Pneumatic jackhammer: technical specifications and principle of operation

A jackhammer is a tool without which no construction or demolition work takes place , especially where it is necessary to loosen or break hard rock. Equipment can handle concrete, asphalt, and some rock sediment. Today, a pneumatic jackhammer is very popular for a number of reasons, which will be discussed later. Let's see what technical characteristics such a tool has and how to actually choose it.

pneumatic jackhammer

A bit of general information

At the very beginning, I would like to note that the pneumatic jackhammer is considered a very effective and reliable tool. But if earlier such luxury was available only to miners who mined ores with the help of chippers, today they are widely used in construction and road works. We can talk about the wide scope of the tool. If necessary, you can punch a niche in the wall, loosen hard rock, process asphalt and so on. In any case, it is impossible to replace something with a better and more high-tech chipper. Of course, if you compare the first jackhammers and those that are sold now, then this is heaven and earth. This applies to both weight, ease of use, and technical specifications, and even product design.

working principle of a pneumatic jackhammer

About the main advantages of pneumatics

It should be noted that pneumatic chippers are very popular. This suggests at least that they have significant advantages over outdated options. For example, the absence of sparks during the execution of work is a very important point. There is no likelihood of ignition or explosion in this case. Therefore, such equipment is advisable to use in mines. It is impossible not to say about such a strong side as the wide possibilities of power regulation. This allows you to perform work of varying complexity and purpose. This is facilitated by two modes of operation of the tool. As for the main and most significant drawback that a pneumatic jackhammer has, is the presence of a compressor. The latter is needed to supply compressed air. This is noisy and bulky equipment that is also volatile. All this significantly increases the price of pneumatic chippers.

Briefly about the device

pneumatic jackhammer MOP-2

Absolutely all models work the same. Some units are equipped with additional mechanisms and functions that, although they complicate the design, but make the work performed more efficient, faster and safer. In our case, the device is completely based on compressed air. He heads toward the piston, forcing him to move up and down. From the piston, the force is transmitted to the working nozzle, which is in contact with the work surface. Naturally, a huge number of working nozzles are currently being produced. Each of them is designed to work with materials of different hardness. The pneumatic chipper has a flap that is adjustable depending on the direction of pressure. This contributes to the fact that the piston moves in one direction, then in the other. After you press the start lever, the valve will open, and air from the compressor under pressure will enter the piston.

Pneumatic jackhammer: technical specifications

It is extremely important to consider the technical characteristics when choosing a chipper. This tool is divided (depending on the energy of the impact) into several groups:

  • Equipment with an energy of 30 J is well suited for work in tight spaces or at heights. This is facilitated by the low weight of the unit.
  • A tool with an impact energy of 40 Joules is good for general construction work.
  • 50 joules and above are suitable for too hard material. Moreover, it must be understood that the harder it is to process the surface, the greater should be the impact energy.

It is worth saying a few words about the fact that there is a large selection of nozzles. A peak is installed as standard, but if necessary, it can be replaced with a chisel or crowbar. It is imperative that the pneumatic jackhammer, the technical characteristics of which we have already partially examined, be lightweight. Usually it ranges from 1.5 to 10 kg. Such equipment is convenient and easy to hold for a long time.

pneumatic jackhammer MOP-3

Pneumatic jackhammer: MOS-2 or MOS-3?

We’ve already figured out a bit how this kind of equipment works, and now we’ll look at a few more interesting points. MOS stands for "pneumatic jackhammer." It is worth paying your attention to the fact that between themselves MOS-2 and MOS-3 differ only in technical characteristics. The 3rd generation chipper is more powerful and perfect, as it was later released by MOS-2. Nevertheless, using it in some situations is impractical or simply not necessary.

MOS-2 and MOS-3 operate at the same compressed air pressure of 0.3-0.5 MPa. But the impact energy in the chipper of the third generation is more by 6 J and is 44 Joules. In this case, the pneumatic jackhammer MOP-3 weighs more than 400 grams, which is not at all significant. As for the appearance, the tools practically do not differ among themselves, have the same design and device, but the MOS-3 is more powerful and reliable.

pneumatic jackhammer

Speed ​​of work

If you understand in more detail, you can distinguish two most important technical characteristics. One of them is speed. Solid models from well-known manufacturers have the best performance. For example, a MOS with an impact energy of 60 J can operate at a speed of 1000 beats per minute. This will be quite enough to perform almost all types of work. But it is worth paying your attention to the fact that in this case the operator will encounter an impressive weight of equipment. On the market you can find models with a speed of 3000 beats per minute, light weight and the same impact energy. The peculiarity of this solution is that the price will be higher, and the work performed will be somewhat more complicated. In any case, it is better to give preference to something average, then both the speed will be optimal and the weight acceptable.

A little bit about the power of equipment

The second characteristic is the power of the tool. If previously sold units that could only work at a fixed mark, today it is better to buy chippers with a power regulator. It will be easy to choose such a model. Light chippers can operate at 8 Joules, and the most powerful units at about 60 Joules. A lower mark will be enough for processing not very hard surfaces and sedimentary rocks. The upper threshold is rarely used. You should also know that there are electric bumpers. Such a tool should have at least 500 and not more than 2000 watts. The situation with the lower and upper marks is similar to pneumatic equipment. From the foregoing, we can conclude that it makes sense to pay attention not only to speed, but also to the power of the unit. At the same time, the device of a pneumatic jackhammer should be as simple as possible, which will make it more reliable.

pneumatic jackhammer MO

About vibration damping and ease of use

It is easy to guess that a person who has worked about 6-8 hours on a chipper, has a very hard time. Vibrations are the cause of many diseases, so they always try to extinguish them as much as possible. To do this, use both special gloves and clothing, as well as other personal protective equipment. In the case of pneumatic equipment, you can not worry about the well-being of the operator. This is due to the fact that the engineers were able to design a structure that contributes to the absorption of 70-75% of vibrations. Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely eliminate such an undesirable effect. When buying a tool, make sure that the pneumatic jackhammer (MO) has a noise muffler. This is due to the fact that this technique is very bulky and noisy, in particular, the compressor creates inconvenience. With a silencer and ear plugs, you can achieve a good result and work in more or less comfortable conditions.

pneumatic jackhammer repair

Instead of a conclusion

Another small, but at the same time quite important detail is that you need to pay attention to ergonomics and design. For example, a ribbed handle makes it easier to hold the tool. All levers and buttons should be positioned so that they can be reached without stopping the chiselling process. In addition, pay attention to build quality. The casing must be tight and rigid - this will guarantee a long operation of the tool. If you still need to repair pneumatic jackhammers, it is better to contact a service center, and not try to do something on your own. Otherwise, you can only make it worse.

That’s all that can be said about the principle of operation of the pneumatic jackhammer. We reviewed the technical specifications, so you know what to look for first thing when buying. Buy only proven units, preferably from reputable manufacturers.


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