How to cover the roof with ruberoid do it yourself? A photo

Perhaps no one will argue that the roof can be called the main element of the house. It performs a huge number of different functions. It is necessary not only to protect housing from a variety of rainfall, but also acts as an important component in the design of the building. For this reason, the construction and repair of the roof must be approached responsibly. How to cover the roof with ruberoid do it yourself? This will be discussed in the review.

The advantages of roofing material

how to cover the roof with ruberoid do it yourself

Why is this material considered one of the best? It is traditional if it is planned to make a soft roof. In addition, the roofing material copes with a variety of tasks that are assigned to it. The material is quickly laid and effectively protects the building from rainfall. In addition, ruberoid is characterized by durability. He is able to serve about 40 years. And sometimes this period increases.

What coatings can I use?

Before answering the question of how to cover the roof with a ruberoid with your own hands, you need to figure out what types of material exist. At the present stage, this coating has overwhelmed the construction market. You can use the traditional option, or you can purchase a completely new material. We are talking about euroroofing material or, as it is called correctly, a polymer-bitumen membrane, directed. So, you need to know what material to use in order to answer the question of how to cover the roof with a ruberoid with your own hands.

Traditional material

Traditional insulation coating. This is ordinary cardboard, pretreated on all sides with dense bituminous material. It has an additive. This is a bitumen modifier. Because of it, ruberoid is not very strong. But the fiberglass-based coating is already more durable.

The use of euroruberoid

how to cover the garage roof do-it-yourself ruberoid

This type of building material has replaced the traditional roofing material. At the present stage, this coating is widely used in construction work of almost any kind. In its structure, the material resembles a traditional material. However, the technological features of production differ. Accordingly, various mechanical and physical parameters (flexibility, strength, resistance to high temperatures, durability).

When creating the top layer, a special coating is used (granite or basalt). Specialists cover the lower layer with a thin release film. It is she who does not make it possible to stick together rolled material. In addition, answering the question of how to cover the roof with roofing material with your own hands, it should be noted that this film acts as a kind of regulator. Its melting signals that the bitumen has warmed up to the required temperature.

The quality of the material is indicated by its weight. It is he who is able to demonstrate how much bitumen is in the coating. The more weight, the better the products.

The new generation of coatings

The question of how to cover the roof of the garage with roofing material with your own hands is quite relevant. And for this purpose, you can use a completely new type of traditional material. This is a self-adhesive coating. It belongs to the new generation. The sticky parameters of this material will begin to activate during the arrival of solar heat. Due to this, it is possible to carry out work aimed at laying the coating quickly, without putting much effort. Accordingly, time will be greatly saved. And the question of how to cover the roof of the garage with roofing material with your own hands will cease to torment.

Basic rules for laying material

how to properly cover the roof with ruberoid do it yourself

Everyone is able to perform work aimed at laying roofing material on the roof. For this to have golden hands is not necessary at all. You can even do the work alone. But it is necessary to comply with the fundamental rules. In addition, you should familiarize yourself with some of the subtleties that can significantly affect the result of work.

Work surface leveling

How to cover a wooden roof with ruberoid do it yourself? First of all, the foundation must be prepared. To do this, remove all unnecessary from it (garbage, building materials, dirt, dust). The surface will need to be leveled. Large differences, dents should not be. The wooden roof can be made even by using additional bars or battens. In this case, use a laser or hydraulic level. But wooden roofs usually do not require serious leveling. If the surface is not made of wood, then to level it it is worth using a screed. Its thickness should not be more than 1 cm.

It is advisable to set the beacons using twine. This "level" will greatly simplify the work of leveling the roof. It should also be borne in mind that the surface on which work is carried out must be completely dry.

how to cover a wooden roof with ruberoid do it yourself

Mastic application before styling

How to cover the roof with roofing material yourself? After leveling, apply mastic. This operation can be performed using a brush or roller. Much depends on how large the roof is. No need to rush and immediately start laying the main material. Wait a bit. The applied mastic should dry, grasp the surface. The time that may be required for this is indicated directly on the bank with building material. But it can be adjusted, guided by air temperature and humidity.

So that the question of how to cover a pitched roof with a ruberoid with your own hands (or some other surface) does not cause problems, you need to prepare the material. To do this, it must be laid out in expanded form during the day. If this is not possible, then before laying it is necessary to rewind the roll to the other side.

Stacking Stage

how to cover the roof of the bath with ruberoid do it yourself

Once the mastic has dried, you can start laying the material. To get a quality coating, you need to lay 2 layers. The first can be done with the help of crumbling material without crumb. For the second, you need to use roofing material with stone chips. Start work from the bottom. This is very important, since the top sheets should overwhelm the bottom. Such a coating will help protect the joints from moisture. The next layer must be laid, moving it to half the sheet. In this situation, the seams of the lower layer will be in the middle of the upper.

The final part of the work

At the final stage, you must use a gas burner. Using it, heat the roofing material and mastic. This should be done in sections, each of which should not exceed 35 cm. During heating, the film that is attached to the material should whiten and burn. This will signal that the coating is ready. Fasten the heated material to the mastic and roll it with a special roller. If there will be deep holes on the surface, then a good skating rink in this place will not work. Accordingly, subsequently, the roofing will be damaged due to the formation of condensate. That is why it is important to level the surface before laying the material.

Some points to consider

On the roofs there are usually pipes, shafts, chimneys. Around them, the material should be cut so that the pieces can be overlapped. If this cannot be done, then it is necessary to cover this piece using several strips of roofing material. You need to know this if, for example, you want to answer the question of how to cover the roof of a bathhouse with ruberoid with your own hands.

Carefully adhere to the edge of the surface. Otherwise, it can be torn off by the wind. In order to ensure high reliability, it is worth fixing the roofing material using metal or wooden battens.

how to cover a pitched roof with roofing material yourself


Now you know how the roof is covered with roofing material. It will not be difficult to do this. Perform all stages of work correctly. Only in this case, the roof will get an elegant look, and the roofing will serve as protection against rain.


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