
As soon as the first spring sun begins to warm, it is necessary to clear the snow from the shelter and slightly open the edges for ventilation. It is worth remembering that it is possible to remove the shelter only when the soil thaws ten to twenty centimeters in depth. This is best done in cloudy, calm weather. After removing the shelter, the bush must be shaded from the sun.

When the ground finally thaws, the rose is knocked out, and then sprayed with a special solution of Bordeaux liquid to prevent fungal diseases.

It should be noted diseases of roses, such as an infectious “burn” of shoots and stem cancer. Observing the proper care of garden roses, it is worth remembering that frost contributes to the infection of the flower, any mechanical damage, untimely cover or pruning in wet weather.

Red spots appear on damaged shoots, later they darken. Infected shoots must be cut off, and then disinfected with copper-containing solutions and preparations.

One important aspect of how to care for roses in spring is pruning. To do this, you must be familiar with the principle of pruning a bush. In principle, this can be done by any grower.

flowers roses care
Cut the flower with a very sharp tool, having previously disinfected it with alcohol or any other disinfectant. When trimming stems with a blunt instrument, the wound will heal for a long time. All trimmed places must be smeared with brilliant green or other disinfectant.

Answering the question of how to care for roses in spring, a separate place is still allotted to pruning a bush. Note that it is of two types: sanitary and formative. Sanitary pruning includes cutting all diseased and broken shoots to healthy wood.

The cut itself is necessarily done at an acute angle at a distance of six millimeters from the kidney, which grows outward. When rose flowers are grafted , care should include mandatory checks for wild shoots. They need to be cut at the base, while excavating the shoot. If such a shoot is cut off at ground level, then the appearance of new shoots from the kidneys that are sleeping is possible.

Formative pruning is divided into short, medium and long (strong, moderate and weak).

garden roses care

Between themselves, they differ only in the number of kidneys left. For example, strong pruning leaves 1-2 kidneys, medium - 4-6, and weak - 8-12. In any type of pruning, thickening shoots that grow inside the bush are subject to cutting. Note that the bush, which is trimmed correctly, has no more than seven shoots no older than three years. All branches of the shoots should not interfere with each other or cross each other.

If you are a beginner gardener, then a special place must be given to how to care for roses in the spring. After all, any small detail can spoil the entire bush. Well, if you learn to do everything right, then in the summer you will enjoy the most romantic flowers in the world.


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