Riga Dome Cathedral: history, photos, concerts

The Latvian capital is one of the most popular tourist cities in the Baltic states. Going on vacation, many people want to know more about Riga sights in advance. Photos with a description will help you figure out what really deserves attention, and make a route for exciting walks. Among the places that you need to include in it without any doubt is the famous Dome Cathedral, located in the heart of the city.

Dome Cathedral in Riga

What is this attraction?

Riga Dome Cathedral is considered a real symbol of the capital. This is not only a recognizable architectural structure of the medieval era, but also the center of cultural and spiritual life of the country, the existing temple of the Evangelical Lutheran Church and a venue for all kinds of concerts of sacred and organ music.

The Dome Cathedral is located in the very center of the city - on the eponymous square. The architectural complex also includes the Cross Gallery and the monastery with the museums of the history of navigation and Riga located in it. A distinctive feature of the temple is that it is below ground level. This was led by a constant flood control, in which the townspeople used gravel poured on the streets of the city. It so happened that the cathedral seemed to have grown into the ground under its own weight.

Cathedral History

Like many other medieval churches, Riga was built for many decades and underwent various changes throughout its existence. Its history began eight centuries ago, in 1211, when Bishop Albrecht von Bucksheven issued a decree on construction.

Sights of Riga: a photo with a description
The building was to become a symbol of the successful conquest of Livonia, so the solemn laying of the cathedral took place on the site of the fishing village of Livs.

Dutch and German craftsmen were invited to work, and the chief priest personally supervised the progress of the work. But in 1229 the bishop died and was buried in an unfinished cathedral. Over the years, the place of his burial has been forgotten and remains currently unknown.

Construction, meanwhile, continued until 1270, when the cathedral was completed, albeit with changes from the original plan. In 1547, the interior was destroyed by fire. A tower was added to the restored church, and fifty years later a spire was added, which lasted until 1766. At the end of the eighteenth century, the changes practically stopped and the cathedral acquired its modern look. Numerous perestroika led to the fact that the Dome Cathedral in Riga can serve as a real encyclopedia of architecture, combining Romanesque, early Gothic, Baroque, Renaissance, modern and other styles.

Legendary Cockerel on a Spire

During the rebuilding of the cathedral tower in 1776, a baroque domed spire was added to it. He was crowned with a cockerel. According to legend, the unique figure was two-sided - on the one hand the bird was black, and on the other - gold. With it, it was possible to predict not only the wind, but also the success of trade transactions. However, some believe that the cockerel turned black over time from the humid Baltic climate, which distinguishes Riga. A photo of the landmark, which is now stored in the museum, can be found on the Cross Gallery page.

Riga, photos, attractions
The legendary cockerel survived two world wars and earned peace as an exhibit.

Temple interior

The Dome Cathedral is good not only outside but also inside - not least therefore Riga is so proud of it. Photos of the sights from the inside are impressive - Gothic stained-glass windows in high windows are amazing.

Such an interior was recreated in the last years of the nineteenth century. Pictures from fragments of multi-colored glass tell about the laying of the first stone of the cathedral, about the Swedish king and the proclamation of religious freedom, which occurred in 1525. Unfortunately, some stained-glass windows were destroyed during World War II. But from the medieval masters carved benches were preserved - on two of them are paintings with biblical subjects. The pulpit is also decorated with carving, and the northern entrance is decorated with a picturesque painting depicting Mary.

Organ in the temple

Riga Dome Cathedral is famous not only for its history, but also for its amazing organ.

Riga Dome Cathedral: Organ
This is one of the most famous and valuable musical instruments on the planet, a real symbol of Latvia and one of the largest in Europe, and once the largest in the world.

Like the Dome Cathedral in Riga itself, the body has existed for many centuries and is associated with many stories. He first appeared in the temple in 1603 and served almost until the beginning of the twentieth century. In 1883-1884, a new body was established, which is still used today.

Its dimensions are impressive - the width of the tool extends to eleven meters, and in height takes up as much space as a nine-story house, namely twenty-five meters. The design used 6718 pipes. Uniquely even the framing of the organ, made in the Baroque style. During World War II, some pipes were lost, but already in 1962 they were re-created.

The Riga Dome Cathedral inspired the Hungarian composer Liszt with his organ - especially for this instrument, he wrote the song “Praising God”. At the moment, concerts are not held due to reconstruction, but soon the music will fill the temple again. The organ transmits the sound of any musical instrument, and also repeats the sounds of waves and wind, so all music lovers should definitely remember the address “Dome Cathedral, Riga”. Concerts are also impressive thanks to the excellent acoustics, so this place is really special for musicians.

The state of the cathedral today

Today, the sights of Riga, the photo with the description of which attract tourists to the city, have some problems - the cathedral is in danger of destruction.

Medieval temples
The temple is listed as one hundred world monuments that may disappear. And this situation led to deterioration of structures and incorrect technologies during the restoration. Now the cathedral tower is more than half a meter deviated from the vertical, the bells have been removed from it. The cathedral is surrounded by scaffolding - a large-scale restoration should restore the temple to its former strength in the next ten years.

When can I get to the cathedral?

For those who go to Riga in the summer, the temple is open from 9 to 18, from September to May, the schedule changes and the opening hours are from 10 to 17. On Sundays, services are held inside, events also take place on major holidays. There is a museum in the cathedral telling about the history of the old city.

Dome Cathedral, Riga: concerts
The fee for his visit, amounting to three euros, goes to the maintenance of the museum and restoration work. Children under ten years old do not need to pay a ticket to the museum.

How to find a cathedral?

Even if you are in Riga for the first time, you can easily find the main symbol of the city. The Dome Cathedral is located in the center, on the eponymous square, and is one of the tallest buildings in the area.

The rooster on the spire can serve as a guideline - the original weather vane is stored in the museum, but its modern golden copy is in its original place, decorating the cathedral tower. Those who go on a trip for the winter holidays should remember that in the square in front of the cathedral at this time there will be a traditional New Year's fair. On it you can buy souvenirs, signature delicacies and gifts for loved ones, which will make visiting the Dome Cathedral even more unforgettable.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E1958/

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