Scottish cat sheds much - what to do

Cats and cats that live on the street molt twice a year. In spring and fall. Moreover, on the eve of summer, they are as if prepared for the heat season and freed from wool. And in the fall they are building it. For heat. Domestic ones sometimes molt almost all year round.

Causes of Excess Moulting

So, you noticed that your beloved cat is very shedding. What to do? First of all, you must realize that he lives in an apartment. The usual place is a sofa. On the street, of course, does not happen. Yes, and why? After all, he was always served. He sometimes even allows himself to choose food. He eats one, turns away from the other.

cat sheds much what to do
And it’s interesting that it is in winter, when the coat of animals should increase, your cat sheds much. What to do? Why is this happening just the opposite?

The answer is simple. Cats have "self-deception." Dry and warm air coming from the batteries, plus bright artificial lighting - this is the real summer for you! Excess fur on the cat’s body only interferes. She is hot, uncomfortable. And the wool reset function starts to work.

How to "convince" an animal

So, decide if a British cat sheds much, what should I do? What should I do in order not to make mistakes?

Keep the animal away from heat-radiating radiators. Buy and install an air humidifier in the rooms. Open windows and doors more often to ventilate the room. Do not be afraid to let in cold fresh air. This, incidentally, is useful to people.

And on the loggia or on the balcony you need to arrange a "winter" house for the cat. Install the claw point tool there. And all sorts of ladders, shelves, coasters. Then purrs will have an interest in going out onto the balcony.

cat very much molt what to do

Molting all year round

There are breeds of cats with a thick undercoat. This, for example, Siberian, British. They shed their wool all year long. This is natural for them. Therefore, if nothing bothers you during the shedding process, there are no obvious changes in the coat, then you should not sound the alarm.

However, there are other reasons for this phenomenon. If the cat sheds much, what should be done in such cases?

Those animals that sit in the apartment all winter, and in the summer they are transported out of town, for example, to the cottage, are distinguished by enhanced growth of wool. It's warm outside, you can run freely everywhere. Wool and grows. And as soon as they return to the city dwelling, increased hair loss begins.

And if it is still a disease?

What to do if a cat sheds much in spring? Some owners mistaken skin diseases for traditional molting. But it is caused by an allergy either to food, to drugs, or to fungi.

british cat sheds much what to do
You also need to seriously think in a situation if hair loss is associated with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Or even with hormonal disruption. Often this looks like redness, itching, the appearance of bald patches on the cat's body.

Do not try to treat your pet yourself. Do not read treatment methods online. You can only do harm. Take the animal to the vet. The veterinarian will do all the necessary tests, determine the diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

British cat sheds a lot? What to do? Probably not enough vitamins in his diet. Then the doctor will pick up those that are necessary for your cat.

Usually, those who have pronounced focal lesions are prescribed fairly simple, but well-acting vitamins. For example, brewer's yeast. If all the other indicators for the cat are normal, then only two weeks will pass, and you will see how much her hairline has improved.

Change your diet completely

This situation: it is clearly visible that the cat is very shedding. What to do? You are looking for a reason, but it is quite simple - you offered the cat a new food. So, exclude certain foods from the animal’s diet and don’t experiment anymore! And the addition of vegetable fats to food will only help to quickly restore the luster and beauty of the “coat” of your beloved cat.

scottish cat sheds much what to do
It is recommended to comb hair regularly. There are cats that are predisposed to rolling hair. The same Persian or Siberian. They are best combed every day. And not just an ordinary comb, but a special one - a furminator. It significantly reduces molting, prevents the formation of warlocks.

Care for your coat

You are a caring hostess. Do everything for the beauty of your mustachioed friend. Do not forget that if washing the cat does not solve the problem (with excess molting), then a special conditioner will restore the coat that is damaged. It also eliminates the dryness of cat's skin, relieves it of peeling.

Thanks to their short hair, Scottish (or short-haired Scottish cats) do not need any complicated care for their fur coat. True, during the period of loss of cat hair, it is necessary to comb more often to remove dying pieces of hair and give an incentive for the growth of new ones.

In a situation where the cat is very shedding, "what to do?" - This is a very serious question. After all, the cat licks itself, and so it can swallow pieces of wool. Lumps of fur will accumulate in her stomach. The animal may vomit or accumulated hair will cause a blockage in the intestines.

British cat sheds very much what to do
Street cats, for example, cope with this complication simply - they eat grass. And domestic ones are trying to nibble flowers, other indoor plants. Not understanding the reasons for this, the owners simply drag them away from the green spaces.

Be careful when a Scottish cat sheds heavily. What to do? Consult a veterinarian, because the wrong decision can harm your pet.

By the way, feed manufacturers today produce them with such constituents that they do not allow the balls of wool that have fallen into the cat’s stomach to roll. Moreover, they facilitate their natural removal from the body. Of course, natural green grass is healthier, more effective. Therefore, in the summer, let your cat out for a walk and enjoy plenty of street weed. Or grow it at home.

Pet shops sell special pastes. They help remove wool from the stomach of a cat or cat. They can also be used.

scottish cat sheds much what to do
Hair, especially in longhair cats, can accumulate behind the lower fangs. Of course, the animal itself cannot get them. This is your concern. Otherwise, inflammation may occur.

All cats are so different.

Highland fur (that is, Scottish, longhair cats) needs more careful care. But don’t worry - it’s not at all difficult. Highlands do not have such a voluminous undercoat as the same Persians, for example. Therefore, there are no warlocks. And the fur of a cat can not be combed often, but from time to time.

what to do if the cat sheds much in spring
This is how it turns out to be difficult to keep an animal at home. But if you do it with love, then you get a lot of joy in return.


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