Automatic machines EKF: reviews, overview, specifications, purpose

Differential automatic machines in the electrical network of any apartment or country house perform a very important function. Such devices in modern homes, according to technical conditions, must be installed without fail. In case of overloads or short circuits, RCDs simply disconnect the network. This ensures the safety of residents.

Different companies produce differential machines today. For example, devices of this type EKF are quite popular among consumers. Reviews of the machines of this brand from property owners have earned good, because they are reliable and have a long service life.


UZO EKF are issued by the Russian company of the same name. This company was officially registered in 2001. Currently, EKF Holding supplies the market with more than 30 product groups. In addition to automatic machines, the company also produces, for example, systems for laying cables, low-voltage equipment, and measuring equipment. All products supplied to the market by EKF holding, including RCDs, according to consumers, are reliable and easy to operate.

EKF Company

Products of this brand are produced mainly in Russia. However, EKF production sites are also available in China. But in any case, usually devices of this brand, at not too high cost, can be comparable in quality with devices of this type manufactured by European companies. At the moment, it is EKF in Russia that is the leader in the manufacture of electrical control and protection devices.


With a short circuit in the household electrical power, the current increases sharply. The result in many cases is the melting of the insulation and its ignition. And this, in turn, is, of course, fraught with the occurrence of a fire. In such a situation , the EKF residual current circuit breaker simply opens the circuit in a split second. As a result, there is no melting of insulation, fire or electric shock. The design of such devices includes elements that control the leakage current.

If several powerful household appliances are simultaneously connected to outlets in a residential building, among other things, network congestion can occur. This situation is also considered quite dangerous. In this case, a violation of the integrity of the wires or damage to the devices themselves may occur. And it is also fraught with fire and electric shock. RCD EKF and when overloaded immediately open the circuit.

Since the life of the owners of an apartment or house, as well as the safety of their property, often depends on the quality of the machine, you should carefully choose such equipment. RCD EKF among consumers are considered devices quite reliable. As some apartment owners note, they often turn off the network even simply, for example, when a light bulb burns out.


Currently, EKF is supplying several models of circuit breakers to the market. For example, they earned good reviews from consumers about EKF machines. Let's find out which ones.

  • BA47 63.
  • Model of the same letter series 47 100.
  • Model 47 29.

Automats from this manufacturer are presented in two, three and four-lane execution. All EKF47 devices have a fairly simple design and can be mounted with a network connection, including independently.

Separately, you can also highlight the EKF PROxima VD-100 circuit breakers. In this group, the manufacturer also produces several popular models. For example, the machines of this series P 40A / 30mA, 4P 63A / 100mA 2, etc. earned good reviews from consumers.

Below in the article, among other things, an overview of EKF machines for the most popular models will be presented.

Consumer Reviews

In addition to reliability, owners of apartments and houses consider the simplicity of the design to be the main advantage of the RCD EKF. Do-it-yourself installation of these devices, judging by customer reviews, is not too difficult. At the same time, subsequently, machines of this brand break down quite rarely. In addition, they are also distinguished by a rather good maintainability.

EKF Assortment

The arms in the RCD EKF are provided quite wide. And therefore, using such devices, judging by the reviews of consumers, is very convenient.

A good opinion about the devices of this manufacturer has developed not only among the owners of apartments and houses, but also among public utilities. Judging by the reviews of electricians, EKF machines in household networks without the need for replacement can actually serve for a very long time.

Consumers consider some of the drawbacks of EKF devices that sometimes, unfortunately, defects occur in batches of such devices. Such devices during operation can behave completely unpredictably. Judging by consumer reviews, defective UZOs of this brand often do not turn on at all or can disconnect the network with or without reason.

Design features

EKF circuit breakers are assembled, like almost any other, from the following main elements and assemblies:

  • differential transformer measuring leakage current;
  • a launching body acting on the shutdown mechanism during operation;
  • the mechanism of splitting the network.

The design of the device of this brand have, as already mentioned, not too complicated. Automata from this manufacturer can be connected via a comb bus. According to many experts, despite the relative simplicity, the design of devices from this manufacturer still have more modern than the RCD of many other domestic brands.

The contacts on the EKF models are made of oxygen-free copper with silver content, which allowed to significantly extend the service life of these devices. The UZO case of this brand is made of flame retardant plastic. This, of course, also significantly reduces the risk of a fire in the house.

The manufacturer EKF gives a guarantee for its products in 5 years. At the same time, it is believed that machines of this brand can last at least 20 years in the household electrical network.

Model Overview 47-63

Like any other VA range from EKF, the BA47 63 can be used to replace older AF devices from the same manufacturer. According to experts and consumers, it has the following advantages:

  • advanced housing with the ability to connect various kinds of additional devices without the need for analysis;
  • the presence of notches on the contact clamps, which reduce heat loss and increase the degree of reliability of the connection;
  • the presence of surfacing from a composite containing silver, which increases the wear resistance of the contact group and reduces the resistance.
Assault rifle VA47 63

Model Features

The mechanical and contact wear resistance of VA 47-63 is 20,000 cycles. It is allowed to connect wires with a cross section from 1 to 25 mm 2 to this device. The temperature range for this model, as for most other EKF brands, is -40 - +50 Β° .

This model can be used to protect networks in residential, administrative and industrial buildings. That is, in fact, it can be considered universal.

Automatic 47-100: description

This model is designed to protect group and distribution networks with inductive and active loads. The BA47 100 device can be used both in domestic and industrial power networks. At the moment, this device has 80 standard designs for 10 rated currents.

The benefits of these models include:

  • the presence of an independent indicator of the position of the contacts;
  • the presence in the design of a latch for a DIN rail;
  • increased communication ability.

This model, among other things, can be used, for example, in residential buildings as an input device. Technical characteristics of EKF DF47 100 machines, judging by customer reviews, are simply excellent. At the moment, this is one of the most popular models of RCD EKF.

Specifications 47-100

Degree of protection this automatic machine has IP-20. Its mechanical wear resistance is at least 20 thousand cycles, and electric - 6 thousand. The operating temperature range for this model is provided from -40 to +50 Β° C.

Assault rifle BA47 100

The model is designed for a frequency of 50 Hz and a nominal voltage of 220 V. The nominal current values ​​for it are 10, 16, 25, 32, 40, 50, 63, 80, 100. The rated breaking capacity of VA47 100 is 10,000. The wires to this the machine can be connected with a cross section of 35 mm 2 .

Model 47-29 Overview

These machines are designed to protect networks with different loads. BA47 29 can be used, for example, when arranging room lighting, for all kinds of engines (fans, compressors, pumps, elevators), etc. The manufacturer, among other things, recommend them as input and distribution devices in public and residential buildings. Type design, this model has 200 to 18 rated currents.

Specifications Model 47-29

This switch, like other models of EKF machines, has earned good reviews from consumers and experts primarily because it is distinguished by a high degree of reliability, ease of operation and long service life. The device 47-29 is installed in apartments and country houses quite often.

Technical characteristics model BA47 29 in this case has the following:

  • operating temperature range - from -40 d +50 Β° ;
  • voltage at 1 pole - no more than 48 V;
  • mechanical wear resistance - 20 thousand cycles;
  • maximum wire cross section is 25 mm 2 .

The electrical wear resistance of this model is designed for 6 thousand cycles.

Assault rifle BA47 29

EKF PROxima switches

These models belong to the new generation of protective devices. In addition, the EKF PROxima circuit breakers are supplemented with the β€œTest” buttons to check their operation without prior installation. Also, devices of this series have:

  • contact indicators;
  • coupling elements for the Fork U-bus.

The rated current for PROxima models is provided for at 25 A, and the leakage current at 30 A. Their short-circuit breaking capacity is 4.5 kA.

Automatic "Proxima"

Where to install

Choosing an EKF protective device by power, of course, is necessary taking into account the estimated load on the network. Otherwise, the device will quickly burn out, and property owners will be left without the possibility of using household appliances or even without lighting before replacing it.

The installation technology of EKF machines, reviews of which are good, and therefore, in most cases, uses the standard. The installation location for such devices is chosen depending on the purpose for which they want to use them. If, for example, a machine is purchased to protect all the wiring in the house, of course, you need to install it on the dashboard, next to the meter. It is in this place that the intra-apartment wiring begins.

Sometimes, with the use of EKF, property owners wish to protect only one specific device. In this case, the machine is installed in the immediate vicinity of such household appliances. RCDs from this manufacturer can be connected both to the built-in and to individual DIN rails.

How to connect

The mounting schemes of differential EKF machines can be used several. In city apartments and country houses, the connection technology with a single RCD is most often implemented. Moreover, in most cases, the device is mounted next to the meter. All available electrical circuits in this case are connected to the AEDT.

Experts recommend installing a switch at the beginning of each end circuit when installing a differential circuit breaker. This will allow subsequently to carry out repair of electrical wiring in a group of rooms without the need to turn off other rooms.

First, during installation, the supply wires from the meter are connected to the EKF difavtomat. Further, those who join the apartment wiring are leading to it.

Sometimes machines of this brand are mounted using a two-level scheme. Such systems are considered more reliable and easy to use. In this case, the machine is also connected after the counter. Further, the wires emerging from it are connected in parallel to several RCDs, each of which will subsequently be responsible for a certain circuit in the home. When using such a scheme, it is allowed to mount in the network not too powerful second-level diffusers.

Differential machine connection

Installation Errors

When installing an EKF RCD in an apartment or house, you should, among other things, avoid such common shortcomings:

  • plexus of zero wires in a single node;
  • connection of zero and protective conductor after the machine;
  • out of phase connection;
  • connecting the neutral wire after the machine to the common zero bus.

When connecting the EKF, of course, among other things, do not confuse the terminals of the poles. That is, it is not allowed, for example, to simultaneously connect the neutral pole with respect to the phase pole.


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