The most common indoor plants: species, description, cultivation

Indoor plants are a great decoration and method to create a cozy atmosphere in the house. The most pleasant moments for amateur gardeners come at a time when the winter blizzard can be seen outside and you can enjoy the beauty of fresh flowers. Often window sills of apartment buildings turn into real oases with saturated greenery. In this article we will consider the most popular indoor plants that can be grown at home.


Ficuses are not a specific type of plant, but a whole separate family, which includes both vines and shrubs, and full-fledged trees. Most of them are not suitable for breeding in the home, but there are species that are very in demand among gardeners. These include:

  • rubbery;
  • Benjamin
  • Bengal;
  • dwarf;
  • lyre-shaped;
  • Bonsai
  • retuza.

Most lovers of indoor specimens grow ficus, not only because of its aesthetic appearance, but also because it is extremely unpretentious in care. Indoor flower can often be observed in the halls of hotels and offices, offices and private households. This plant belongs to the mulberry family.

The leaves are usually alternate, but sometimes there are whole, lobed and serrated. Stipules are large in size. One of the most important features of ficus is the milk juice contained in it, which has been widely used in medicine.

Indoor ficus

Indoor ficus plant: how to care

Ficus fully develops when all the care requirements are met. Subject to the necessary conditions, this plant is able to reach three meters in height, adding 20 centimeters per year. If ficus is grown by planting a seedling, then its rooting takes 3 months. After that, he needs constant, but not requiring significant efforts, care. There are some of the most important tips for caring for your plant:

  • For ficus, the most favorable is a slightly acidic, fertile soil with high humidity. It responds well to the addition of fertilizers. At the same time, it is recommended to fill the upper soil layer with sand, and the lowest, drainage layer with expanded clay.
  • The plant is very fond of intense lighting, so it should be placed in open places, but without direct sunlight, this can be harmful. In winter, the lack of daylight is compensated by additional highlighting.
  • Ficus is a thermophilic plant that needs to be kept at its optimum temperature - not lower than +30 degrees Celsius.
  • The procedure for fertilizing the soil in which the flower is planted should be twice in the spring and summer periods, preferably at the beginning and end of each month. For these purposes, wood ash is best suited.

Growing geraniums

Most people growing potted geraniums can say that they associate this plant with the unusual smell that its leaves give off when rubbed. The main advantage and advantage of the plant is its love for intense lighting. Moreover, even direct rays will not cause any damage to the bush. Due to this feature and attractive appearance, it has become one of the most common indoor plants.

Geranium is absolutely not afraid of drafts and temperature changes, so it can be grown not only in living rooms, but also in containers on open balconies. The temperature from +18 to +25 degrees Celsius will be comfortable for the maintenance of this plant, while humidity is not important for it. Fertilizing with fertilizers should be carried out no more than twice a month. Watering geraniums in a pot should be done only with settled, soft water. It should be borne in mind that excessive moisture can harm the geranium root system. It will be almost impossible to restore the plant, so you can not fill it.

Indoor geranium

Features of violet care

To date, violet takes pride of place in the ranking of the most common indoor plants. She is loved for her excellent decorative appearance and comparative unpretentiousness in care. Violet, like ficus, is not one plant, but a whole family, which has many different species, a wide variety of forms.

Favorable conditions for growing an indoor violet plant are penumbra and moderate humidity. It does not tolerate direct sunlight, but for intensive flowering, it needs 10 hours of illumination, which can be provided with additional sources, for example, lamps with not bright, diffused light.

Watering the violet should only be done after the surface of the soil in the pot dries, since the root system of this plant does not tolerate excessive moisture and can die. Watering is carried out with settled, soft water, hard - can destroy the violet. Fertilizer added to the soil monthly, but no more than twice every 30 days, will have a positive effect.

Monstera in the room

Cactus - an exotic interior decoration

Indoor plant cactus is an outlandish representative of the desert fauna. Its stem is dotted with sharp thorns. It belongs to a large family of cacti, which include both decorative domestic plants and wild ones that grow in their historic homeland - South America. A cactus became a popular indoor plant in Russia in the middle of the 18th century, but in Europe this curiosity appeared a hundred years earlier.

The plant has a huge number of varieties, and almost all of them grow in stony hot deserts. Therefore, breeding it at home involves a large amount of light. He is not at all afraid of direct sunlight. Experts recommend placing almost all types of cacti on the east or south side of the room. However, not all plants of this family like to be in open places. There is such a species as zigocactus, which requires less lighting, so it is usually placed on the north side. If such a plant is placed on the southern part of the room, then failures may begin between periods of dormancy and flowering, and the leaves will take on a pale appearance, which will ultimately lead to cactus diseases.

In summer, the plant needs fresh air, so at this time it is best to keep it on a ventilated loggia or balcony. In winter, at elevated temperatures in the house, the cactus needs additional humidity. It is worth considering that in cold weather he is at rest. In such a period, the most comfortable conditions for the plant will be a temperature of +15 ... + 17 degrees and a shaded room.

Although the cactus is very drought tolerant, it needs only slightly less watering than other common indoor plants. Floriculture experts recommend the systematic hydration of this wonder at room temperature water, which has settled for at least a day.

Cacti on the windowsill

Tree to attract wealth

Many people at least once in their life heard about the existence of a room flower, which, according to legend, can attract wealth and prosperity to a house, but not everyone knows what this plant looks like. Money tree, or Crassula has glossy leaves and is highly decorative. Although it does not bloom, it pleases the owners with its exotic look. It is believed that by placing a pot of money tree in one’s house, a person can attract wealth and abundance.

The historical homeland of this unique plant is Africa. Due to its adaptability to hot and arid conditions, the fat girl is perfect for growing in apartments.

Money tree is a succulent, that is, it has the peculiarity of moisture accumulation, due to which it can cost a long time without watering. Because of this feature, the fat woman is most popular among gardeners who like to travel often. Among other things, this plant loves good lighting, but negatively refers to direct rays. The most optimal for it will be diffused light, so experts recommend placing the money tree on shelves under the window. The fat woman will get some benefit from fresh air, so in the spring it can be safely put on a balcony or loggia.


The homeland of the houseplant is Africa, where it grows directly on the tree bark. He gained his popularity in European countries in the 9th century. Outwardly, it is a herbaceous plant with shoots, tendrils, due to which it propagates and leaves that have a long narrow shape. It is noteworthy that the color of the leaves can be of various shades, from dark green to light green. The leaves of this plant reach up to 85 cm in length, bushes - up to half a meter in diameter. Due to its hot homeland, indoor chlorophytum is very resistant to drought. It is able to accumulate a large amount of moisture in the roots, as a result of which it goes without watering for a long time. Such a plant will be a great solution for forgetful people or those who often travel or travel.

This plant is unpretentious and to the soil. It is able to take root in a wide variety of soil and with any amount of light.

In addition to excellent decorative qualities, chlorophytum is known for being a natural filter of air in enclosed spaces. It is able to absorb carcinogens, bacteria and fumes. It is believed that several of these colors can clear the air of the room from all possible harmful impurities. Experienced flower growers also argue that by adding a small amount of coal to the plant pot, you can increase its filtering properties many times over.

Hibiscus in a pot

Dragon tree

The description of the dracaena houseplant will not be complete, if it is not noted that it is a truly rich variety of ornamental trees with more than 60 different specimens. They grow on the Canary Islands and are very large. The very name of this tropical tree in the literal translation into Russian means "dragon female". According to gardeners, this name was given this name in honor of the resin color of one of its representatives. It has a saturated bright red color. Some species can be grown in an apartment or at home. These include fragrant dracaena, but the most beautiful and largest are grown in specially equipped greenhouses.

Dracaena is rather capricious in leaving. In order for this flower to please the eye and be healthy, it is necessary to observe some conditions for its content:

  • Compliance with the temperature regime in the warm season is not lower than +15 degrees. But in the winter, she remarkably tolerates lower rates - + 10-13 degrees.
  • Dracaena loves intense lighting, but does not tolerate direct sunlight. In addition, it grows well under artificial lighting.
  • In summer, this tropical plant requires a plentiful amount of moisture, but in winter, watering should be moderate and carried out taking into account the temperature in the house. In addition, dracaena needs systematic irrigation of leaves in the cold season. Spraying, like watering, should be done only with water at room temperature or a little warm.

Harvest lemons in the apartment

Lemon tree is one of the rare fruit-bearing indoor crops that can be grown without special efforts in the home. Unlike bananas and pineapples, which are more capricious to conditions, lemon is easily grown with ordinary seed, planted in a pot and systematically watered. However, in order to get your first real crop of indoor fruits, you need to have basic knowledge of caring for the crop and spend a little time and effort. An adult tree growing at home is able to produce full-fledged large fruits that are no different in taste from cultivated in an open area. If you comply with all the conditions for the content, then after a year you can get a small amount of lemons and forget about their purchase.

Caring for a lemon tree is a simple and not time-consuming process. The plant loves intense bright lighting, but at the early stage of growth does not tolerate direct rays. Therefore, before his full maturity, he should be protected from this. When the culture has fully grown and strengthened, direct rays will not be afraid of it. Another equally important nuance for lemon is the air temperature. The tree belongs to the subtropical type, therefore it is very thermophilic. Recommended temperature should not be lower than +12 0 in the cold season, but also not to exceed +22 during the summer period. A lemon tree is very fond of watering and humid air, so it is imperative for it to create a similar atmosphere.

Violet on the windowsill

Chinese rose

The plant is a representative of the family of malvaceae, which includes both huge giant bushes and small types of flowers. In the natural environment, the propagation of hibiscus or Chinese rose occurs using its own seeds. At home, this culture is bred mainly vegetatively. Hibiscus is appreciated by flower growers for their exceptional decorative qualities and the not too troublesome process of caring for him. It has bright and large inflorescences, while the leaves of the plant themselves often also have a colored color, thanks to red and white veins.

The Chinese rose belongs to tropical crops, so it requires regular irrigation of the leaves, which must be carried out in the early morning. It is noteworthy that, during the spraying or watering procedure, a small amount of sugar can be added to the water. According to experts, this measure helps protect hibiscus from ultraviolet radiation. In the cold season, it is worth watering the plant no more than twice a month. If buds started to bloom at this time, then water should also be sweetened. This will have a beneficial effect on strengthening flowers. Hibiscus is fertilized, as a rule, with a potassium-phosphorus mixture no more than twice a month.

Dracaena in the interior

Monstera - Indoor Liana

This culture comes from tropical countries and is very large in size and even in a living environment it can grow up to several meters in length. The shoots of the monstera home plant have a very interesting texture, and the leathery leaves of saturated green that grow on them fit perfectly into any interior. Liana is notable for her unpretentious care. Due to its large size, it is grown in spacious halls and offices, but this does not prevent it from being one of the most common indoor plants.

In order to avoid strong growth of the monstera in area, they give it a vertical shape using various supports. A distinctive feature of this culture is the presence of aerial roots. They must be sent to a container with soil. For roots of this type, packets of earth are made to place air processes on them in weight. Monstera has no less impressive leaves exceeding 35-40 centimeters in length.

Caring for a plant involves a temperature in the range from +12 to +25 degrees. At the same time, the monstera is not critical of its differences. She very negatively perceives direct sunlight and receives severe burns from them, which in the end can destroy the culture. In a too shaded place, the development of the stems will stop. The recommended location for the vines is the corners of the rooms near the windows. Here she will receive the necessary amount of light and at the same time she will be protected from direct sunlight.

Since the homeland of the monstera is the tropics, it needs moisture and regular watering, which must be done without allowing the soil to dry out. To moisturize, you need to irrigate the leaves with room temperature water. To prevent the monstera from losing its grace, it needs mineral fertilizers at least once a week in the summer and at least 2 in the cold season.

And what plants can be seen on your windowsill?


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