Shibori ribbons: how to make and use in a modern handmade

Recently, jewelry made by craftsmen using beads, beads and shibori ribbon has gained great popularity. However, not all needlewomen have heard of these hand-dyed silk ribbons. Jewelry created with their help looks very bright and original. But you should understand in more detail what shibori is and how they can be made.

Shibori tape and its features

Shibori are hand-dyed corrugated silk ribbons. The word "shibori" is translated as "knot", it denotes one of the ways of staining tissues by twisting, compression, binding, etc.

shibori ribbons

Decorative tape easily fits at any angle due to the fact that it is cut "obliquely." At the same time, the edges are not processed, thanks to this cutting they do not crumble. When choosing a ribbon for yourself, you need to consider that the color of silk will be different from what you see in the picture. Ribbons are painted by hand, and the shades will still be different from each other. You also need to understand that the corrugation does not have to be even, the parallels may not be sustained.

The story of the appearance of the Shibori tape

In China, the term "shibori" means one of the methods of manual dyeing of fabric. Each skein of such a ribbon is unique, and all because it is first twisted, knotted, folded in a certain way, and then paints of different colors are applied, due to this the pattern always turns out to be unique. It is impossible to repeat it a second time.

Shibori (nodular staining) began to be used by ordinary craftsmen back in the 8th century, initially for this purpose they used the only available indigo color. Wealthy citizens and samurai began to use such dyeing for finishing fabrics only in the XIV century. At the same time, the patterns became more and more complex as they began to apply various paints and additional staining methods.

how to make shibori tape

How to make a shibori ribbon (corrugated silk) with your own hands

If you are unable to purchase corrugated silk or cannot find it, then shibori can be made with your own hands. It is necessary to prepare:

  • water
  • iron;
  • vinegar;
  • clean cotton napkin.

The first step is to dilute the water with vinegar at the rate of 1/2 tablespoon of vinegar per 200 ml of water. In the resulting solution, silk should be soaked for 20 minutes. Then it must be wrung out and laid out on a clean cotton napkin.

At home, it is very difficult to get the effect of a small corrugation, but it is possible. Silk must be curled from the center and ironed through the fabric with the edge of an iron. The process is laborious, but the finished result is worth the effort.

Making shibori

Silk multi-colored stripes of fabric, decorated in the original technique, can be purchased at the store. However, do-it-yourself shibori ribbons can also be made with a little effort. For work it is necessary to prepare:

  • wide stick (made of wood or plastic);
  • ribbons and threads;
  • paints for fabrics;
  • a basin (bowl) with wide edges;
  • water
  • sponge or brush for coloring;
  • iron;
  • newspaper to protect the surface.

First of all, corrugated silk should be folded into a ribbon, while it should be slightly damp. Next, you need to turn it with a screw and wind it on a stick that was previously prepared.

The secret of Shibori ribbon is that it is colored, only the edges of the fold are painted, and the colors should be combined with each other. Therefore, you only need to paint the folds, for this it is most convenient to use a sponge.

The fully colored tape is left on a stick over the pelvis until completely dry. In this case, the fabric must be placed away from direct sunlight and heating devices.

shibori ribbons

The dried tape should be well ironed along the fold line. Then, with the help of a newspaper, it is rolled up and wrapped in polyethylene for tightness. The bundle is sent to the water bath for 1.5 hours - so the paint is even better fixed on the fabric. Next, the fold line is ironed again. Now the shibori tapes, the master class for the manufacture of which was described above, are completely ready for use.

Bright ribbons in a modern handmade

They began to use colored silk recently in the manufacture of jewelry; there are not so many instructions for their use. However, the options for using Shibori tape are worth a closer look.


It is these products that are considered one of the most beautiful and original. They always turn out massive and have an unusual shape. By choosing the right beads and stones, you can make earrings that will compete with jewelry.

Shibori tape master class


The combination of silk ribbon and beads makes the jewelry unusual in appearance. Shibori ribbon jewelry can be made in the form of an oblong necklace or a short necklace around the neck. Also, products can have an intricate shape. It all depends on the materials and imagination of the master.

Shibori ribbon decorations


These jewelry look amazing. They turn out wide and massive. Shibori bracelets are expressive and always attract attention.

How to store jewelry

  1. Since clues may appear on the tape, it is best to store jewelry made with it in a separate bag or bag.
  2. If a thing is dusty, it is easily cleaned with a dry cloth.
  3. To prevent the fabric from becoming damp, it must be stored in a dry place.
  4. Products must not be washed and it is strictly forbidden to iron.
  5. It is necessary to protect the product made of shibori from getting varnishes, perfumes, cosmetics, etc.

do-it-yourself shibori ribbons

Shibori ribbons can be used for decorating handbags, clutches, hair ornaments. Incredible appearance and colors give great scope for creativity, and the work will always be different from each other.


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