Life and work of Tyutchev. Themes of Tyutchev

Tyutchev is one of the outstanding poets of the nineteenth century. His poetry is the embodiment of patriotism and great sincere love for the motherland. The life and work of Tyutchev is a national treasure of Russia, the pride of the Slavic land and an integral part of the history of the state.

The beginning of the life of a poet

The life of Fyodor Tyutchev began in the Oryol province on December 5, 1803. The future poet was born in a family estate called Ovstug. Fyodor Ivanovich began to receive home education, studied Latin and ancient Roman poetry. At twelve years old, the boy had already translated Horace's odes. In 1817, Tyutchev attended lectures at Moscow University (at the Department of Literature).

Tyutchev's work

The young man received a certificate of completion in 1821. Then he entered the service of the College of Foreign Affairs, he was sent to Munich. The poet returned to Russia only in 1844.

Periodization of creative periods

The first period of the work of Fedor Ivanovich Tyutchev lasts from the 1810s to 1820s. At this time, the young poet wrote his first poems, which reminiscent of eighteenth-century poetry in style.

Tyutchev's life and work

The second period originates in the second half of the 1820s and lasts until the 1840s. The poem entitled "Glimpse" is already of original Tyutchevsky character, which combines Russian odic poetry of the eighteenth century and traditional European romanticism.

The third period covers the 1850s - 1870s. It is characterized by the creation of a number of political poems and civil treatises.

Russia in the work of Tyutchev

Upon returning to his homeland, the poet holds the position of senior censor in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Almost at the same time, Fedor Ivanovich joined Belinsky's circle and was an active participant in it. Poems are so far put in a drawer, however, a number of articles in French are published. Among the many treatises there are also On Censorship in Russia, Papacy and the Roman Question. These articles are chapters to a book called "Russia and the West," which Tyutchev wrote, inspired by the revolution of 1848-1849. This treatise contains the image of the millennial power of Russia. Tyutchev describes his Motherland with great love, expressing the idea that it is exclusively Orthodox in nature. This work also presents the idea that the whole world consists of revolutionary Europe and conservative Russia.

Russia in the work of tyutchev

Poetry also takes on a slogan: “Slavs,” “Vatican Anniversary,” “Modern,” and other poems.

Many works reflect the love of nature, which is inextricable with love for the motherland. Tyutchev possessed such faith in Russia and its strong inhabitants that even his daughter wrote in letters that she could be proud of her people and that she would certainly be happy if only because she was born Russian.

Turning to nature, Fedor Ivanovich praises his Motherland, describes each dewdrop on the grass so that the reader is imbued with the same tender feelings for his land.

The poet always managed to maintain free thoughts and feelings, he did not submit to secular morality and ignored secular decency. Tyutchev's work is shrouded in love for all of Russia, for every peasant. In poems, he calls her the European "ark of salvation", but he accuses the king of all the troubles and losses of his great people.

Life and work of Tyutchev

Creative path of Fedor Ivanovich covers more than half a century. During this time, he wrote many treatises, articles, including in foreign languages. Three hundred poems created by Tyutchev are placed in one book.

Researchers call the poet a late romantic. Tyutchev’s work is of a special nature also because he lived abroad for a long time, because of this the author felt lost and alienated for many years.

nature in the work of tyutchev

Some historians and literary critics conditionally divide the life of Fyodor Ivanovich into two stages: 1820-1840. and 1850-1860

The first stage is devoted to the study of one's “I”, the formation of a worldview and the search for oneself in the Universe. The second stage, on the contrary, is an in-depth study of one person’s inner world. The main achievement of this period is called by critics "Denisyevsky cycle."

The main part of the lyrics of Fedor Tyutchev is poems that are philosophical, landscape-philosophical in nature and, of course, a love theme. The latter includes the poet’s letters to his beloved. Tyutchev's creativity also includes civil-political lyrics.

Tyutchev's love lyrics

The 1850s are characterized by the emergence of a new specific character. He becomes a woman. Love in the work of Tyutchev took on a specific shape, most of all it is visible in such works as “I knew my eyes”, “Oh, how dearly we love” and “Last love”. The poet begins to study female nature, seeks to understand her essence and comprehends her fate. Tyutchev's favorite girl is a person who is characterized by elevated feelings along with anger and contradictions. The lyrics are permeated with pain and torment of the author, there is longing and despair. Tyutchev is convinced that happiness is the most fragile thing on earth.

"Denisievsky cycle"

This cycle has another name - "love-tragedy." All poems here are dedicated to one woman - Elena Alexandrovna Denisieva. The poetry of this cycle is characterized by an understanding of love as a real tragedy of man. Feelings here act as a fatal force, which leads to devastation and subsequent death.

Tyutchev's themes of creativity

Fedor Ivanovich Tyutchev did not take any part in the formation of this cycle, and therefore there are disputes between literary critics about who the poems are dedicated to - Elena Denisieva or the poet's wife - Ernestina.

Repeatedly emphasized the similarity of the love lyrics of the Denisievsky Cycle, which is confessional, and painful feelings in the novels of Fyodor Dostoevsky. Today, almost one and a half thousand letters written by Fedor Ivanovich Tyutchev to his beloved have survived.

Nature theme

Nature in the work of Tyutchev is changeable. She never knows peace, is constantly changing and is constantly in the struggle of the opposing forces. Being in a continuous change of day and night, summer and winter, it is so multifaceted. Tyutchev does not spare epithets to describe all her colors, sounds, smells. The poet literally humanizes her, making nature so close and related to every person. At any time of the year, everyone will find features characteristic of him, in the weather he will find out his mood.

love in the work of tyutchev

Man and nature in creativity are inextricable, and therefore his lyrics are characterized by a two-part composition: the life of nature is parallel to the life of man.

The peculiarities of Tyutchev’s work are that the poet does not try to see the world around him through photographs or paints of artists, he gives him a soul and tries to discern a living and intelligent creature in him.

Philosophical motives

Tyutchev's creativity is philosophical in nature. From an early age, the poet was convinced that the world contained a certain incomprehensible truth. In his opinion, with words it is impossible to express the secrets of the universe, the text cannot describe the mystery of the universe.

He seeks answers to his questions by drawing parallels between human life and the life of nature. Combining them into a single whole, Tyutchev hopes to learn the secret of the soul.

Other themes of Tyutchev

Tyutchev's worldview has another characteristic feature: the poet perceives the world as a dual substance. Fyodor Ivanovich sees two principles constantly struggling among themselves - demonic and ideal. Tyutchev is convinced that the existence of life is impossible in the absence of at least one of these principles. So, in the poem “Day and Night” the struggle of opposites is pronounced. Here the day is filled with something joyful, vital and infinitely happy, but night is the opposite.

Life is based on the struggle between good and evil, in the case of Tyutchev’s lyrics - a light beginning and a dark one. According to the author, there is no winner or loser in this battle. And this is the main truth of life. A similar struggle takes place inside the person himself, all his life he seeks to learn the truth, which can be hidden both in its bright beginning and in the dark.

features of Tyutchev’s creativity

From this we can conclude that Tyutchev’s philosophy is directly related to global problems, the author does not see the existence of the ordinary without the great. In each microparticle he considers the secret of the universe. The philosophical lyrics of Fedor Ivanovich Tyutchev reveals all the charm of the world around us as a divine cosmos.


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