Vinyl player "Arcturus 006": reviews, specifications

Despite the fact that modern digital discs are often preferred to vinyl records, there are still many connoisseurs of vinyl who respect it for originality and quality, as well as nostalgic for bygone times. The Arcturus 006 model (reviews see below) refers to the products of the Soviet Union. Despite the fact that there was an opinion about the poor quality of Soviet technology, the device in question proves the opposite.

Turntable "Arcturus 006"

Historical moments

Arktur 006 is the brainchild of the joint activities of the Berdsk Radio Plant and the Polish company Unitra. The resulting device was proof that in the USSR they could make decent equipment. Even now, it makes equal competition to foreign analogues, not to mention domestic versions. It is worth noting that Polish designers lent the features of the EPU elements and the tonearm of the device in question for Fisher players.

Released by the Berdsk plant (1983), the carrier was classified as a network transistor electrical appliance. Its main purpose is aggregation with Hi-Fi sets of sound reproducing equipment.

Characteristics of the vinyl player "Arktur 006"

Owner reviews indicate that the unit in question is made on the basis of a two-speed control unit G-2021. The design provides for an electric motor operating with a minimum noise level, as well as a direct working drive. The system includes a clamp-type regulator, a rolling compensator, frequency adjustment.

Among other parameters, the following points can be noted:

  • the presence of automatic stop and rotation of the disk by a stroboscope;
  • the presence of a speed switch, a microlift, independent return of the tonearm after the end of the plate;
  • rotation speed - 33.4 revolutions per minute;
  • functional frequency range - from 20 Hz to 20 kHz;
  • detonation coefficient - 0.1%;
  • noise level - 66 dB;
  • background level - 63 dB;
  • overall dimensions - 46/20 / 37.5 cm;
  • device weight - 12 kg.
Photo of the vinyl player "Arktur 006"


In their reviews of the Arktur player, users point out interesting facts. For example, some of them note that even versions made in 1985 are perfectly preserved and are in working condition. Naturally, if they were treated accordingly, and preventive measures were taken. Many units retained the entire factory filling, including Soviet-made electrolytes with nominal values. The only thing that most often failed is the hinge-holders of the lid, due to its fragility.

No noticeable interference with the design is observed, apart from replacing the pickup head. If desired, you can modify the device, having obtained from it a significantly better sound quality. However, many owners do not see the point, because for its level the player works well. If you need to improve acoustics, it is logical to pay attention to the equipment category above. Since the original versions are no longer released, why redo them?

Panel of the vinyl player "Arktur 006"


The Arktur 006 player, the photo of which is given in the review, is equipped with a housing made of durable plastic. Inside it is mounted a Polish-made EPU with direct drive. The system has an S-shaped tonearm and a rather weighty working disk. The device stably holds on any surface due to the rubber legs of an unregulated configuration. The back of the player is equipped with a pair of special outputs: for the built-in background corrector and for an external analogue (bypassing the first element). If an embedded system is used, a jumper is mounted in the second output.

The design of the apparatus provides for a heavy support disk, which at the same time is the rotor part of the electric motor. The inner compartment of the element is glued with a magnetic plate. Under the specified part is the stator of the electric motor. The tonearm is made entirely of metal, the design does not have the slightest hint of backlash. Among the disadvantages is the counterweight, the gradation of which is made in increments of 0.5 g, which complicates the procedure for setting the clamping force without weights. In addition, the density of the mounting element also leaves much to be desired. Shell is not equipped with slots for precise adjustment of the angle of approach, however, it has a removable design and is easily replaced by another analog.

Operation of the Arktur 006 Player


As the reviews confirm, "Arcturus 006" is turned on with one switch of the toggle switch. To drive began to rotate, it is necessary to bring the pickup head to the beginning of the record, select the desired track and lower the microlift. Speed ​​adjustment and general control of the device is carried out from the working panel. After pressing the “stop” and “end of the side” keys, auto-stop is activated and the tonearm returns to its original position.

In their reviews of the Arktur 006 vinyl player, the owners relate the pair of controllers at 33 and 45 speeds to increase the accuracy of their revolutions. In this case, it is not necessary to carry out manipulations with a screwdriver, as in most analogues of those times. The negative points include the need for additional speed adjustments after the next warm-up of the electric motor controller chips. In addition, when buying a unit in the secondary market, you should check the absence of "swimming" modes. In the models under consideration, a similar problem is encountered quite often. The acquisition of "old" technology is always a kind of lottery. In any case, it’s better to pay a little more than to buy an unnecessary “junk”.

Playback quality

Listening was performed with a high-quality Shure M97xE head (it is better than the standard Unitra). We also used an internal background corrector on a K-157-UD2 type chip, a Pioneer-30 amplifier, and Amphiton acoustic devices.

Some users note that with an improved background corrector, it is possible to achieve a detailed and deep sound, while the built-in element proved to be up to the mark. Here it must be emphasized that the device does not belong to the versions that produce the sound of the highest category, it feels quite well in the middle segment (solid real Hi-Fi).

Turntable vinyl player "Arcturus 006"


When listening to different groups and artists on the records, users in reviews of "Arcturus 006" point to several positive points. Firstly, the central compositions of the albums were played out with a decent number of details, sound depth from the stage and excellent transmission of the subtleties of each string of guitars and the voices of the vocalists.

The combination of the player with an improved pickup head continued to please. All vinyls show a lack of illegibility in the sound, the whole drive and the emotional essence of the compositions are manifested. Basses were issued deeply and softly, which is inherent in the specified carrier.

Pros and cons

In their reviews, the owners highlight a number of objective advantages and disadvantages of the device in question. The description of the vinyl player "Arktur 006" will continue with these points. Among the advantages:

  • the presence of a direct drive;
  • weighty strong disk;
  • the absence of even the slightest backlash in the design of the S-shaped arm;
  • hitchhiking mode;
  • the ability to conduct many improvements and improvements.


  • case made of low quality plastic;
  • questionable ECU control chips:
  • lack of proper vibration isolation.

To independently solve some problems, you will need certain knowledge and skills.

Player element "Arcturus 006"

Alteration and revision

In the instructions of the Arktur 006 player you will not find recommendations on how to upgrade the unit? This is due to the fact that at one time it was considered quite modern. However, the craftsmen found several ways to improve the functionality and sound quality of the device.

The recommendations are listed below:

  1. Change all capacitors.
  2. The head is also desirable to deliver improved quality.
  3. For accuracy of the needle adjustment, it is allowed to replace the standard shell with an analogue with slots.
  4. They complement the design with an external corrector that improves sound quality.
  5. Instead of a pin connector, a “tulip” type is mounted.
  6. The tonearm accommodates an audiophile cable.
  7. Equip the power connector with a modern version (like a computer unit).
Turntable "Arcturus 006"

To summarize

"Arcturus 006" refers to one of the most worthy vinyl players of its era. Despite the fact that it was produced back in the USSR, the unit is still popular among music lovers, collectors and connoisseurs of rare quality things. During testing, the device showed itself well in playing any musical direction, which cannot be encouraging, especially considering its ranking in the middle price category.


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