Adil Name Meaning, Origin, Character and Fate

Open, freedom-loving, fair, responsible - such is the owner of the name Adil. It will be useful to know its meaning to women who are so called. Of course, this information will also be required for parents who intend to call their daughter so. What can be said about this?

What is the meaning and origin of the name Adil

First you need to figure out where it came from. Linguists are almost unanimous that this is an Arabic name. Its short form sounds like Adi, Ada, Adya. If we talk about synonyms, then this is Adele, Gadil, Odile, Adil.

little adila

There is another version according to which it came from the ancient German names Adelia and Adele. However, this theory is not popular with researchers. The names are only similar in sound, but they have different origins, carry different energies.

What is the meaning of Adil's name? “Fair”, “honest” - this is how it is translated into our language.


Some useful information:

  1. Patron Planet - Mercury.
  2. Gemini.
  3. A totem animal is a flying fish.
  4. Talisman Stone - Rhinestone.
  5. Auspicious day - Wednesday.
  6. The mascot plant is valerian.
  7. Auspicious color - mixed colors.


The above describes the meaning of the name Adil. From the first years of her life, she has an effect on the girl. It may not be easy for parents to have a daughter, as she refuses to take orders. A child obeys mom or dad only if convincing arguments are brought to her.

adila in childhood

Little Adila is also curious from nature. Adults are forced to constantly answer the child's questions, and they may turn out to be completely non-childish. The baby prefers to communicate and make friends with older children, since she is not interested in her peers. Adil is generally a good student, although sometimes he can be lazy. She pays special attention to subjects that are not easy for her. You can not be afraid of conflicts with classmates and teachers, since the girl is not inclined to them.

Adil will gladly take on some of the homework. Parents do not have to force her to help around the house.


What can you tell about the adult Adila, the meaning of the name, character and fate of which is considered in the article? This woman is an amazingly whole person. She never fears or hides anything, does not try to pass herself off as someone else. Duplicity and hypocrisy are not characteristic of the owner of the name. Her words will never diverge from her thoughts.

adil meaning

The adult Adil does not know how to evade responsibility, sometimes this can create problems for her. This woman is trying to find the right and fair way out of any situation. Because of an innate sense of justice, she can interfere in matters that are not personally related to her.

Positive and negative sides

The owner of the Arabic name has many positive qualities. She is hardworking, demanding of herself, striving for the ideal. Adilya is able to work with information, which allows her to easily master any kind of knowledge. This woman readily defends the one who is offended in her presence, especially when it comes to the weak.

fate of a woman named adil

Negative sides also cannot be ignored. Adil is too sharp, not everyone likes her straightforwardness. Also, this woman may make excessive demands on those around her.

The influence of the seasons

Much depends on what time of the year the owner of the female name Adil was born.

  • A woman born in autumn is practical. It is difficult for her to trust others; she is too straightforward.
  • The “winter” Adil is famous for its seriousness. The owner of the name moves towards the goal, nothing can make her turn off the chosen path.
  • A woman born in the spring may be too reserved. It is difficult for her to find a common language with others. "Spring" Adil needs the support of loved ones.
  • The owner of the name, born in the summer, is modest. She is kind and responsive, knows how to enjoy other people's successes and worry about failures. This woman is also too slow.

Hobbies, hobbies

Does the meaning of Adil’s name influence which hobby its owner will choose? The woman, whose name is that, can get involved in extreme sports, which gives her physical relaxation. She can be attracted by parachuting, glider flights and the like. So Adilya renounces everyday worries, relieves stress.

The owner of the name also loves to travel, to acquire new knowledge about the world around him. Collecting is another possible hobby, and she can collect anything. Finally, Adilya can often be seen with a book in his hands. Scientific literature, romance novel, reference book on psychology - it is difficult to predict what it will be.

Profession, business

What profession can the owner of the name Adil give preference to? This woman knows how to work honestly and inspire others, make decisions quickly and bring them to life. She also easily absorbs new knowledge, masters something new. These qualities allow her to make a career in many areas.

career adily

An excellent manager, financier, doctor, rescuer, athlete, law enforcement officer will come out of Adili. She also has every chance of succeeding as an entrepreneur.

Love sex

How does the meaning of the name Adil affect the relationship of its owner with the opposite sex? This woman has a tendency to idealize the object of her passion, as well as love itself. She can look for her man for a very long time, she makes high demands on the chosen one.

adila in love

Which guy has every chance of winning Adily’s heart? He must be persistent, serious and generous. Obsessive and jealous men repel this woman. The owner of the name does not like when someone tries to limit her freedom.

Sex for Adily plays a secondary role. She could hardly agree to experiment in bed.

Marriage, family

Adil is in no hurry to marry. A man will have to be patient if he wants her to become his wife. It can be conquered by a responsible and serious representative of the opposite sex, capable of sincere actions. In marriage with such a person, Adil will find happiness, make sure that he becomes happy too.

From the owner of the name can get a good mother. She is trying to raise her children as responsible, hardworking, honest and visionary people. Adily's household will have to take her heightened attention to maintaining order. Cleanliness in the house plays an important role for this woman.


Adily may have vision problems. Many owners of the name in adulthood are forced to wear glasses. Infectious diseases are also a threat to this woman. She needs throughout her life to take care of strengthening the immune system.


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