Public cadastral map of the land. Map of the cadastral value of land

A public cadastral map of land can be found on the website of the Russian Federal Register. It is presented in electronic version. With the help of it you can find any land you are interested in. The map shows only the counted lands that were put by their owners on cadastral registration.

A public cadastral map of land plots was created and first published on the Internet in 2010. The purpose of its creation is access to information of a wide range of interested parties (local authorities at various levels, surveying companies, lawyers, legal entities and individuals). Obtaining the necessary information about the land has become convenient and affordable. Such informational content for public viewing is enshrined in law.

cadastral map of the land

How accurate is the cadastral map?

It allows you to receive the following data:

  1. If you continue to increase the map, the boundaries of the districts will coincide with the boundaries of the subjects on the map of the Russian Federation.
  2. The boundaries of urban districts, municipalities and rural settlements have small errors. Nevertheless, each citizen is able to find out on the map his forest, garden plot or district.
  3. The names of settlements and streets will help to find the land plots that are in their ownership near the local area.

Thanks to the cadastral register of land plots on the map you can also see capital construction objects that are officially put on cadastral registration and which have passed the land surveying procedure.

map of cadastral value of land

What information is available in the online version of the map?

  1. General information about the object of interest, namely the land plot. This is the address of the location, area, cadastral number and information about the owner.
  2. Accurate information about in which zone of the Russian Federation the object of interest in the administrative-territorial division of the country is located and whether it is located in territories that have special conditions for their use (for example, protected areas, reserves).
  3. Information on the boundaries of the land in the cadastral quarter.
  4. Information about land plots adjacent to the object.
  5. Knowing the boundaries of the site, you can find out which department Rosreestra is engaged in the maintenance of this territory.

On the cadastral map of the land you can admire images from space, see topographic maps and a map of Russia. All lands displayed in front of you will be marked “temporary plot”, “object that was previously accounted for”, “accounted object”.

It should be remembered that you can find all the information you need on the map only if you know the cadastral number of the land plot of interest or its exact location.

public cadastral map of land

What exactly can you learn about the land?

  1. The cadastral number assigned to it.
  2. The address of the location of the territory on which the property of interest is located.
  3. The status of the object. Temporary plot, recorded object or object that was previously considered.
  4. The date of registration of the land.
  5. Land category and type of use of the facility.
  6. What form of ownership of this site is in accordance with title documents for it and what is its area.
  7. Cadastral value.
  8. Addresses and phone numbers of the Rosreestr branch serving this territory and information about the cadastral engineer who registered the property.

What is the cadastral number of the land?

This number on the map of cadastral numbers of land for each land is unique and is represented by numbers that indicate in which district, district, quarter the object is located, and its number in order. On the map, the number is displayed in the upper left corner. The constituent items of the cadastral number are separated by a colon. Information about this number of your site you can find in the documents of title to the object that were issued to you in the offices of Rosreestr or find out on the portal

map of cadastral numbers of land plots

How to find out your personal land number online?

  1. In the browser we find the site of Rosreestr.
  2. In the window that opens on the left, you need to go to the reference section on real estate.
  3. In the field that appears on the screen, you must enter any available information on the site. This is the area, address or information about the owner. You can specify the cadastral quarter. Then form a request.
  4. The program may produce several plots suitable for the description of the plot or not produce data at all. If there is no information about the object, then it is not registered with Rosreestr.

Assignment of cadastral number

In order to conduct cadastral registration of land plots, on the map it is necessary to assign an individual number to each object. This number is the number of an additional section that is created to maintain data for each specific land plot. It is assigned to the object when registering it with cadastral registration.

It is very important to have your property on the cadastral map of the land, since only the land registered can be resold, donated or inherited. Any transactions are conducted only with decorated objects. Cadastral number is assigned only once.

cadastral register of land plots map

The land number is registered in the cadastral passport together with data on the area, location and owner. In order to get a cadastral passport, you must write a statement to the cadastral authority, provide a boundary plan for individuals. Legal entities also attach their constituent documents. If the object is located on the lands of rural settlements, then a certificate of the village administration about the location of the land plot will be required.

Map of the cadastral value of land

As already mentioned, a public card helps to know the value of the property by its cadastre. How to do this?

  1. On the site we open the public map of the required region.
  2. We click on the topmost icon in the upper left corner (magnifying glass icon) and enter the address of the location of the land or its cadastral number in the window that appears.
  3. After the necessary cadastral map of the land plot opens, in the left corner in the highlighted detailed information you can find out the cadastral value.

Know this cost will also help:

  1. The official portal of Rosreestra is in the tab for obtaining information from the USRN.
  2. By Russian Post or by personal appeal to the Rosreestr branch.

When requesting information by mail or at a personal reception at the Rosreestr branch, the applicant must draw up an application and attach to him all the necessary documents confirming that he really owns land plots whose cadastral value needs to be found out.

cadastral registration of land plots map

Who is the main user of a public online card?

Map of cadastral numbers of land works around the clock. Even just a curious person can any individual. Very often the card is visited by warring owners of neighboring land, as well as practicing surveyors. Lawyers can verify on it the correctness of the concluded contracts of sale or donation of land. Knowing the cost of land by cadastre, you can tentatively estimate its sale.

All card data is periodically updated, so the information can be used without a doubt for any contentious issue.


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