The Legend of Arion - Summary and History of Writing

Greek literature is the oldest on the planet. Antique texts created by the Greeks became standards and were studied at European universities before the Renaissance. The Greeks, thanks to their inherent sense of proportion and symmetry, created perfect art forms.

Under the direct influence of Greek literature, the whole of Europe developed. Most of the ancient texts were not intended for reading, but for oral performance. Ancient legends were passed from mouth to mouth, and each singer, continuing the work of his predecessor, added various details. Thus legends and myths were born.

summary of the legend of arion

Legend and myth - what is the difference?

In myths and legends, the Greeks reflected their worldview and worldview, all the processes taking place in nature and society. The ancient Greeks animated the forces of nature, and everything that happens on earth in their view is the fateful decisions and actions of the gods.

At the center of Greek myths are omnipotent, unknown gods. So there were myths about the storm of the seas of Poseidon, about the thunderer Zeus, about the wise warrior Athena, about the lord of the underworld Aida and many others.

Legends, however, narrated about historical events, about what was happening in time immemorial. As, for example, the famous "Legend of Arion", a summary of which is given in this article. It was written by an ancient Greek historian. But scientists do not consider legends to be reliable sources. Of course, they do not deny that many legends are based on real events, but they are often exaggerated.

Heroes of legends are endowed with qualities that are valued in people: beauty, intelligence, courage, courage and strength. Mortal, like ordinary people, but perform their deeds with the help of the gods or other supernatural powers. A good example is The Legend of Arion by Herodotus. In a brief summary, both real historical figures and mythical creatures are mentioned.

herodotus the legend of arion summary

Herodotus - “the father of history”

One of the beautiful legends of Ancient Greece was written by the historian Herodotus. There lived the author of the first treatise "History" in the V century BC. e. Herodotus traveled a lot and collected stories about the past. In his works, he paid much attention to local legends and traditions. And so the "Legend of Arion" by Herodotus was born. A very brief summary given in the article will not reveal the whole beauty of this work, but, it seems, will prompt you to read the original.

Herodotus’s works in the modern sense are not historical studies, but a masterful narrative of a gifted and inquisitive person. Herodotus traveled to places of great battles and wrote down everything. Many of his writings contain extensive historical and geographical information. This was noted by the Roman orator Cicero, calling Herodotus "the father of history."

Herodotus the legend of Arion very brief

Who are the heroes of the legend of Herodotus?

Before you familiarize yourself with the summary of The Legend of Arion, let us consider what is fiction in it and what is based on real events. Arion, the protagonist of the legend is a historical person. Greek poet and singer, he lived in the 7th century BC. e. and not only skillfully wielding the lyre and famous as an unsurpassed musician, Arion gave beautiful hymns in honor of the god Dionysus with artistic and musical design. In execution, he introduced the satyrs, who spoke in verse, and these hymns were called the praises.

In ancient Greek collections there were about 2000 poems of Arion, but not a single one has survived to our time. Some documents mention the grateful hymn to Poseidon, which was performed by Arion, also refer to his authorship. In fact, the hymn does not belong to him, as it is composed in the Ionian dialect. Arion was a native of Lesbos and composed hymns in Aeolian. Arion spent most of his life away from his homeland, and he was attracted by the splendor of the court of the Corinthian ruler.

Herodotus describes Periander, who is also mentioned in the summary of The Legend of Arion, as an evil tyrant. According to the definition of the ancient Greeks of that time, a tyrant is a person who seized power by force. As a representative of an aristocratic family, the tyrant received an excellent education and, during his lifetime, was known as the greatest sage of his time.

Periander, like all his powerful predecessors, patronized the arts. The tyrant appreciated the talent of the poet and was friendly to him. With the help of Arion, he established the state cult of Dionysus in Corinth. The legend about the famous singer and his amazing salvation among the Corinthians and lesbians has survived.

Herodotus the legend of Arion analysis

Way to Corinth

The summary of The Legends of Arion begins with the author’s story about Arion from Mefimna, the incomparable cifarede of his time. According to the Corinthians and lesbians, a great wonder happened to him once - he was carried out by the dolphin from the sea.

For many years Arion served with the tyrant Periander. But the time came when he wanted to go to Italy. There, the great singer gained great wealth and decided to return to Corinth. He hired Corinthian sailors, since he no longer trusted anyone, and set off from Taranto.

The shipbuilders planned to take possession of his treasures and decided to throw Arion into the open sea. He, having guessed the evil intent of the shipbuilders, begged them to take all his wealth and save his life. Arion was not able to soften the sailors, they ordered him to take his own life, and in this case, his ashes will be buried. Otherwise, he had to throw himself into the sea.

Arion begged the sailors to let him sing for the last time in the full vestment of the singer. And then he will take his own life. The sailors were delighted to hear the best singer in the whole world. Arion dressed in the outfit of the singer and performed a solemn song, standing at the stern of the ship. Having finished singing, he rushed into the sea.

Arion and the Dolphin

The ship sailed away. But the great kypharist was not destined to drown, a dolphin grabbed him on his back and brought him to shore. The singer upon arrival in Corinth told the ruler about everything that happened. But Periander did not believe him and ordered him to be detained.

When the shipbuilders arrived in Corinth, the tyrant called them to him and asked what they heard about Arion. The sailors replied that he lives and lives in Italy. Then Periander ordered to bring the singer. When Arion appeared in all the vestments in which he threw himself into the sea, the sailors admitted everything. Arion brought a sacrificial gift - placed on Tenar, where the dolphin landed him on the shore, a bronze statue of a man with a dolphin. Thus ended this amazing story of Herodotus.

Herodotus The Legend of Arion Heroes

"The Legend of Arion." Analysis of the work

In this work, the author addresses several issues. Greed and greed determined the behavior of shipbuilders. They knew that Arion was a great singer, and they themselves did not dare to kill him. Listening to his last song, they still remembered that Arion was carrying great wealth. He offered his treasures to sailors, knowing that the most valuable thing is life. This did not stop them, but the singer was miraculously saved. Good always triumphs over evil.

The sailors did not repent of their deeds and came to the ruler, confident that the singer had died and they would get away with it. In addition, to the question of Periander about whether they know where Arion, the sailors calmly lied that they left the singer in Taranto “in complete prosperity”. When Arion appeared, their lies were revealed. A summary of Herodotus' Legends of Arion shows that the author deduced morality in the work: everything secret, always becomes obvious.

Periander ordered Arion to be taken into custody. He did not believe him, despite the fact that Arion had served with him for many years and sang songs of praise for him. As a wise ruler, he wanted to hear the other side of the conflict. What is this talking about? Even many years of service and enthusiastic praise will not save the ruler from just anger and provide protection.

But the main idea of ​​the work is the saving power and value of art, the charm and beauty of the creator. This is precisely what Herodotus wanted to say in The Legend of Arion. The hero of the story behaves with dignity. Arion is not afraid of the threats of shipbuilders and tells them that he wants to sing in full vestment of the singer. Why? Show shipbuilders that it is not wealth that matters to him, but art.


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