Bead Crafts for Beginners

Even in ancient times, fascinating decorative and applied art was born on the African continent, which was called beadwork. Today, many women, and even children, are engaged in this, because beautiful handicrafts from beads can do absolutely everything, regardless of age and available skills.

In order to start practicing beadwork, the most important thing is to have desire and perseverance, because this painstaking task requires dedication and attention. Looking at the amazing work of the masters of this matter, it seems that this is an incredible art that you can never master, but believe me, they all started with the simplest products, doing bead crafts for beginners. Making simple products at the very beginning according to the scheme, in the future you will have the opportunity to make toys from beads, home accessories, trees and even jewelry.

Before you begin to learn the basics of new technology, you need to learn all about the material that you have to deal with. You should find out what types of beads exist and which are better to use for your products. The modern market offers a huge assortment of material: accessories, beads, bugles, etc., which also has a price that is quite affordable for everyone.

I would like to warn that for the beadwork for beginners it is still worth choosing high quality material. Let’s explain why. Many masters are faced with the fact that in one bag the product may have a different diameter and shape, and, as a result, crafts made from such material will not be smooth and even. Working with such a product is difficult, especially for beginners.

So, beadwork for beginners is best done according to ready-made schemes that already have a competent counting of beads and a sequence of techniques. Conventionally, such schemes can be divided into the so-called 2D, that is, flat crafts, and 3D, respectively, voluminous. It is best to start with a simpler task, and therefore with flat products.

It is worth noting that the most favorite items are beadwork for beginners in the form of animal toys. Such funny creatures can easily please children, as well as decorate their home or baby clothes. Different weaving patterns have different levels of training, so you should start with simpler ones.

Consider an example of weaving a cute crocodile. For this, it is necessary to prepare green and yellow beads, as well as several pieces of black and blue for the eyes. In order to make a crocodile about 9 * 12 cm in size, you need 150 yellow beads and 125 green, fishing line will need about 1.5 m.

This product is manufactured using the parallel weaving technique. In general , beadwork for beginners is best mastered precisely in this technique, it is simpler. But, despite this, the crafts are very beautiful, which will be an incentive for further beadwork. They perform the parallel weaving technique. Start with the fact that the first and second row of beads are strung on a fishing line, and then one end of the working thread is passed through the second row of beads. Next, the fishing line should be well pulled so that all the beads are in the center. Thus, the entire body of the future toy is weaved, given the legs, which should be two pairs.

Many bead crafts for beginners require a similar technique, so you can weave a spider, a turtle, a mouse, etc. A lot of beadwork also depends on the imagination of the one who performs the craft. In addition, you can make a tendril from a fishing line, choose fancy beads for the head or eye of your craft. Using beautiful multi-colored beads, you can create bright flowers and butterflies, but all this later. First you need to master the simplest products that should be in the arsenal of everyone who decided to engage in beadwork.

By the way, this craft will be an original and dear to the heart gift for your loved ones and friends!


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