What to go to the theater? What to go to the theater in winter, man, woman, girl?

Theaters are amazing places whose architecture is impressive. People get even more emotions by looking at wonderful productions. In all this chic atmosphere, I also want to look appropriate, so many people are very careful in their choice, planning what to go to the theater.

Become a part of the culture

The theater is a place where everything is aimed at worshiping beauty, grace, culture. Here you can relax and saturate the soul with sublime feelings. The atmosphere and the play of the cast acting on the stage are pleasant.

Answering the question of what to go to the theater for a man, in the old days they usually paid attention to elegant tuxedos. Ladies, however, put on dresses, put on jewelry and gloves, made high hairstyles, thanks to which they visually seemed taller.

what to go to the theater
Fashion of the 21st century is much simpler and more practical, so people are not so zealous, however, they try to preserve the beauty and grace of their own appearance. Many go to a cultural event immediately from work after a long day's work and do not always have time to put on a marafet. Therefore, to bring yourself to the desired appearance, you have to limit yourself to a minimum program.

Let your clothes be always welcome

It is curious that, deciding what to go to the theater, it is worth paying special attention to the genre of performance, because depending on this there is a special classification of the required dress code. Going to the ballet, opera, it is better to put on evening gown. If you want to go to the drama, this is not necessary.

You can only refine if you sit in the front rows or in the stalls. There is the opportunity to come in a suit or office clothes, just to look neat and tidy.

It is better to choose clothes in soothing colors. When deciding what to go to the theater for a girl, you can stop at a cocktail or evening long dress. A black pencil skirt with a blouse is also suitable. A lady should not look too frank, screaming and vulgar. It is worth letting others focus on the performance, and not on your neckline and bright things.

what to go to the theater photo

Do not neglect the rules of decency

If you come in jeans, you, of course, will be missed at the entrance, and it is unlikely that someone will reproach, but the overall picture will not be the same. This is a kind of disrespect for the actors and everyone who came to the theater in order to immerse themselves in its sophisticated atmosphere.

As for makeup, it should not be too flashy either. It is also worth refraining from perfumes with a too strong aroma. Everything is good in moderation. Itโ€™s better not to lift your hairstyle because it can interfere with people who are sitting in the back. It goes without saying that drinking alcohol and pungent food before the trip is also not worth it. If you go to the play with your other half, it is better to coordinate the wardrobe in advance to look harmoniously close.

what to go to the theater in winter

The solution for gentlemen

Although women are usually more worried about clothes, the stronger sex also thinks what to go to the theater to look stylish and elegant. The classic option is a tuxedo, but few people have it. It's okay, you can always wear a dark or graphite-colored suit. It may have a neat strip or cage. It is better to wear a light shirt. Tie choose smart, beautiful, eye-catching. Butterflies or a scarf around the neck are also great.

If you decide to go to an evening of creativity, where most of the guests are young, you can limit yourself to a shirt and trousers or add an unpaired jacket. Things to avoid are sweaters, T-shirts, sportswear and sneakers.

what to go to the theater man

What to wear lady

Particularly acute is the question of what a woman should go to the theater for. Here the choice is much more. Going to the show, you can wear a lot. For starters, these are, of course, evening dresses, beautiful and elegant. It is better to take a model with a straight silhouette.

Dark fabrics look good or those that convey a touch of gem. Rhinestones are beautiful, but in this case it is not very appropriate, like pearls. The same applies to a fluffy skirt and a train. You should look elegant, but not too catchy.

A rather interesting feature of our time is that not only a man, but also a woman can wear a tuxedo. They take a black chiffon shirt, a large decoration, shoes with stilettos. A great option if it's cold outside, you donโ€™t want to go in a skirt and tights, and you are thinking about what to go to the theater in the winter to make it convenient. After all, your comfort is no less important than the external effect.

As for the hair, both strands flowing smoothly over the shoulders and a neat hairstyle are suitable here.

When it gets warmer, you can appear at a cultural event and in a cocktail dress model. This option is quite simple. He simultaneously looks solemn and not overly extravagant. Again, muted tones are better. Jewelry can be chosen more boldly, but also not to overdo it.

what to go to the theater for a woman

Winter option

Another interesting and unusual outfit is the jumpsuit, although it is not as elegant as the previously described clothes. But it is distinguished by versatility. Looks good combination with a jacket. In this outfit, you can come to the production of any genre.

This is another great option if you are looking for something to go to the theater in the winter. So you wonโ€™t freeze. Also, a lady can wear a suit with trousers, optionally shortened, only so that their edge is not above the ankle. They can be colored or with print. A white shirt is perfect for them.

Important details

Of course, things are not limited to clothes only when you decide what to go to the theater. Photos and articles in glossy fashion magazines on elegant clothing can give you some ideas for creating your own wardrobe. In addition to dresses, jewelry also plays a large role. Accessories are a separate issue that requires no less attention than clothing. It is very important to look spectacular, but at the same time not too catchy, to prefer products that you look at calmly. It's not the New Year, when the most important thing is more brilliance.

Your outfit should look decent and tidy. A modest necklace will be enough. You can also wear a ring. Long earrings that visually lengthen the face look good. In addition, an important detail is the handbag. There are special models for the theater - clutches. You can stay on a small handbag with a beautiful chain on his shoulder.

An image will complete good shoes. It is worth paying attention to both beauty and convenience. Quality and style are equally important. Every woman should have outlet shoes with heels up to 6 cm. This element of clothing is able to complement the overall composition. Again, regarding the cold season. The temptation is great to go to the theater in boots, because it is practical, but it is better to take shoes with you for a shift, it's worth it, because the view is completely different.

what to go to the theater for a girl
Experiment, but do not deviate from the generally accepted rules of good form. After reading these simple tips, you can find a way to stand out, while making your appearance spectacular and elegant. Do not forget about comfort, then a trip to the theater will bring incomparable pleasure.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E19519/

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