Sealant for seams in a wooden house: selection, instructions for use, reviews

The construction of a wooden house, provides for the subsequent sealing of the joints between the bars, as it is impossible to avoid them. Natural materials such as tow, flax or moss were previously popular. The modern construction market offers joint sealant from various manufacturers.

What is it?

This is a mixture based on polymeric substances. In composition, they are distinguished by:

  • silicate;
  • rubber;
  • acrylic;
  • silicone;
  • bituminous and others.

The right choice of joint sealant in a wooden house will help knowledge of the characteristics of each of them. Wood is a special material that is prone to deformations over time, so the sealant must have properties that can adapt to shrinkage.

joint sealant in a wooden house
It must be elastic, which will allow it to work in compression and tension. Also, the material gives the entire structure a finished and aesthetic appearance with its ability to lie flat on the surface. There is no such material that can be said to be universal sealant. Each of the varieties performs an individual function, despite the presence of similarities.


This sealant for joints in a wooden house, has all the necessary qualities.

wooden log houses
It has good adhesion to the surface of the tree and the same thermal conductivity coefficient with it, so the temperature will be the same over the entire surface of the wall, without differences. It is possible to apply such a sealant on both external and internal walls. It does not lose its properties even after painting, but you can immediately select the desired shade, which is proposed by the manufacturer. The average values โ€‹โ€‹of acrylic sealant are as follows:

  • hardening at a speed of up to 3 mm per hour;
  • the film is formed (depending on the manufacturer) from 5 to 20 minutes;
  • density varies from 1.65 to 1.75 g / cu. cm;
  • resistance to temperature difference -20 to +80 degrees;
  • shrinkage in volume up to 25%.

Acrylic Sealant Specifications

Separately, we can say about the advantages of compositions of acrylic components:

  • excellent adhesion to many materials, including concrete, wood, plaster and brick;
  • has high elasticity, which does not disappear with time, but allows you to adapt to compression and tension;
  • a high degree of durability, it is not inferior in terms of service life to the house itself from wood or timber;
  • moisture resistance - a good sealant completely eliminates the penetration of moisture;
  • does not contain solvents;
  • ease of installation;
  • the possibility of further painting;
  • able to withstand a wide range of temperature differences.

Even with a large number of positive qualities, acrylic sealant also has disadvantages. The main one of which is the strict observance of the rules for its installation. You can not apply it at low temperature (below +10), as well as in rainy weather.

joint sealant
It will perform poorly in permanently wet rooms. Another disadvantage is the relatively high price. This is especially true of color species.

Also, acrylic materials interact poorly with the sun's rays, they begin to crack and spoil the appearance. Therefore, it is reasonable to replace the external seams immediately with a different look. The produced sealants, the characteristics of which may differ, are used in wooden buildings of various purposes.


What is he like? Such a sealant, the use of which is due to all the necessary qualities, can be mounted on any wooden structures. Judging by the reviews, many consumers note a lack of silicone composition - the impossibility of further coloring, in which the desired elastic properties are lost. It is not subject to coloring, otherwise the necessary elastic properties are lost. At the same time, the seams, especially the outer ones, will look ugly. If they deform, then for restoration it will be necessary to remove the entire layer. This may damage the wooden structure. Therefore, many experts prefer other types of sealant in such situations.

The advantage of silicone can be its high moisture resistance.

good sealant
But with a large flow of water, the sealant can be washed away, so even the outer seams must be protected additionally from rain. The disadvantage of such a sealant for interior decoration can be its unpleasant odor of acid.


Apply it to the exterior of the seams. Such material has excellent adhesion to wood, and is also not subject to deformation when exposed to sunlight or precipitation. It shows itself well in problem areas, as well as during the first year load, while the sealant works both in compression and in tear. Temperature differences do not affect the quality of the material.


This joint sealant in a wooden house is distinguished by its simplicity of composition, which includes only 2 components - rubber and bitumen. Its use is more relevant for roofing insulation. It is not afraid of rain, due to its water resistance.

universal sealant
Applying it does not require special skills, so you can quickly and accurately cope with the shutter yourself. The disadvantages of such a sealant include its unsuitability for further painting. Also, when working with bitumen composition, protective equipment will be required. These are special clothes, an aspirator, gloves. If to carry out installation indoors, then it should be carefully aired.

Sealing rules

Like any job, sealing joints requires preliminary surface preparation. If the building is not new, you will have to remove the old finish.

  • to get rid of dust and small debris, it is better to use a vacuum cleaner;
  • simple cleaning can be carried out with a spatula, while trying not to damage the surface of the tree;
  • treat the surface of the inner and outer with special protective compounds against parasites, moisture and fire;
  • in cracks of wide diameter it is better to lay the sealant cord, made of polyethylene. It is deepened into the seam with a special caulk. You can use a simple spatula, but act with accuracy. Using a cord, you can significantly reduce the consumption of material for suture sealant.

Tools for work:

  • putty knife;
  • water;
  • masking tape;
  • sealant;
  • gun for composition.

Work stages

To keep everything for a long time, you must follow a certain algorithm of work:

  1. First of all, wooden houses from a log are checked for the size of the seam, its minimum section should be 3x5 mm.
  2. Adhesive tape protect the edges of the seam. This will give it evenness.
  3. Then carefully sealant packaging is opened. Many manufacturers make special recesses in the lid of the bucket, into which they insert a gun and collect liquid sealant. In this case, the lid itself drops as the sealant is used.
  4. The gun is immersed in the container, and the tip of the gun must be cut at an angle.
  5. Sealant for seams in a wooden house, should be applied carefully, without bumps, voids and bubbles.
  6. During operation, check whether the adhesion of the sealant and the joint is reliable.
  7. With a spatula, you can give the seam a finished and even appearance. Be sure to wait and hold the tool perpendicular to the surface.
  8. Excessive or uneven edges should be removed with a sponge. But not with a detergent, since it has an aggressive composition, but with a solution of water and alcohol in a proportion of one to one.
  9. The last step will be to remove the tape.

The complete drying of the sealant depends on its composition. Manufacturers indicate a different period, which can reach up to 3 weeks.

It is not difficult to clean the tool from sealant immediately after use. This can be done with a simple soapy solution. But if you miss the moment, and let the tool harden, then you can not do without mechanical actions.

The work is identical both at the inner and outer seams. Compliance with these rules will achieve the desired result. Wooden log houses, in which the joints are sealed, serve a long time. But it is mandatory to conduct routine inspections.

Work errors

Fatal errors are sometimes possible, which can cause the fragility of the building:

liquid sealant

  1. Application to a surface that is not completely dry. If it is a question of bad weather conditions, there will be a need to use a building hair dryer.
  2. It is impossible to replace the insulation of the seam only with a sealant gasket. The house from a bar before sealing can be insulated with penofol. This material takes the form of a seam after shrinkage, and fills its entire space. After such insulation, he is immediately ready for further processing.
  3. The ends of the wood must never be sealed, otherwise there may be a problem with mold or rot. These areas are a kind of capillaries for the whole house. To protect them, special compositions have been developed that do not form a film on the surface.
  4. An open tank with sealant is best spent immediately, otherwise after drying it will not possess the necessary properties, and simply will not lie in the seam. In this case, you have to buy, expensive material, repeatedly.

A sealant, the application of which has taken a strong position in the decoration of wooden houses, may be different in composition, but similar functions should be performed.

Even the seams closed by him cannot give a full guarantee against the problems arising in a wooden house. Therefore, the inspection should be carried out regularly - this will allow timely elimination of the defects that have arisen.


The price of a type of finish such as joint sealant used in wooden houses can vary over a wide range.

The manufacturer "Content House" offers 15 kg of sealant for 3300 rubles.

sealants specifications
Sealant "Neomid" can be purchased at a cost of 3 kg - 1400 rubles, 7 kg - 2600 rubles, 15 kg - 4700 rubles. Many buyers respond to this company extremely positively. She has proven herself in the market, the quality of the products meets all the stated requirements.

Sealant for wood EurAcryl with a volume of 0.6 l / kg costs 310 rubles, the same volume, but another brand - sealant for wood Ramsauer Acryl 160. Its cost is 400 rubles. There is also a Ramsauer 320 Baudicht. Its price is 954 rubles. The cost depends on the manufacturer and seller.

Obviously cheap materials should be avoided, as you may encounter a fake. To eliminate this situation, it is better to make a purchase in a large shopping center or trusted store.


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