The structural element of a building is ... The main structural elements of buildings (foundation, walls, ceilings, partitions, roof, stairs, windows, doors)

The structural element of the building is its constituent parts, which are used by architects, designers, builders to build the necessary structure.

The construction of buildings involves the assembly of elements on which the purpose and its determining structure depend. Each structural element of a building is its aboveground and underground parts.

They have residential, public and industrial purposes and can be built from natural or artificial stone or wood. By their design, they can have a one-story or multi-story structure.

Each building as a whole and its components must have high strength, stability, durability, fire resistance.

Basic building components

Residential buildings represent an object that performs a certain number of functions, ensuring a comfortable stay of a person in it. The main elements that make up the building:

  • Foundation.
  • Basement.
  • Basement
  • The blind area.
  • Walls (external and internal).
  • Partitions.
  • The stairs.
  • Overlapping.
  • Roofs.

The underground part of the building

For each structure, first of all, the main structural element of the building is erected - this is the foundation, which is arranged on the site of soil that serves as its foundation. The totality of all body loads is distributed to it. The stiffness, stability and durability of the building depend on its strength.

Not a single structure is being built directly on the ground. The number of bases, different in their characteristics, designs, scope of use, is quite large.

This building element can be made in a tape, slab or columnar version, the basis of the latter are individual supports.

the building block is

The foundation pit for the arrangement of the strip foundation is formed with some slope of the walls. The angle of inclination is calculated individually in each case.

The basement is arranged under the house, in a space bounded by the foundation.

The basement represents a fragment of the foundation located above ground level. This part of the building structure is in more aggressive conditions than its vertical elements - walls. This element is affected by the weight of all the superstructures located above, soil pressure during periods of freezing and thawing cycles.

Elevated building elements

All elements of the structure located above the blind area, consisting of supporting and enclosing components, belong to the aboveground components of the building being erected.

The blind area defines the boundary between the upper and underground structures of the building. This is a special coating around the perimeter of the building. Its laying is carried out under a certain slope away from the bearing wall.

basic structural elements of buildings

The design and purpose of the adjacent structure is, first of all, waterproofing, that is, protecting the building from the effects of external rainfall and groundwater in the drainage. The warm layout of the blind area allows you to perform another function - warming, preventing soil from frost heaving.

The use of decorative and durable materials for the blind area allows not only to decorate and complete the appearance of the building. The blind area serves as a pedestrian path that provides access to the building.

Walls external and internal load-bearing elements

The outer walls represent the vertical part of the building's fence. They are protected from the external environment. In the structure of the building they are assigned the most difficult position. Walls experience loads of their own weight, floors, roofs of the structure. In addition, solar radiation, temperature differences inside and outside the building, climatic conditions.

door windows

In order to exclude deformation of the external and internal walls, in construction, for their construction, materials are used that meet all the conditions of strength and durability.

According to its location, the structural element of the building "inner wall" is an element dividing the middle of the space of the structure. This part is not affected by any load except their own weight. However, due to the large internal space , the use of internal walls that perform the role of supporting ones is required. Such walls are based on one foundation and are created according to the type of external walls, using similar or related materials.

The middle floors are located between the basement and the attic, are designed for people and represent the main structural elements of buildings.

separate supports

Such structures as windows, doors, which are necessary for communication with the external environment and staircases, are built into the plane of the exterior walls of the floors.

Internal partitions and stairs

Partitions in the building are designed to separate the internal space of a separate room. With their help, redevelopment of the apartment is possible at the request of the owner. They do not experience any force.

Stairs perform a communicating function between floors, providing the possibility of evacuating people in extreme situations and represent the main structural elements of buildings.

architectural and structural elements of the roof building

The main stairs are located in rooms with load-bearing walls, in which there are windows, doors of apartments. All multi-story buildings are equipped with external emergency staircases necessary for emergency and fire services in emergency situations.


Ceilings represent horizontal details of buildings, which in the construction of the structure perform a separating function. They form the floors in the building, they are subject to special requirements for strength, stiffness, since the floors in the house must withstand their own weight and weight of all parts of the structure and people.

floors in the house

Horizontal components should be endowed with sound and heat insulation characteristics, due to sanitary standards.

Roof and its components

Mauerlat - leveling support for installing rafters, the basis of the roof structure.

Another integral structural element of the building is the rafters, which must withstand their own weight, roofing material and loads due to climatic conditions: wind, snow, rain, solar radiation.

The details of the rafter system are designed to perform certain functions. The rafter system must have a high degree of rigidity in order to exclude dangerous movements that can lead to the destruction of not only the roof, the destruction of the structure itself can occur.

Most often, a triangular shape of the truss structure, the so-called truss, is used. On the edges of the upper floor of the building, trusses are installed in parallel, connecting them with such connecting elements as a crossbar (solid or lattice-shaped linear element - a support for girders and plates), a girder (a beam located horizontally in the roof structure is necessary to support the roof) and tightening .

The roof construction closes, which combines the architectural and structural elements of the building and its protective and decorative properties.

The roof is equipped with a mandatory element - a waterproof shell, a roof, which also protects the building from mechanical stress, has high reliability and durability. In addition to protective functions, the roof decorates the building, gives it personality.


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