Tomato Solerosso F1: description, reviews, photos

Fans enjoy a juicy pulp of tomatoes from their own beds in the winter begin to prepare for the summer season. They select varieties so that fruit ripening occurs at different times. It is important that there are early ripe varieties in order to taste your favorite vegetable as quickly as possible. It should be juicy, tasty, and elegant in appearance, so that it would be more pleasant to eat it. Today we’ll tell you exactly about such a tomato, and its name is Tomato Solerosso. Description, reviews about the variety and taste, as well as the rules of agricultural technology can be found in the contents of this article. We tried to collect as much useful information as possible for you.

Tomato Solerosso: description

It is worth starting with the fact that the variety is quite young. It appeared as a result of the work of Dutch breeders only at the beginning of the new century and was officially registered in 2006. Tomato lovers can enjoy the fact that the variety is ultra-early. That is, its ripe fruits can be tasted already ninety days after planting the seeds! Solerosso F1 - a tomato, the description of which is made in our article, is one of the most promising varieties, it is endowed with high productivity, early ripeness, excellent taste and attractive appearance. It was for these qualities that not only amateur gardeners fell in love with him, but also large farms engaged in growing tomatoes for sale to the population.

If you do not have a summer cottage where you could grow your favorite vegetable, but have a balcony, then you have every chance for home gardening. Bushes do not grow huge, like other varieties, they can only slightly exceed half a meter in height. The branches are moderately spreading, there are not very many greenery. The leaves are ordinary, medium-sized, dark green in color. Inflorescences appear on the branches, and then tomatoes. On one brush can grow up to six fruits.

As we already wrote, productivity is high. With just one square meter with proper care of the plant, you can collect up to eight kilograms of selected, delicious tomatoes.

tomato solerosso

For which regions is the variety suitable?

Tomato Solerosso F1, like all tomatoes, loves warmth and comfort, so the most promising cultivation occurs in areas with a temperate and warm climate. But it is not so capricious, therefore, it can easily exist not in the mildest climate. It is very stress-resistant, so it will not be very confused by prolonged rains and a noticeable decrease in comfortable temperature. You can grow a tomato not only under film shelter or in a greenhouse, but also on open ground. Of course, if the region is not in the hottest summer, it is better to cover the bushes with a temporary shelter in the form of a portable greenhouse at night, the yield will be much higher.

Tomatoes of the described variety are perfectly suited for transportation over long distances. They do not lose their presentation. Amateur gardeners will be pleased with such a fact as good storage, the tomato Solerosso F1 is edible and does not deteriorate for forty days when you are in a room with room air temperature.

tomato solerosso f1

Fruit Description

Each gardener prefers to know as much as possible about the variety that he is going to grow, so we will describe the fruits so that you know what to expect.

  1. The fruits are not very large, comfortable rounded flattened shape. They have a slight ribbing in the place of the stalk.
  2. Ripe tomato stands out in bright red color, plain.
  3. The pulp of the vegetable has a moderate density, very juicy, but not watery. Seed chambers six.
  4. The skin is quite thin, easily eaten, not too dense, but sufficient to prevent the fruit from cracking.
  5. The taste of Solerosso F1 is very pleasant, sweet, has no acidity.

Fruits of medium size, with thin skin, are great for winter harvesting. They are pickled, canned, prepared with various assorted vegetables, tomato paste. But that's why it is an early ripe variety so that after a long winter it is possible to enjoy fresh vegetables and replenish the supply of vitamins in the body. Tomato is consumed fresh, cut into salads, prepared pasta, side dishes, stew.

solerosso tomato description

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Tomato Solerosso F1 has a huge number of positive characteristics. Let's look at them:

  • great taste of the vegetable;
  • the bushes are very compact, which saves a lot of space in the garden;
  • the variety is highly resistant to many diseases and pests;
  • high productivity under good growing conditions;
  • ultra-ripe variety;
  • the fruits ripen together, so you can try them with the whole family and invite guests;
  • high adaptability to transportation;
  • storage duration.

As for the shortcomings, they simply do not exist. Ideal for growing tomato Solerosso F1, reviews of gardeners confirm this!

tomato salerosso reviews

How to grow seedlings?

These tomatoes begin to grow with seedlings. So, two months before the proposed planting of bushes, we begin to plant tomatoes on the windowsill. Farmers involved in the cultivation of tomatoes for industrial purposes, for obvious reasons, prefer to practice the non-picking method. You can use it to make less effort to prepare seedlings. The seeds of Solerosso F1 for this method need to be lowered into special peat tablets or self-dissolving pots in the soil, filled with a nutrient substrate. Before planting, temporary soil can be saturated with a growth stimulant. It is not necessary to disinfect the seeds, they passed all the necessary procedures from the manufacturer before they went on sale.

If you are an avid gardener who prefers to dive tomatoes, then use the usual plastic containers for seedlings in which you first put the drainage.

After sprouts began to appear, seedlings must be put in a place that is well lit by the sun. Since we live in Russia and spring in many regions is no different from winter, sunny days may not be enough. To prevent seedlings from suffering, install additional lamps.

Watering should be moderately only with standing water at a comfortable room temperature.

tomato solerosso f1 description


Tomato Solerosso F1 is planted in a greenhouse or open ground when the seedlings are at least sixty days old. Sprouts of good quality should be strong, dense, not drooping, these will give a good harvest. If the temperature of the air and land still does not allow to plant tomato bushes, then take your time. You can wait for flowering, because the described variety, unlike others, will not reset the ovary during transplantation and continue to develop normally.

After the seedlings have been placed in a constant place of growth, it must be covered with special material or film for the night before the threat of unexpected frosts passes. For the whole season, tomatoes need to be fed and fertilized with the usual means, the number of procedures should be at least three per season.

If the roots of the plant began to "creep out" to the surface during growth and watering, then you need to rake the bush. The earth settles over time and becomes hard, so do not forget to loosen it.

tomato solerosso f1 reviews

Preparing soil for Solerosso F1

If you yourself are engaged in growing vegetables, then most likely you yourself prefer to prepare high-quality soil without spending extra money on a purchase. In order for tomatoes to develop well and bring a full crop, it is necessary to prepare nutritious soil for them.

Good soil is prepared from several parts taken in equal parts: high-quality humus, chernozem garden, peat and river sand. If possible, add some wood ash. It will help bushes to develop better, enrich the plant with calcium, magnesium and other useful substances. Ready soil should be light, well absorbing water.

Pests and diseases

As we already wrote, tomato Solerosso F1 perfectly resists various diseases. He will not undergo late blight, as it quickly ripens, and other diseases that plague tomatoes. However, young bushes may be susceptible to gray rot. Frequent loosening of the soil and moderate watering will help to avoid it.

If tomatoes are grown outdoors, then various pests can attack them. You will get rid of aphids by treating bushes and the ground with a solution of laundry soap. Decker will remove ammonia diluted in water. Tryps, a bear and many flying devourers of your tomatoes will help to kill a decoction of celandine.

tomatoes salerosso description reviews

Tomato Solerosso: reviews

As previously written, this variety has no negative qualities, therefore, there are no bad reviews about it. Gardeners write that the taste of tomatoes is simply amazing, and caring for them is primitively simple. Absolutely all are happy with early ripeness. They say that this is a great option for those people who love tomatoes so much that they can not easily wait for the season of their vegetables and spend money on store tomatoes.

To summarize, I want to say that there is only one conclusion: Tomato Solerosso F1 is worth trying to plant at least once!


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