What is the name of the boy born in April? What does the church calendar advise us?

Often, the parents of the baby try to give him a certain meaning. First of all, they focus on the church calendar. And they name the child, depending on which saint’s birthday is close to his birthday.

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what to call a boy born in April
It is this principle that works first of all when mothers and fathers decide what to call a boy born in April (or in any other month). Compatibility with patronymic, harmony, originality - everything is taken into account, taken into account, weighed. If they are believers, churchlifted, true Christians, then they act differently. With the day of remembrance of which spiritual person the birth date of the infant coincides, they name him in honor of her. For example, what is the name of a boy born in April? Consider several options: Innocent, Ivan, Sergey, Victor, Nikita, whose nameday falls on the first days of the month. Especially the Orthodox Church holds solemn services in honor of John Climacus, the first saint in Christianity. He is also deeply revered in Catholicism. This wise philosopher and theologian was abbot in the Zion Monastery. In his works, he substantiated 30 steps in the development of the spirit, indicated the need to lead an ascetic lifestyle. He was endowed with the gift of healing, healed many hopelessly sick.

Seraphim and Vasily

the names of the boys in April
What is the name of the boy born in April, namely from the 3rd to the 6th? In Saints these days commemorate the Monk Seraphim Vyritsky, who was sacredly devoted to the ideals of Christianity, was known as a man of deep faith, God-fearing, and was also a glorified healer. According to legend, he delivered from deafness and blindness. Also celebrated are the names of Vasily, Nikon, Isaac (Isaac), Zakhar. Parents who have not yet decided what to call a boy born in April have a lot to choose from. Although, of course, many names are now obsolete, uncommon and unfashionable. But maybe Artyom, Peter, Jacob, Stepan are still suitable.

From Tikhon to Panteleimon

male names april
Continuing to list possible names of boys born in April, it is worth paying attention to such dates. On the 7th, in the Annunciation, the church commemorates Saints Tikhon and Sava. And on April 8, an important holiday is celebrated in honor of the archangel Gabriel, one of the main assistants of the Lord in His struggle with Satan. In addition, on the same date account for the name day of St. Basil the New, which cures diseases of the throat and upper respiratory tract. Even his relics are miraculous. On April 9, Ivanov's name day falls, on 10 - at the Illarionov and Stefanov (Stepanov). And on the 11th, they remember the saints Mark and Cyril, 12 - Panteleimon. The first is the author of one of the Gospels, and the second became a symbol of healing, bearing the high rank of Healer.

Mid - end of April

in honor of whom to name the boy in April
The second half of April is also rich in significant dates and church holidays. The 13th number will not be fatal for the baby if the parents give him the name Innocent or Benjamin. The child will find in the person of these holy strong patrons, helpers in various endeavors and serious matters. On April 14, Makar and Efim celebrate name day, 15 - Titus and Polycarpus. On April 16, all Orthodoxy holds prayers associated with the icon of the Mother of God “Fadeless Color”, the patroness of the family hearth, harmonious marital relations. Then Feodosia and Nikita are honored. As you noticed, some of the male names of April are repeated from date to date. This is due to the veneration of various saints. Sons born on the 17th are called Egor, Yuri, George, Joseph. Born on the 18th - Plato, Fedor, Samson. Particularly significant on April 20, when they remember the Monk Daniel, called Pereyaslavsky. He was a true defender of the homeless, giving the last to the poor, treating the weak, giving himself all to the service of God and people. The relics of the saint, the icons with his image, possess tremendous healing power. Also on this day are celebrated on the day of St. George. 21 celebrate the veneration of the Monk Rodion, 22 - the blessed Vadim. And parents will not be mistaken in calling their son one of these names. The number of birthdays is rich in numbers 23 — their number is 5. These are Terenty and Gregory, Maxim and Fedor, as well as Alexander. On April 24-25, there are also several revered saints in Svyattsy: Peter, Antip, Jacob, Prokhor, Ivan. And at the very end of the month, newborns are invited to be called Andrian, Semyon, Leonid, Andrey, Victor.

Of course, these are just recommendations. After all, it's up to you to decide when and how to name the child. But our ancestors followed the traditions and did not regret it. Probably, it would not hurt us to join them!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E19524/

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