DIY pent roof: materials and technology

The construction of the roof is the final stage in the construction of the duct of a building or structure. The durability of the operation of the bathhouse or other business facility will depend on the quality of this work. For this, the builder must adhere to the established technology of such a process.

The shed roof for a bathhouse is being built almost everywhere today. This work can be done with your own hands. To do this, you must have basic construction skills, as well as know and comply with all the requirements of the instructions.


A single-pitched roof for a bath of foam blocks, timber, logs and other popular building materials has several advantages over other design options. This type of roof is less susceptible to wind load. At the same time, the building material from which the system is built can be almost anything. This is due to the fact that the slope of a shed roof can be minimal (from 0 °).

Shed roof for a bath

A shed roof is considered the simplest construction. Therefore, its erection can be carried out even by an amateur. The whole process does not take much time. If a pitched roof is not created for the attic floor, it is lightweight.

If the owners want to make their roof more complex, you can use a combination of several slopes. They are equipped at various heights. At the same time, the roof will still belong to the class of pent varieties.

During construction, less materials will be required, as well as the forces of the master. Therefore, the presented design is used almost universally.


The design presented has its drawbacks. The angle of a shed roof can be from 0 to 45 °. However, for the arrangement of the baths , the minimum values ​​of this indicator are most often chosen. In this case, the drainage is slightly worse than in more sloping structures.

We build a bath

Precipitation will flow in only one direction. Therefore, it will be necessary to create a more reliable water drainage system. It will have a larger diameter. Experts recommend giving preference to metallic varieties of the drain. Brackets for fixing these elements must be mounted at a distance of 40 cm from each other. The cost of the material of the drainage system in this case will be slightly higher than with the arrangement of other roofing systems.

The attic space will be small in size. However, this is not so important for a bathhouse. Some owners of private houses claim that the shed roof has a plain appearance. However, if you have imagination and the necessary time, even from a pitched roof you can make a masterpiece. The advantages of the presented design are more than disadvantages.

Type of rafter system

To ensure that the final result of the work is high, we build a bathhouse in accordance with the recommendations of professional installers. They talk about the need for the right choice of rafter system. There are three main options.

Construction of a pitched roof

For buildings made of logs, a sliding rafter system is used. It prevents the occurrence of deformation of wood, which can reach 15% after the construction of a new house. This design requires rigid fasteners on the upper wall (on the Mauerlat). At the bottom, the rafters will be installed on a special device. This avoids slipping during shrinkage of the log house.

If the bath is built of brick or foam blocks, a system of inclined rafters is used. They will rest on the lower joists. At the top, the roof is attached to a wall or pillar.

There is also a hanging rafter system. This work should be done by professionals. Each farm is assembled separately on the ground. Then they are installed on the walls.

Slope angle

If we build a bathhouse with our own hands, it is necessary to determine what type it will belong to. There are non-ventilated and ventilated objects. In the first case, the slope angle is up to 5 °. They need high-quality insulation, vapor barrier.

Shed roof scheme

Ventilated structures can have any acceptable angle of inclination. The space between the ceiling and the slope plane is large enough to create ventilation ducts. Holes are equipped on both sides of the building, as well as on the fronts. Ventilated buildings are considered more durable.

If the structure is to be coated with soft materials, the structure should have a slope of up to 10 °. When using corrugated board, this parameter can be in the range from 10 to 20 °. Ondulin and slate are suitable for roofs with an angle of 20 °. The metal tile allows you to create an attic floor. The angle of the roof in this case is from 25 °.


Having decided on the scheme of a shed roof, you need to pay attention to choosing the right material for the frame. Most often, for these purposes, choose a beam or logs. Mauerlat, rafters, beams are made of them. The material must be dry (up to 20% humidity).

Sloping roof

The beam should have a cross-sectional diameter of 100 mm. Material must be treated with an antiseptic. This will prevent the appearance of fungus, bugs and other pests.

For the crate, boards with a size of 100x25 mm and a beam of 50x50 mm are used. Edged boards will be mounted in a prominent place on the roof. These will be the end plates. To them put forward higher requirements. This is a premium grade material.

Suitable for the construction of hardwood. Most often used oak, beech. The durability and reliability of the design depends on the quality of the material.

Additional materials

A shed roof for a summer bath or a building that will be used year-round requires the use of high-quality fixing materials. You will need to purchase a sufficient number of self-tapping screws, nails, anchors, as well as fired wire. Two types of fasteners can be used for one fixing point. This is especially important for regions with high wind loads.

Shed roof angle

It will also be necessary to provide for the presence of protective materials. They are a film for hydro and vapor barrier, roofing material. To keep the bath warm for a long time inside, high-quality thermal insulation is used. For facilities that are operated year-round, this factor is especially important.

The tool also needs to be prepared in advance. You will need a hammer, a construction stapler, a hacksaw, an ax and a knife, and a screwdriver. Such improvised materials are at hand at almost every home master.

Calculation of the rafter system

Considering the step-by-step construction of a shed roof for a bath, it is necessary to pay attention to the process of calculating materials. You need to start with the rafter system.

Calculation of the diameter of the beam is carried out in accordance with the slope and other parameters of the slope. It is better to entrust such work to a specialist. The length and height of the roof will determine the number of legs in the system and their dimensions. Rafters are installed in increments of 0.6-1 m.

Lathing boards are also mounted with a certain step. If metal tiles are used, this figure is 300 mm for the lower boards and 350 mm for the upper. For slate, the crate should be mounted in 440 mm increments. Flexible materials require a denser pitch for laying boards. Such a surface should be absolutely smooth and hard.

Calculation of roofing material

The construction of a pitched roof also begins with the correct preliminary calculation of insulation, insulation. They are purchased in accordance with the dimensions of the object. Roofing material also requires the correct calculation.

Shed roof for summer bath

It is the roofing material that determines the slope of the roof. The best indicator for a bath is an angle of 25 °. Therefore, most often the owners of a suburban area use metal roofing, decking or slate to equip the roof. There are also folded roof types.

With an increase in the angle of inclination from 0 to 45 °, the need for roofing material will increase by 1.5 times. If a region has a high rainfall, then the slope should be more sloping. A flat roof settles in areas where strong winds constantly blow.

Installation of rafters

The initial stage of the construction of the roof for the bath with your own hands is the installation of the rafter system. Bearing elements can be installed directly on the walls. In some cases, it is required to produce farms of a triangular configuration. They combine a beam, a rack and a rafter.

When installing the structure on the walls, the master will spend less time and effort. However, this is not always possible. When creating a certain level of tilt, you will need to raise the bottom wall to the correct height. In this case, the material consumption will increase. However, installation can be done faster. Triangular structures are assembled on the ground, and then they are lifted to the wall. This will require special devices.

Most often, during the construction of the bath, do-it-yourself rafters are installed directly on the walls. It is also necessary to think about the device of the rafter leg. The installation location and the number of additional supports depends on the dimensions of the building, the type of construction material, and the slope angle.

Installation of supports

A pitched roof for a bath most often includes Mauerlat in its design. It evenly distributes the load on the walls. The lower side of the rafter leg rests on the Mauerlat.

If the wall of the bath is brick, the Mauerlat is mounted on it with a burnt wire. For buildings made of porous materials (foam concrete, aerated concrete, etc.), reinforcement is necessary. Its length should be 2/3 of the width of the support element. The beam involves fixing the Mauerlat with anchors.

By means of a gash, a rafter leg is installed on the Mauerlat. The gap between these two structural elements should be minimal. If the span is more than 4.5 m, you will need to mount supports. They will prevent sagging timber.

Lathing and insulation

Mounting the roof for the bath with your own hands, it is necessary to perform its correct crate. The step is chosen depending on the roofing material. Boards must be nailed to the rafter leg with nails.

After arranging the battens, you can install a heater. Mineral wool is best suited for this. It is a non-combustible, environmentally friendly material. Its durability will be sufficient for the construction to be operated for more than a dozen years.

With the help of a construction stapler, it is necessary to establish an overlap waterproofing. You can mount a heater on it. On mineral wool it is necessary to fill a counter-lattice. It prevent the contact of the insulation with vapor barrier. This material is laid immediately before the installation of metal tiles, slate, corrugated board, etc.

Final stage

A pitched roof for a bath requires proper installation of roofing material. His choice and calculation were presented above. Most often for such purposes, ondulin or metal is used. Installation technology is negotiated by the manufacturer of the material. It must be performed during construction.

After the final stage of construction, the roof must be periodically inspected for damage, shrinkage. If various defects are detected, they must be repaired immediately.

If debris accumulates on the ramp, it must be removed periodically. This will positively affect the duration of the bath.

Having considered how a pitched roof for a bath is mounted , each owner of a suburban area will be able to carry out this work on his own. Adhering to building norms and rules, as well as the recommendations of professionals, you can quickly and with minimal cost to make a strong, reliable roof. She will serve more than a dozen years.


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