How to make a bag for a doll: master classes, photo

A carrycot for dolls is a great gift option for girls. Itโ€™s not necessary to buy this item in the store. If you make some efforts and turn on a little imagination, you can make an original cradle where the child will put his favorite baby dolls. How to make a bag for a doll and what is needed for this? All you need is a desire and some materials that you can find at home.

How can I sew a bag for a doll?

To make a cradle for a baby doll, you can use any pieces of fabric. If there are none at home, you must run to a special store and purchase cotton chintz, which has an affordable price, so itโ€™s quite suitable for sewing a budget bag. An old sheet will do.

how to make a doll bag

Cradle made of fabric and synthetic winterizer

So, how to make a bag for dolls with your own hands? To sew the outer part of the carrier, you can use a teak fabric, calico will work for the inside. You can make a lining with the help of holofiber or synthetic winterizer.

  1. First of all, you need to determine what size the cradle will be. For example, a bag with a bottom 32 x 20 is suitable for a doll 30 cm long.
  2. Next, you need to carve three parts of this size. It is important not to forget about seam allowances. And this means that 1 cm should always be in stock. Corners need to be slightly rounded.
  3. To find out the length of the sides, you need to measure the details with a centimeter. The length can be 1 m, and the height should be done as desired. The best option is 20 cm in the narrow part and 7 cm more in the wide. The widest part is 40 cm.
  4. Then you need to carve out three such details again.
  5. The part that will be inside must be quilted with a layer of insulation.
  6. With sidewalls, identical actions should be repeated.
  7. The moment of assembly has come. The inner part of the sides should be swept to the bottom, then sew them.
  8. There is no need to stitch the back seam.
  9. All the same, you need to repeat with the outer part, in which the back seam will be sewn.
  10. Now you need to sew both parts and trim them with lace. First you should notice the lace frill at the top of the head of the bag, then fold the two parts face to face and sweep them away. After that, you can flash.
  11. Through the remaining hole in the back seam of the inside, you need to unscrew the bag and carefully sew it all up with your hands.

Basin cradle

This master class will tell you how to make a bag for a doll from improvised means. There are many options for creating baby cribs. One of them involves the use of a conventional oval-shaped plastic basin.

doll carrier

  1. Two oval blanks must be cut out of foam rubber with a thickness of 2 cm, which will be attached to the bottom of the container and to the outside.
  2. The resulting workpiece must be glued with material. For these purposes, a glue gun is suitable.
  3. Then the outer and inner parts must be glued to the basin.
  4. Carrying for a doll must have handles. In this case, they can be made wireframe. The wire must be wrapped in foam rubber and sheathed with a cloth. On the upper seam you can glue a ribbon decorated with beads.

If there is no basin, you can replace it with thick foam rubber. In this case, the cradle will turn out soft, and you can take it with you on trips. To carry it turned out beautiful, you need to follow the instructions that will tell you how to make a bag for the doll.

Carrier for dolls in different colors

how to make a bag for dolls with your own hands

Sewing an original cradle will require fabric in three different colors.

  1. A rectangle is sewn of two shades.
  2. To strengthen the bottom of the bag, you can use thick cardboard.
  3. Sintepon wrapped around the entire rectangle
  4. All three sides are stitched on a sewing machine.
  5. The edges are hemmed, then bent inward and strengthened.
  6. From a different color of fabric, you need to sew the handles and attach them to the cradle for the sweetie.


pattern bag house for

If it is not possible to purchase a finished toy carrier, you can study the master class, which describes in detail how to make a bag for the doll yourself. As decoration, lace, ribbons, beads are suitable. Homemade flowers and other decorative elements can be sewn to the bag. Here you can let your imagination run wild and turn any idea into reality. Girls who love to play with dolls will be crazy about the accessory that their mother-needlewoman built for them.

For sewing things, a pattern of a bag-house for dolls is suitable. If this is not available, all materials can be taken by eye, focusing on the size of their small dolls.


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