Travel to Crete by car. What to see on Crete on your own? Crete attacks

Crete is a small island, but you can visit many attractions on it. It can be museums, lakes, rivers, beaches, zoos, water parks and much more. Thanks to the island you will get into the true story. See how the Greeks lived in ancient times, what they did and what they were fond of.

What to see on Crete on your own? Traveling by car is quite interesting, and in the article you will find useful information for yourself.

Center of Crete: Knossos Palace

Many travelers start sightseeing from the city of Heraklion. It stops active tourists and young people. The locals will tell you what to see in Crete on their own by car. Often they advise Knossos Palace, which can be reached without problems. There are signs on the road, so you can easily get there. There is free parking near the palace.

to crete by car

This building is considered very large. The walls are beautifully decorated and restored. In all the halls are beautiful frescoes that are very well and correctly made. For those people who love history, ancient architecture, this place has been created that will certainly leave a trace in the soul.

In the middle of the palace there is a large courtyard, from where you can get into any passage, hall or gallery. Many legends have been written about this building. One of them says that in the palace there is a labyrinth of the Minotaur, where a terrible monster lived, whose head looks like a bull. They say that before it ate people.

The only problem: there are a lot of tourists in this palace, so moving here is not always convenient. Everyone wants to discover something new and unusual, because people move around the palace randomly.

In the palace itself, you can book a guided tour by a guide who speaks Russian well. Otherwise, you are unlikely to get the full information. Without a guide, you can see the ruins and ruins and not understand what is interesting in this palace. But the guide will tell many stories and legends related to the Knossos Palace. If you come to Crete by car, you can see and find out more interesting places.

Resorts in Rethymnon

If you are going to Crete, there is the opportunity to see a lot of interesting and remarkable things by car. The city of Rethymnon is famous for its beautiful resorts. It does not hurt to call in the village of Bali. Here you can see rocks, grottoes, clear water, where octopuses and colorful fish swim. In Bali, taverns and shops are made in the Greek picturesque style.

If you ask the locals where to go to Crete by car, you will definitely be advised the village of Panormo. It is here that a quiet and relaxing place. But if you get tired of the beaches, you can visit the Arkadi Monastery. Inside there is a beautiful garden, museums and a zoo that will delight children. The buildings are magnificent and ancient. In one museum you will see a lot of ancient weapons, and in the second there are old books, clothes.

The village of Adele near the city of Rathymno is famous for the beautiful monastery of St. Panteleimon and the museum, which is assigned to the hero of the Island of Crete K. Giambudakis. It has clean and calm beaches, an authentic atmosphere.

Traveling in Crete by car is a pleasure. In Rethymnon, beautiful painting and clean beaches. In this region you can relax both passively and actively. You will see massive buildings, museums, monasteries, mosques, lakes and grottoes.

Eastern Crete: Lassithi

Here are historical places and unforgettable landscapes. Many dream of getting to the island of Crete. What to see by car, a travel agency will tell you. Often recommend the city of Lassithi.

what to see on Crete on your own by car

In it you can visit the cave of the main Greek god Zeus. Myths say that he was born in this grotto. The cave contains ancient artifacts. Entrance is paid, but you will not regret it, because the sight is truly unforgettable.

Few tourists know about the Minoan palace of Zakros, therefore it is not crowded. It was discovered in the last century and began to be excavated, which continue to this day. Historians are debating what kind of premises there were and why.

In the monastery of Kera Kardiotissas there is an icon that works wonders with people. It cures of various diseases and even infertility. Many times the icon was stolen, but, as it turned out, miracles happen - they found it all the time. To date, they created and put a copy of the icon. However, oddly enough, she continues to treat patients.

The zoo is famous for its miniature and botanical gardens. If you are with children, then it is worth a visit to this place. There are many exotic birds living in the zoo, which you are unlikely to see anywhere. Some animals are allowed to pet or feed. On the path you will meet donkeys or peacocks who are used to people and are not afraid of them.

As you can see, you definitely need to visit the island of Crete. What to see by car, you will understand on the road, when you pass the Greek paradise. Each city or region is fraught with its own attractions.

Western Crete: Chania Town

This area is far from the center. However, you can see the sights of Crete by car without problems. The road to the city of Chania is serpentine, but good. Therefore, you can enjoy the painting.

Crete what to see by car

Near the city you can visit the botanical garden. It has a lot of fruit and exotic trees. Also in the park there are beautiful large mesmerizing vineyards. At the end of the alley there is a small but cozy zoo. There are deer, donkeys, peacocks. There are no large animals.

If you like football, visit the famous museum, where you can see many memorabilia, cups, and exhibits. The gallery has helpful staff who will answer any of your questions and tell incredible historical legends and stories.

Chrisoskalitissa is a beautiful monastery. It is often visited by tourists on the way to Elafonissi beach. It was built high so that you can admire the bay with blue water. To climb to the monastery itself, you must go 99 steps. The latter is painted yellow. That is why the monastery is called the "Golden Step". They drop into it mainly in order to look at the icon of the Assumption of the Virgin. They say that when you pray to her, all misfortunes end at that very moment.

If you come to Crete by car, you have the opportunity to visit those places where tourists are rare. You will see the beautiful painting, try the local wine and chat with the friendly inhabitants of this island.

Southwest coast - Sfakia village

Many tourists are interested in what to visit in Crete. You can independently arrive by car to anywhere in the island. Who knows Crete well, advises to visit the village of Sfakia. There are few tourists there, so the rest is more comfortable. Here you can dive, swim and enjoy the picturesque nature.

In Sfakia, a fortress called Frangokastello was built. The building is rectangular, there is a watch tower in every corner. The fortress was created during the war of the Turks with the locals, and the castle was besieged. However, he was recaptured, and since then many legends have been circulating about him.

Crete attractions

For lovers of historical facts and ruins, a visit to the ancient city of Falasarnu will be interesting. In it you will find ruins from wartime. The city is slightly restored for tourists.

Resort Agios Nikolaos

The sights of Crete can be started by car from this city. It is also called St. Tropez. It is located in the northern part of Crete. In the center of the city itself is Lake Vulismeni, which is famous for its very great depth (about 70 meters). Legend has it that in ancient times, the goddess Athena herself loved to take water procedures here.

This city is the most industrial on the island. Many tourists relax in it, cafes and restaurants are crowded, and you need to come to the beaches early in the morning, because if you come later, there will be no places.

Crete on your own by car

The city of Agios Nikolaos is famous for its architecture. You have the opportunity to see the buildings not only of a modern building, but also of an ancient one. The city has an Archaeological Museum. It contains exhibits that have been collected from different historical periods.

On the way to the city of Agios Nicholas, you will see many diverse churches. They are painted with ancient inscriptions and patterns. If you stop near them and go inside, you will see a Byzantine fresco.

When the holiday season begins, many different celebrities and ensembles come to this city. Then the fun comes. Every evening you can go to concerts, festivals or exhibitions. Crete yourself by car must certainly be studied. If you stay in the city for a few days, leave the car in the parking lot and enjoy the atmosphere and hospitality of the locals.

Lychnostatis Museum

This gallery is notable for the fact that it is in the open. It has all the amenities for tourists. They are issued a card, thanks to which a person will not get lost. For an additional small fee, you can get an audio guide: a tourist goes where he wants and listens to the information he needs.

The gallery has a cozy cafe. Therefore, if someone is tired and wants to relax, there is the opportunity to enjoy cold drinks and local food. In the mornings, every Wednesday there is a holiday dedicated to grapes. To visit it, you need to drive up to 10.00 in the morning. Tourists are invited to trample the grapes, only few people agree to such entertainment.

If you are interested in where to travel to Crete by car, visit this museum. You will not see him from the road, since it is located on the seashore. Therefore, you have to move off the main road. However, you will not regret it. The gate is completely twined with grapes, and it can not be immediately noticed.

If you do not want to deal with the map, then for tourists everywhere there are arrows indicating where to go. At the very beginning of the open museum you will see a variety of fruit trees, and then old houses, where there are a variety of Greek objects. It is not necessary to have a guide to understand how people lived here in ancient times.

There is a cinema hall on site. When you get into it, you will be surprised. You will see and hear a variety of stories in different languages. This area is decorated with ancient wooden sculptures.

Crete by car

If the street is very hot, then you will not be in the museum for long. It is better to travel on it during cloudy days. After all, it is in the open, so it’s hard for people to enjoy a guided tour on sunny days.

An ideal vacation is to go on vacation to Crete. By car, it is possible not to depend on time and local transport, since it runs strictly on schedule.

For art lovers: a foundry

Almost everyone wants to visit the island of Crete. Attractions on their own by car are more interesting to visit than a group tour. After all, you can visit wherever you want at any time.

A tourist who loves history and ancient craft very much can visit the foundry. The owner has been doing this fascinating business for many years. The welcome here is warm. They offer local coffee, wine, show their foundry. Of course, souvenirs can be bought. However, the owner does not persuade, but talks about each product so fascinatingly that you will want to buy an interesting thing for yourself.

A foundry specialist shows how and what he does. He talks about his every step. True, they speak there not only Greek, but also English, so you need to know at least one of them. In this area only one person is engaged in foundry craft - he continues the clan activities of his generation.

car trip to crete

A craftsman gives tourists a try to make figures. Only everything is done under strict supervision. After all, it is dangerous for an ignorant person to work near a hot furnace, in which the heat is more than 400 degrees.

Most often, a craftsman trusts to create models for men, and to extract them for women. The owner believes that each sex has its own duty. They do not have the same rights as in our Russian-speaking countries.

Now you know where to go to Crete by car for both leisure and entertainment. Foundry will not leave you indifferent. You will remember him all your life with warmth and nostalgia.

The beaches of Crete

Balos is a pirate harbor. Not far from it you will see a fortress, which, according to legend, belonged to sailors. As a result, the harbor was taken by pirates, so the harbor got its name.

Palm groves are located on Wai Beach. Locals say it is a tropical island. According to legend, tourists who come here can make a wish, and it will come true.

Plaka is a beautiful beach, but you are unlikely to be able to lie down. Everywhere there is one pebble. To do this, umbrellas are located throughout the beach and hammocks are provided for a fee. There are many tamarisks in this place. This beach is famous for a wide range of water sports.


Crete is the largest Greek island. It has many ancient museums, rivers, lakes. Probably there was not a single place not explored by a tourist. In the article, we examined a small but the main part of the sights.

The island of Crete is very beautiful. By car you can visit all the most interesting places. It is best to start exploring the island from the central part. This is the city of Heraklion, the capital of Crete. Then you can visit other places. It all depends on your time and capabilities.

This wonderful island is visited annually by about two million tourists. It is considered one of the famous and successful resorts. Reviews from tourists suggest that prices in Crete are moderate. They are willing to pay for benevolence, a warm welcome and numerous stories about Greece.

Thanks to the mild climate, people relax peacefully. They can come at any time of the year. A person does not have to acclimatize for a long time. Tourists can choose housing according to their finances or desires. There is a place for everyone, but the conditions, of course, are different. The cheaper the room, the less amenities.

History buffs will find something to their liking. On the island of Crete, in every city there are a lot of archaeological sites and museums. You will find a lot of ancient objects and things from the Minoan era.

Lovers of zoology can offer a wide variety of birds. For example, in Lassithi you will see eagles of tremendous magnitude, swallows fly all along the coast all year round, but pelicans walk exclusively along the coast in search of food. On the island you will find reptiles, turtles, a variety of insects, arthropods.

The Greek island is famous for mythology, gods, caves, islands. A lot of fascinating legends go about them. They can be about a monster, about the goddess Athena, Zeus. Since ancient times, the Greeks honor their traditions and tourists are asked to stick to them.

In the article, you read tips on what to visit in Crete by car. If you are going to come to the island on your own, then you are in luck. You will have the opportunity to visit places where the tour may not always be. From rest you will be impressed for life.


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