Interior decoration of the house from foam blocks: the choice of materials, technology. Lining for interior decoration

Buildings from foam blocks in the modern world are no longer a rarity. They are distinguished by high thermal insulation properties. This is a porous material that replaced the heavy and expensive brick. However, aerated concrete has a number of features. They must be taken into account before starting the finishing work. Otherwise, the result will be unsatisfactory.

The interior decoration of the house of foam blocks requires compliance with certain rules. To understand the features of this process, you should study the features of the material itself. The advice of experienced builders will help to understand this issue.

Features of foam concrete

Do-it-yourself interior decoration of a room with foam concrete walls is quite simple. However, before starting this process, it will be necessary to study the features of this building material. He is light in weight. Therefore, the presented blocks gradually displace heavy bricks. In this case, the construction of buildings is faster and easier.

Interior decoration of the house from foam blocks

With its small weight, foam concrete has high strength. It does not burn and does not pass heat and sounds. These are very important qualities for building material. It will be comfortable to be in such a room.

Foam blocks differ in the increased term of operation. This also indicates the appropriateness of their use in modern construction. This creates a very flat surface. Subsequent finishing, plastering of foam blocks due to this factor is simplified.

Material flaws

Considering the possible types of interior decoration of foam concrete, you should also consider the disadvantages of this material. It is characterized by low resistance to moisture penetration. When water blocks enter a chemical reaction. This leads to the rapid destruction of foam concrete. To avoid this, special requirements are put forward for finishing work. At the same time, it will not work without high-quality vapor barrier.

Types of interior decoration

Foam concrete is a porous material. Its density is relatively low. This fact must also be taken into account when creating the interior decoration.

If the owners of the house want to plaster the walls and ceiling, they must necessarily apply reinforcement. Given these features of foam concrete, it is possible to complete the finish efficiently. The durability of the use of building material will depend on this.

Preparatory work

Regardless of whether the walls will be decorated with gypsum board with their own hands or if the owners decide to use the lining, it is necessary to prepare the foundation before starting this process.

Foam concrete blocks need waterproofing both from the outside and from the inside. First, facing the inside of the house. Only after this process the facade. This rule applies to all buildings made of this material.

Lining for interior decoration

Construction and finishing work must be carried out in the summer. All processes associated with the use of water require heat. Installation of warm or bulk floors, screeding, installation of ceramic tile coverings require high temperature. In this case, the moisture droplets that have fallen inside the unit will gradually dry. In autumn and winter, water can remain inside the material for a long time. In the cold, she just freezes

The surface should be cleaned and covered with a primer. In this case, the composition of the product should be special. It allows the processing of cellular material. Seams between blocks will also need to be putty. This procedure is necessary both for interior decoration with wood and for plastering.


Do-it-yourself wall decoration with drywall can be done using the frame and frameless methods. The first installation option is performed with a large surface roughness. Frameless finishing is allowed if the masonry of the walls was correct.

The walls are peeling. If necessary, they are leveled with a solution. Next, sheets of drywall are glued to the prepared surface. The glue hardens completely after 20-30 minutes.

DIY wall decoration with drywall

If the bumps are large, it is recommended to install the frame. It is erected from metal profiles or wooden beams. The step between all the elements should be 60 cm. After the construction of the frame, sheets of drywall are installed on it.

When using the wireframe method, the dimensions of the room are slightly reduced. Under the space behind the trim sheets, you can hide the electrical wires, put a layer of insulation. The joints between the sheets are sealed with a special solution. After it dries, the drywall can be painted, glued wallpaper, etc.


Lining for interior decoration of the room from foam concrete is chosen quite often. This material is a board. Their thickness is small. With the help of special locks, all elements of the system are fastened into a single canvas.

The lining is made of natural wood, plastic, sawdust, etc. The cost of such a finishing material is relatively small. Therefore, lining today is at the peak of popularity. Also, unprofessional repairmen like the ease of installation of this material. It can be fixed both parallel and perpendicular to the floor.

Interior wood

Lining for interior decoration of foam concrete requires the construction of a frame. For this, most often used bars, a metal profile. In the first case, the material is impregnated with an antiseptic. Using the construction level, the position of the first board is measured. For fastening use clamps. They will be invisible after installation.


Stucco foam blocks is one of the best materials. Before applying it, the wall is primed with a deep penetration composition. Two layers of solution should be applied. Next, a reinforcing mesh should be installed on the surface. It is made of fiberglass.

The composition for plastering should be on a gypsum basis. This material is more expensive, but in operation and during application it will prove better than cement. Gypsum is a safe material for human health and the environment.

Stucco foam blocks

The plaster is applied in two layers. For the first, a starting solution is used. It is laid on the surface with a thick layer. Its fraction will be larger. The finish will be thin. The fraction in this composition is smaller. After the plaster dries, it is wiped. It turns out a perfectly flat surface.


In a room with a high level of humidity, it is recommended to install ceramic tiles on foam concrete. For dry rooms , MDF panels for interior decoration are quite suitable .

Before installing them, the surface will need to be carefully primed with a special compound. It is recommended that you first make a waterproofing layer. Using tile adhesive, ceramic plates are mounted on the wall. The seams must be overwritten. This type of finish will prevent excess moisture from getting inside the mesh structure.

MDF panels are mounted on special glue. The presented material has high heat and sound insulating performance. Therefore, this type of coating is often mounted by our compatriots in their homes. With it, you can create a beautiful interior of a bedroom, living room, etc.

Cladding with wood and cork

Interior wood is often used in private foam concrete houses. This material is most often mounted in a frame way. Wood is used in large, spacious rooms. Otherwise, the frame and finishing material will take some space indoors.

In addition to natural wood, cork is often used today. With its help, various decorative effects are created. The main requirement for installation is the need to align the walls. To do this, they are plastering. The finish layer can not be laid. Align the starting solution well enough and wipe it after drying.

Before installation, the plug must be kept in the room for at least 24 hours. This will allow her to adapt to environmental conditions. For installation, special glue is used. It can be purchased at a specialty store.


If the owners of the house do not want to use decorative panels for the interior decoration of foam concrete, they can carry out painting work. They are performed after creating a layer of plaster.

DIY interior decoration

Most often, water-based paint is chosen for such purposes. Before applying it, the surface is again treated with fine sandpaper. Also, the finishing layer of plaster is treated with a special mesh with an abrasive structure.

Next, the surface should be impregnated with a primer for high-quality painting. Aqueous emulsion can be tinted with color. This will create the right shade. The first thin layer is applied parallel to the floor. The second coat of paint must be applied in the perpendicular direction to the plane of the base of the room.

After applying the basic tone, you can use stencils. In this case, the picture can be very different. This will emphasize the individual taste of the owners of the house. The interior is unusual, interesting.


The interior decoration of the house from foam blocks can be done by wallpapering. This type of interior decoration also involves preliminary plastering. This is a good way to create an interesting interior. For each style, you can choose the desired wallpaper pattern.

Wallpaper can be on paper or non-woven basis. Vinyl varieties can reduce the permeability of the coating by 10%. This is a good option for foam concrete.

Synthetic-based fabric wallpapers are quite expensive. However, the interior with their participation looks gorgeous. You can also cover the walls with jute wallpaper. Its outer layer is a structure of interweaving.

Silk wallpapers are one of the most expensive varieties. Finishing materials from natural and artificial silk are on sale. The basis for wallpaper can be linen. There are a lot of options for their color. Also on sale are cullets.

Expert Advice

The interior decoration of the house from foam blocks does not cause difficulties for professionals. They give advice on the technology for carrying out such work. First of all, they note that the masonry should be done according to a certain technology. You can not use in this case the usual solution. Glue for foam concrete allows you to make very thin and durable seams. Thanks to this, the masonry is smooth and strong.

Reinforcing belts are also necessarily created. They are made every 4 rows on all walls. This allows you to achieve good structural strength, long life.

None of the finishing materials can be fully installed on a wall that is not protected from the outside by a vapor barrier. It is laid immediately after the installation of the outer coating. If it is not possible to put a high-quality vapor barrier on the outside of the wall, it is mounted outside.

Having considered the features of the interior decoration of the house from foam blocks, each owner of such a structure will be able to make repairs with his own hands in accordance with the existing technology.


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