How to remove a stain from the grass at home

how to remove a stain from grass
Clothing, unfortunately, tends to get dirty. It is not necessary to show miracles of irresponsibility and carelessness. Sometimes it just happens. One of the most unpleasant types of pollution is grass stains. They are deeply embedded in the structure of the fabric, so doing a simple wash here will not work. Manufacturers of cleaning products claim that only they know how to remove stains from grass. Grandmothers, in turn, advise folk methods that have been tested for centuries. How to remove the stain from the grass so as not to spoil the thing and completely get rid of the greenish tint on the fabric? Let's get it right.

To the question "how to remove a stain from the grass" the best answer will be - immediately. The sooner you start washing, the more chances you have for a positive outcome for the enterprise. Do not put the matter aside: dried up contaminations are more difficult than fresh ones.

Before you remove the stain from the grass, you must choose the right method. It will depend on the texture and color of the fabric. So, for example, with bed linen you can not stand on ceremony. But to cleanse silk or cashmere, more gentle temperatures and concentrations of cleaning substances will be required.

How to remove stains from grass on bedding? For this, you can do without any special tools. Boil the sheets and pillowcases for five to ten minutes, then rinse them in cool clear water. A similar method is also possible for local use on clothes: immediately before washing in a washing machine, pour boiling water from the kettle onto the area soiled with grass. The procedure can be repeated several times at intervals of five minutes, after which you should immediately throw the thing into the machine.

how to remove stains from grass

Another effective grandmother's method for combating grass stains is salicylic alcohol: soak a cotton wool in it and start wiping from the edges of the stain to the center; at the end of the procedure, the thing should be rinsed in plenty of clean water.

More difficult to remove are spots from flowers and berries. Getting rid of them is not as easy as removing the stain from the grass. To do this, you will need: gasoline, ammonia solution, paper swab, damp sponge and a clean cotton towel. The procedure is as follows:

how to remove grass stain

1) gently wipe the place of contamination with a swab dipped in gasoline;

2) drip there with ammonia solution;

3) wipe the treated area with a damp sponge until the surface is completely cleaned;

4) attach a napkin and wait until the residues of gasoline and ammonia are absorbed;

5) rinse the item in cold water.

If you still delayed the washing, then a solution of sodium chloride will come to your aid. It starts in proportions: half a teaspoon of salt for one hundred and fifty milliliters of boiled water. Dampen a cotton swab in the resulting composition and start rubbing the stain, gradually moving from its edges to the center. This method will not allow dirt to spread. If the solution is ineffective, you should gradually increase its concentration until you reach the optimal one.

In the arsenal of every housewife, there are several ways to remove a stain from the grass. Which one is better, you can find out only in practice.


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