Lakeland Terrier: breed description, reviews, photos

Lakeland Terrier is perhaps one of the smartest representatives of terriers. This breed of hunting dogs is currently practically not used in this direction, however, before such a terrier was the best hunter for burrowing animals. Now they are increasingly becoming pets, and sometimes act as security guards. Let's talk in more detail about this breed, consider the standard, the nature of the dog and its interesting features.

lakeland terrier

Bit of history

This breed is one of the oldest among all terriers. The first mentions appeared back in 1800. True, then the dog had a slightly different name, but after crossing the English Wire-haired Terrier with the Bedlington Terrier, it turned out to be Lakeland.

The breed appeared in England for hunting foxes, badgers, etc. The dog could catch prey on uneven terrain, in the forest or in the field, as well as near the water. The first exhibition was in 1912, it was then that they adopted the first breed standard. Recent changes to the standard of the Lakeland Terrier were made in 2009. As noted above, today a dog of this breed is practically not used for hunting, it acts as a companion and participates in exhibitions.

The appearance of the dog

Lakeland is a fairly small dog, however, the physique is quite strong. The shape is somewhat similar to the Welsh Terrier, but has a slightly smaller size. The ears of the dog are V-shaped, usually folded. The nose is black, the muzzle is strong, and the head is well balanced and has a rectangular shape. Lakeland's eye color is usually brown, black or brown. We can say that the dog is an ideal hunter, especially when it comes to inaccessible, for example, mountainous places. The small size of the square format and strong folding allow you to quickly move around the area. For example, a narrow body makes Lakeland Terriers squeeze into narrow crevices without problems. Their coat is quite long, wire-shaped. There is a long beautifying hair on the face and limbs. It is by the latter parameter that it is possible to distinguish the Lakeland from other terriers. Let's take a closer look at the standard of this breed.

lakeland terriers

Lakeland Terrier Character

As noted above, the dog is currently a purely pet. But the hunting instincts, though dulled, did not disappear. That is why Lakeland Terriers are quite active and do not like to sit in one place for a long time. They are playful and cheerful, but only with their masters. Strangers are treated with some caution and distrust. Most representatives of the breed are excellent guards, so they are often used for this purpose. Again, all this is due to courage and self-confidence. Lakeland will guard until the last and will never back down. All terriers are not prone to panic when a threat appears, and especially Lakeland. Many owners say that they get along well with children and do not show aggression towards them at all. With all this, the dogs of this breed are very independent and not so easy to train. Therefore, if you are going to train your partner in new teams, have patience and endurance.

About size and color

Interestingly, the standard does not imply any specific color, so it can be any. Among monochromatic colors, the most common are: blue, black, red, wheat and liver. Cheprak should cover the scruff and the back. However, it may have a blue, black or wheat color, covered with gray hair. Other parts of the body, such as the head, limbs, and shoulders, are found in golden wheat, yellowish, or brown. All these colors are often mixed, which looks pretty interesting.

lakeland terrier breed description
You already know a little about such an interesting breed as the Lakeland Terrier. Colors, as you can see, are very different, but the sizes in the standard are described quite strictly. The ideal height at the withers is 37 cm. In this case, a deviation of only 1 centimeter is allowed both to one side and the other. Males are usually 2.5-3.0 cm higher than females. The ideal weight of a show dog of a balanced physique is 7.7 kilograms. Experts pay attention to the fact that the individual must be well balanced and have a strong skeleton.

Appearance of the head of a Lakeland

The expression on the dog’s eyes varies with mood. In the normal state, the look is wary, but can be fun. The eyes are oval, quite small and wide set. Usually eye color depends on the color. For example, individuals of hepatic color have dark hazel or brown eyes. In dogs of a different color, the color varies over a wide range. The ears are usually small and resemble an equilateral triangle. They do not fold in the center, but closer to the base of the skull. The transition from the forehead to the muzzle is practically not noticeable. The head of the Lakeland is quite strong and powerful. Usually, experts pay special attention to the proportions of the head, as this is how the breeding value of the breed is indicated. The disadvantages include: a brown nose, a wedge-shaped head, a long or short muzzle, etc.

lakeland terrier photo

Wool, neck and body

The dog’s neck is long and dry, but it is quite strong and has no suspension. The body of the dog is short and strong, as well as narrow. The chest is deep and reaches the very elbows. The ribs are quite elastic and convex in the region of the spine. There are requirements in the standard that apply to the tail. They are not obligatory, but they speak of the high value of the dog. They consist in the fact that the tail during movement should be raised and slightly turned forward.

The outer hair of the Lakeland Terrier is quite rigid, wire-like, but the undercoat is very soft and tight to the body. However, it should not be thicker than the outer hair. Many to emphasize the silhouette of the dog, pluck the wool by hand. In general, many dog ​​breeders trim their pets in a way that suits them, but exhibits are standardized regarding the length of the coat in different parts of the body.

lakeland terrier colors

Lakeland Terrier Owner Reviews

It is unlikely that you can find a dissatisfied owner of the Lakeland. Everyone says that this is a very active dog. That is why with such a friend you can easily go for a morning run, fishing, hunting or just taking a walk. If the dog is healthy, then he is always in a good mood, although much depends on how the owner feels. All Lekland terriers get along with children without any problems, and it is a pleasure for them to play with the kids for a while or serve as a plush toy for some time. It is also worth remembering that sometimes instincts appear in dogs. For example, if your terrier is interested in something on the street, then most likely he will chase it, so it makes sense to keep it on a leash. The owners also note that, despite a good mind and ingenuity, the dog is trained hard. He will not execute monotonous commands by strict order, it is better to organize a training in the form of some kind of game and preferably with incentive prizes. Dog breeders recommend conducting training in a sequential mode and not be too tough and strict.

Care and Health

Although the dog has a rather long coat, caring for the lakeland is quite simple, and even a beginner can cope with this simple task. Typically, trimming is required several times a year. Particular attention should be paid to the wool on the legs, which grows too long, it must be regularly trimmed. Despite the fact that the Lakeland Terrier, the breed description of which we have already examined, practically does not fade, it must be regularly brushed. Trimming your friend or not is up to you. If you plan to use it at exhibitions, then this is a mandatory procedure, if not, then you can limit yourself to cutting.

puppies lakeland terrier

As for health, the dog is considered quite strong and has a stable immunity. However, there are often cases of dysplasia of the hip and elbow joints. Such individuals are immediately discarded and are not used for breeding purposes. Otherwise, like other thoroughbred dogs, timely vaccinations are required, then the puppies of the Lakeland Terrier will grow up healthy.

About habitat

This breed does not feel bad at large, however, after taming by humans, many individuals became completely tame. Nevertheless, you can keep the terrier on the street. True, for this it is worth taking care of the dog's place of residence. But the Lakeland Terrier also feels good in the apartment. You can find photos of individuals used for breeding selection in this article. Exhibition copies cannot be kept outdoors all year, especially at low temperatures and in poor conditions. This is due to a large number of reasons. The dog changes character, coat quality and much more.

lakeland terrier reviews


It is extremely important to organize proper nutrition. In principle, there are no special requirements. It is advisable to feed the dog meat, alternating species. At the same time, do not forget about concentrated vitamins. Periodically, the composition of daily food is changed. In principle, if you are going to buy yourself a lakeland, then the kennel will tell you how to properly care for, when to feed, what is possible and what is not allowed for a dog. In general, this is a rather interesting terrier, which is very attached to its owner. However, leadership will be required of you, otherwise the dog may think that everything is permitted to him and will become harmful and naughty. But you can’t be too tough on a lakeland either, he will be offended by you and will do everything only in spite. In principle, this is all that can be said about such an interesting breed.


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